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Thursday, April 19, 2007

NO MORE DARK THOUGHTS!!!!! since me and Ja-san hav become friends, I haven't been sad or depressed at all! YAY!!!!
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

^___^ I just felt like changing it up for once, that's all. YAY!!! I CHANGED IT TO JA-SAN'S FAVORITE COLOR!
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   Catch Phrases!!
Ya' kno my catch phrase
Well, I want to change it (and kinda have) to

so, what do you think? which one do you lik better? ^_^ and it'd be great to here wat YOUR guys' catch phrases are!


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Sunday, April 15, 2007

im so fav crazy today! XDD when ever i see something i lik i fav and vote and comment! XDDD so if any of you guys want me to comment on somthin, just ask cuz im definitely in a mood to make TONS of positive comments

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

um...i hav to do a speech on the Japanese Language tomorrow so i was just wondering wat you guys think of it...


Everyone knows what that word means right? Well, just an’ case ya’ don’t, it means good afternoon.
Th’ name’s Aiyama, a girl who’s a large pain in the rear an’ has knuckle-headed opinions about everything. I’ll be going to Tokyo University soon, so I need to know at least something about the Japanese language. Since you’re going to be going to Japan, I guess we’ll learn some together…since I’m not the best at it!
The first two types of writing are called Hiragana and Katakana. Both together have a name an easier name of Kana. Hiragana is the one that is actually used to write Japanese words and adjective and verb endings while Katakana is used for foreign words, emphasis, rude words, and sound effects inside a manga.
*Pull out a paper that has samples of both Hiragana and Katakana on it*
As you can see, each symbol is different between each part of Kana. Instead of upper and lower case letters in English, they are just two completely different ways of writing. Even though it seems unnecessary to have Katakana, it’s much easier when trying to understand something written down in tons of Kanji. That way can at least try to understand it!
Well…since I’m on the subject, Kanji is not an original part of the Japanese writing system like Hiragana and Katakana. Like many other countries in Asia, Japan had adapted a Chinese writing over the centuries. These pictograms are way more com-plicated than Kana and they can be sounded out in many different ways.
Each Kanji alone will mean a certain word, but when combined with another Kanji, the sound of that syllable changes an’ the word means somethin’ absolutely different. Jeez! And what makes it worse, is there are more than 300,000 Kanji in writing… And by Junior High, all students in Japan should already know 1000 of them!
But don’t panic! I know some Kanji!
*Pull out large paper with all the Kanji I know on it and look at it oddly*
…And here’s all the Kanji I know……three.
Besides, that was the easy stuff. That’s right, the easy stuff. Now on to the more COMplicated.
After about High School, each student should know the 3000 kanji symbols needed to read books and signs and write. Some spend their whole lives memorizing all the kanji in the system. I don’t recommend doing that if ya’ wanta have some free time.
Onto more Kanji stuff! For instance, compound kanji! What it is, is when you push two kanji together to make one kanji that means somethin’ either a little bit different or completely different than th’ original Kanji. An example is th’ kanji for “tree”. If you put two of them together in a squished kinda way, then you get the kanji “wood”.
*Get another paper and show the example to everyone on a piece of medium-sized paper*
If it helps, and it only helps if you know Kana, is a thing called “Furigana”. This is a small portion of Kana writing above a Kanji t’ show how you pronounce it. I can tell you this much, trying to just read something without Furigana, is near impossible for me.
