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myOtaku.com: CriesOfChimera

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Part One~~ HUMAN
okay, im too lazy to wait to see what ppl say about a gaara story, im just gonna start, okay? tell me what you think and if i should go on. also, what was the dudes name that was lik Gaara's best friend but tried to kill him...? D: i forgot.n/e ways... hear we go! oh, and i don't hav any name for it! suggestions would be appreciated!!

Young Gaara stood on the roof of a tall, sandy building in Sunagakure. He was up there as usual, just staring into the clear night at the moon. Memories swirled in his head about this very spot, when his best friend tried to kill him, but he killed him instead. These thoughts made him care even less about everyone. Gaara remembered when his so called “friend” professed his hatred for him, blaming him for what had happened to his sister, Gaara’s mother.
He touched the red kanji tattoo on his forehead and glared at the moon. He promised himself never to care about anything or anyone but himself again.
Gaara took his hand off his head and turned around to face the sound.
This time the sound was from behind him. Turning around again, he saw small black zori in the moonlight before a shadow, the rest of the person hidden in darkness.
Another sound from behind him. This time, he only moved his eyes, but when he back, the feet were gone.
"Hmehe...!" came a young girl’s voice. Gaara turned around again, to see the silhouette of a small body, only a bit small than his. She was sitting on the edge of the building, her legs off the edge.
Tff. Tff. Tff. He could hear her feet hitting the side of the sandy building.
"What do you want," Gaara said emotionlessly, even though he was a bit curious how she had gotten over there without his knowing it.
She had her back straight, but she didn’t respond for awhile before saying happily, "...Nothing! I just love looking at the moon. It reminds me that I’m not the only lonely person in the world."
"‘Lonely person?’" I repeated, knowing the words.
"Yeah...I’m an orphan. No family." She turned around and smiled sweetly at Gaara. "Just like you."
Gaara just stared at her in disbelief. Then he looked away. "I do have a family..." He had never had that reaction from anyone before only from one person and he had hated him anyways.
Flipping her whole body around, she hopped up and walked a bit closer to him. She folded her hands lightly behind her back and still smiled, but this time sadly. "Yeah, I guess you do...but you don’t really think of them as that do you? They always give you a bad look."
For some reason, what this girl was saying, it made Gaara angry. Clenching his fists, he turned his face back to her, rage flowing through this eyes; his blood red hair raising into the hair from invisible static; sand rising up from behind him. "Why are you looking at me that way?!" he said less coolly than he meant. His voice held misery and fire.
She let her smile drop, her eyes finally being seen, as she cocked her head. "Why not? You seem like a nice person."
Gaara’s voice went into a dark, fiery whisper, "Do you even know what I am? Why I am so alone?"
She put her small index finger to her mouth and looked up at the sky then back down to Gaara. "Of course I know what you are."
He clenched his fists even harder. "Then why do you--"
She stuck her finger out at him and said, "I’m not finished. You got to let me say all that I’m going to say before you try to say something back okay?"
"Fine," Gaara huffed, naturally showing irritation for the very first time someone told him off. He folded his arms across his chest.
She gave a quick smile. "Okay, I know what you are, but seems no one else in Suna seems to know."
"What are you talking about...?"
She held out her finger again and smiled, her bright emerald green eyes shining in the moonlight, her short yellow hair flowing slightly in the breeze. Her entire outfit was the same as Gaara’s just black.
"Easy...you’re human."
"No. Whatever anyone else says is wrong. I know you have a demon inside of you. I know everyone hates you. But whatever they think, it doesn’t matter. Just because you have a demon inside doesn’t mean that’s the actually you. All it means is that you have power many other people would die for. That’s why I smile at you."
Gaara stared at her, and smiled a crooked smile because he hadn’t in a very long time.
She cocked her head sideways and smiled happily at him. "You’re human..." she said, everything getting darker until everything was black, "...no matter what anyone says."

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