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myOtaku.com: CriesOfChimera

Monday, May 28, 2007

   Ow... >.
itai...i hurt my right wrist aftr i fell playing soccer with my brother. it doesnt hurt that much, meaning its not a sprain, but it could be broken or something. -_- thats why writing this is taking FOREVER. at least i can still draw; im lefthanded, ne. i really kinda hope its broken...i seriously always wish id break a bone, but it never happens.
anyway, yeah. otherwise im totally fine right niw, except i hav to write a really stupid play for reading. U-U its so dumb...I hav to write the whole play, an everyone else in my group only has to read it. so retarded.
Q: hav you ever been in a group project and ppl expected U to do the creativity evn tho u didnt want to? oh, AND that u practically had to do everything while no one else did anything?


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