Oi, and if you thought trying to remember that was hard, try this on for size—Japanese doesn’t really have prefixes, suffixes, or past, present, and future action. They express verbs with a non-past continuing action—then there’s a tense that would describe something that has happened or was completed and an action that hasn’t been carried out.
Not only is that something you have to remember, but if you said “the snow is white”, there are two different readings an’ ways t’ say it. One is “Yuki ga siroi” and the other is “Yuki wa siroi”. Now, you might think that they both mean the same thing…but that’s wrong. “Ga” is if you’re referring to a particular bunch of somethin’, while “Wa” is for when saying it as a topic to be described or judged.
Don’t worry! I have a simple solution!
*Long Pause*
Okay, I actually don’t have an easy solution—so sue me. Now let’s get on with this elongated speech shall we?
Definitely enough with the Kanji. Let’s just say if I try to make more sense of it…it’ll make your brain hurt like mine’s doin’ right at this moment. Now I’ll try to tell you how to speak in Japanese. This is the fun part, and probably much easier to understand.
*Have a very large piece of paper and tape it to the wall with how to pronounce stuff on it and examples *
Now here we go, first of all, sentences. Japanese isn’t put in them like they are in English. It more goes “sentence-object-verb” than in a “subject verb-object”. Please don’t ask me what that exactly means…’cause I don’t really know muh-self. All I know is that th’ sentence is backwards-ish.
The Japanese alphabet includes most of our letters but not L, Q, V, or X. “L” is usually changed into an “R”, “X” usually altered into a “Z”, and “Vs” replaced with a “B”. Each syllable is either a consonant and a vowel, just a vowel, or in one case, the letter “N”.
*Motion to pronunciation paper*
Now, for most syllables they only have one way of speaking it. Which, makes everything all the easier. To start out, the vowels—“A” is said with an “ahh” sound like in the word father and “I” as in machine with the sound of “E”. For “U” it’s pronounced like in recuperate. “E” is like when saying net and “O” is always said just like when you say “oh”.
Then there’s “Tsu”, “Fu”, and the letters “G”, “R”, “S”, an’ “N”. “Tsu”, as you just heard, are always pronounced as in “Tsunami” while “Fu” sound more with a “who” sound than an “F” sound. That one’s even hard for me. Gs, Rs, Ss, and Ns are faster to learn. Gs are always as in “GO” not “AGE”, Rs kinda rolled like how I say Naruto, Ss always sound like Ss never a Zs, and Ns are pretty much the same as in English but when it occurs before a “B”, “P”, or “M” it sounds more like an “M”.
The only syllables that change in tone are “N”, “I” and “U”. “I” and “U” become silent between unvoiced consonants such as K, S, SH, T, CH, H, F, P, or at the end of a word, for example, instead of saying “How’s it going” as Ikaga desU ka, ya’ say Ikaga deSu ka.
For the last thing—long vowels. Some words have a long vowel sound in ‘em. To make a long vowel they either put another of the same vowel next to it, or when using an “O”, they sometimes have an “OU”. This may seem odd, but some words that sound the same are completely different from each other. Like when you say “biru” it means building and if you say “biiru” is means beer.
See? Completely different. Kinda like how Kanji can be said in diverse ways. Confusing, but if you try hard enough at it you just might get the hang of it!
And if I confused you, or you just want to ask something just raise your hand and ask. It can be pretty much anything about language. I’ll just try to the best of my ability!!
*Answer any questions*
Well, to tell you the truth, that wasn’t everything about the Japanese language. I just didn’t want to say it all because it would most likely take an hour. Anyway…
Dewa Matta!!
(See you later!)

