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myOtaku.com: CriesOfChimera

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Just an Update~!
Well, yep. Update! ^^;; I haven't been updating very much. And I'm can't seem to be able to get to people's sites very often anymore either. D: Stupid school. I thinkies I'll start the update. ^^ Be warned, cuz this might be a long one!!

Okay, so school has been okay, sometimes boring, but good all the same.
In Math we just started using laptops, and we're one of the only math classes who uses the laptops. So now my friends are jealous cuz I get to use al laptop during Math xD
In PE we're playing a really fun game called crab soccer. I don't know how to explain it without having to give you a diagram, but to sum it up you hav to crab walk in this large square where a gigantic yoga ball is. You hav to kick it over another teams goal (each side of the square is a team's goal). Oh, and the team is in FRONT of the goal, so they can push it away. xD The game is really tiring but so much FUN~! Yeah, and Tuesday we had to go to the weight room, which wasn't that bad since I so totaly pwn doing squats while holding 45lbs. xD I'm like the stongest girl in my PE. X] tho I STILL can't do push-ups... (hate them!)

Oh and then next Friday there the Homecoming dance. I don't know if I want to go or not though. On one hand, I know a lot of my friends are going and for once I probably wont be left alone like usual, but on the other hand I always get depressed during dances and just sit somewhere the entire time, about to cry. And don't forget the fact that like always when I'm down in the dumps and about to have a mental breakdown no one ever notices. Ever. This is why I hate ppl. That I don't talk to on the computer. I KNOW you guys can't always be there for me. Cuz I can only talk to you on the comp. So I don't know why I should do...go to the dance with me friends and most-likely get all depressed and just sit there hating my life, and not being able to get away from it, or, sit at home that "big night" alone on the computer WITHOUT having to get all heartbroken and not go out? Plz help me. I don't know what to do. :[

I really don't know what else to say actually... >> I'm not sure there's much more to update about...

...and I just thought of more updates...

Well, another thing is that I HATE emo jokes. No, not in general. More like people keep calling me emo and it fucking pisses me off. Especially Zoey, this new girl from Virginia. At first she seemed pretty kool and then she started getting annoying by saying that I said I hated her. I don't god dammit. I maybe now I do. She's putting words in my mouth that I never said. And I can't forget the fact that she wisecracked that I was being in a pissy mood cuz I "wanted attetion" and was being "emo". That bitch. Oh, AND she still owes Ja-san money, but won't pay him back. She's such an ass and bitch and anything else I can't think up right now. She's starting to get on my nerves quite a lot. gawd -_____- So don't go crackin Emo jokes about me. Trust me, I will try down dying ass and beat the shit outta you. =] But you don't have to worry about that for the fact that I trust you guys not to do any such thing.

Okay, onto something different...

It's really weird. @__@ Some Popular guys actually TALK to me. No. Seriously. It's weird. See, like last year none of them would have ever given me a single glance. @________@ Tis weird. Very, very weird. I want to know what you guys think of that. Oh, and the ones that talk to me like anime x] I want to know what you guys think about this, cuz I'm at a complete loss. ._.

If anyone's reading this part, thank you for reading that very long post~! *glompith yous* I'm glad you gave me the time of day. =] And just one more thing, I'm redoing my site. So far I've just gotten the BG done (which the BG is AWESOMENESS~!) and the icon. And later I'll work on the profile -______-' I'm too lazy to do it right now, and the fact that it's almost my bedtime. But for sure I'm leaving my poem in my profile.


To the questions~!

1)How has been you week?
2)What's your least-liked class?
3)Should I go to the Homecoming? Or should I just stay home?
4)What do you think about the random Populars talking to me? @_@ Tis very strange...
5)x] What time is it? (Had to ask that at least once~!]
6)What is your favorite subject?

Thanks for stopping by~! Oh, and I'll be putting up a whole bunch of pictures soon, so watch out for them~!!!!! *glompith you all*

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