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Friday, April 13, 2007

IMM HAPPYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The guy I lik and I are becoming awesomeness friends!!! XD
I LOV it! It's awsomes!!!
XDDDDDDD I also had too much desert last night when we went to a fancy restruant XDD

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Monday, April 9, 2007

i kno i havent postd in a while...but ne...no one cares. Anyway, I'm sad and broken. I seriously thought of suicide. I'm just so depressed...and no one seems to see it. I can't believe I'm so invisible....

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

okay, cuz pplz r gettin confused about my PERSONALITY i hav changed my colors.

~much more that i cnt list cuz there r too many of them.


:D i hav a new friend!!!!!!!!! :D
i REALLY lik him, and now hes a pretty good friend too!!!!!
and the best part is, is that HE LIKES MANGA!!!!



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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Part One~~ HUMAN
okay, im too lazy to wait to see what ppl say about a gaara story, im just gonna start, okay? tell me what you think and if i should go on. also, what was the dudes name that was lik Gaara's best friend but tried to kill him...? D: i forgot.n/e ways... hear we go! oh, and i don't hav any name for it! suggestions would be appreciated!!

Young Gaara stood on the roof of a tall, sandy building in Sunagakure. He was up there as usual, just staring into the clear night at the moon. Memories swirled in his head about this very spot, when his best friend tried to kill him, but he killed him instead. These thoughts made him care even less about everyone. Gaara remembered when his so called “friend” professed his hatred for him, blaming him for what had happened to his sister, Gaara’s mother.
He touched the red kanji tattoo on his forehead and glared at the moon. He promised himself never to care about anything or anyone but himself again.
Gaara took his hand off his head and turned around to face the sound.
This time the sound was from behind him. Turning around again, he saw small black zori in the moonlight before a shadow, the rest of the person hidden in darkness.
Another sound from behind him. This time, he only moved his eyes, but when he back, the feet were gone.
"Hmehe...!" came a young girl’s voice. Gaara turned around again, to see the silhouette of a small body, only a bit small than his. She was sitting on the edge of the building, her legs off the edge.
Tff. Tff. Tff. He could hear her feet hitting the side of the sandy building.
"What do you want," Gaara said emotionlessly, even though he was a bit curious how she had gotten over there without his knowing it.
She had her back straight, but she didn’t respond for awhile before saying happily, "...Nothing! I just love looking at the moon. It reminds me that I’m not the only lonely person in the world."
"‘Lonely person?’" I repeated, knowing the words.
"Yeah...I’m an orphan. No family." She turned around and smiled sweetly at Gaara. "Just like you."
Gaara just stared at her in disbelief. Then he looked away. "I do have a family..." He had never had that reaction from anyone before only from one person and he had hated him anyways.
Flipping her whole body around, she hopped up and walked a bit closer to him. She folded her hands lightly behind her back and still smiled, but this time sadly. "Yeah, I guess you do...but you don’t really think of them as that do you? They always give you a bad look."
For some reason, what this girl was saying, it made Gaara angry. Clenching his fists, he turned his face back to her, rage flowing through this eyes; his blood red hair raising into the hair from invisible static; sand rising up from behind him. "Why are you looking at me that way?!" he said less coolly than he meant. His voice held misery and fire.
She let her smile drop, her eyes finally being seen, as she cocked her head. "Why not? You seem like a nice person."
Gaara’s voice went into a dark, fiery whisper, "Do you even know what I am? Why I am so alone?"
She put her small index finger to her mouth and looked up at the sky then back down to Gaara. "Of course I know what you are."
He clenched his fists even harder. "Then why do you--"
She stuck her finger out at him and said, "I’m not finished. You got to let me say all that I’m going to say before you try to say something back okay?"
"Fine," Gaara huffed, naturally showing irritation for the very first time someone told him off. He folded his arms across his chest.
She gave a quick smile. "Okay, I know what you are, but seems no one else in Suna seems to know."
"What are you talking about...?"
She held out her finger again and smiled, her bright emerald green eyes shining in the moonlight, her short yellow hair flowing slightly in the breeze. Her entire outfit was the same as Gaara’s just black.
"Easy...you’re human."
"No. Whatever anyone else says is wrong. I know you have a demon inside of you. I know everyone hates you. But whatever they think, it doesn’t matter. Just because you have a demon inside doesn’t mean that’s the actually you. All it means is that you have power many other people would die for. That’s why I smile at you."
Gaara stared at her, and smiled a crooked smile because he hadn’t in a very long time.
She cocked her head sideways and smiled happily at him. "You’re human..." she said, everything getting darker until everything was black, "...no matter what anyone says."

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before i talk about wat im going to talk about im gonna hav to say WTF?! im pretty sure i want sum comments on my Summary for my story!!!!!!!!!!!! *smashes things in rage*

anyway, i MIGHT be making a Gaara fanfic where...well...i can't really tell you except that wen he was little he had met a girl then wen hes older he tries to find her...thats it. i can't tell you anymore.

...so should i make this story ??

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