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myOtaku.com: CriesOfChimera

Monday, December 31, 2007

   Happy New Year's Eve Everyone!
Everyone ready to act like five-year-olds on a 10-pound candy high?! Everybody ready to watch a whole ass-load of anime and get off your un-crazy-making meds?! GOOD! Cuz I am! >:D

So now for a completely random and probably LONG update, lol. I'm so completely mentally hyper at the moment I can seriously just write FOREVER! WHOO! Well, yeah, I could, but I won't. XD I'll post each news/event-thingie seperately so tis easier to read. :O

Well, first off, it seems my getting deleted from Neko.Lover's list was a complete mistake! HOORA!!! *glomps Neko* I completely forgive you Neko-chan! ^_^ I'ma very understanding person even though I don't usually seem it! xD And you don't need to say sorry anymore. One sorry's enough for me!

We finally got my cat, Cil (pronounced Sill) fixed. 0_0' I was hoping we wouldn't so maybe she had a chance of having kittens. -,-,'' Also, it seems as though even when it's winter she shedding everywhere. ^^; Just giving her one small pat makes hair fly everywhere. Though, it could be just the fact that we can't let her outside until the stitches are removed...

Ja-san came over the 23rd. :O It was really fun, though I almost fell asleep on the couch while he was playing games on the computer... One thing that was odd though, was the fact that I was wishing the computer wouldn't work so he wouldn't be able to spend the whole time on there. And it kinda happened too! He wanted to get on the internet, and it wasn't working! o.< But, the next day it WAS working. Weird huh? It was really fun though... xD I won against him in ping-pong, and then we started smacking the ping-pong balls around the room trying to hit each other with them. I ran into a different room, and when I was running out of it to get away, he was already right there. He scared the CRAP out of me, and I fell over laugh hysterically. He was completely confused about that. xD

4)I finally seem to be getting out of my drawer's block, at least a little bit. I've been having it since about October... -,_-,' Though, I can really only draw chibis at the moment for some reason. Haha.

5)So how was everyone's Christmas(holiday)? ^^ Mine was great. I got some great stuff and I loved giving what I did. It made people from my family happy. Although, I wanted to get Ja-san something for Christmas, but I didn't know what... -.-;; Guys are really hard to buy for, y'know? It really matters what are their interests to get the right thing. Unlike girls, where you can get the jewelry and they're happy. Even I like necklaces and I'm a tomboy. It just depends on how we girls dress to what kind of jewelry to get us. Seriously.

6)Oh, you know what I find oh-so-cute? Well, when a guy helps you pick out a Christmas gift for your mom (a type of jewelry) and is proud of it and starts showing it to everyone saying he helped pick it out. Yes, Ja-san did that. Me, him and the youth-group went to the mall, and my dad had given me money for a gift for my mom. And my mom really like the bracelet he help pick out. Lol. Yeah, and when we were at the mall we stuck together it was really fun, even though I got stuck in a video-game store for about an hour-and-a-half while he was standing there playing on the sample Wii they had. x-x It killed me since it was RIGHT before we were going to go eat.
After we ate and everything (I paid :D) we went to go ice-skating. Both of us were going to pay for our own tickets. And it was weird cuz just as he was about to buy his ticket I thought, 'wouldn't that be a surprise if he also bought my ticket?' Well, he looked at me for a second and asked for "two tickets". TWO. Holy shit was I shocked, I couldn't even speak. Well, and what made it even MORE confusing was seeing my friend Justin there. @_@ I was once again speechless cause I was so confused....

7)Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you what I got for Christmas huh? Well, I'll just tell the most awesome ones. AND, I want to know what were YOUR top-ten fave gifts YOU got. These will go in order of least greatness to most greatness...

10* These awesome, extremely colorful toe-socks I got from my aunt and uncle. I've been wanting some socks like that, so that's why they're in my top-ten!
9*Bookstore giftcards! I got two of them, but they're staying in the same place. :O And it's kinda funny but at the moment I can't find the gift cards. xD
8* I got a watercolor set from a cousin, but it's not that high on the list cause I can't really watercolor for my life at the moment but I'm going to try... |O
7* These really nice headphones that block out sound. I can hook them up to the comp and my mp3, so that way I don't have to turn the volume up really high.
6* This really awesome bag I got from my cousin Lindsey, and some sketchbooks. I'll need to show you what the bag looks like. :P Tis AWESOME!
5* An acryllic painting set, with about 12 different acryllic paint colors. ._. I've never had them before, and never bought them because they're so dang expenseive!
4* A set of 48 Prismacolor Preimer colored pencils!! 0_0 I was so extremely surprised when I got them from one of my aunts on Christmas I about keeled over! I love those colored pencils!
3* The Xbox 360 my bro and I got. :P Gotta love the Xbox 360
2* I got one of those conputer-pad-things to where you can use a pen or pencil on the comp or something like that. It's called Bamboo Fun and it cam with a photoshop! And, yes, this comes before the 360!! But~~it will NEVER come close to #1!
1* And the best gift I got for X-mas: HALO 3! You've noticed the profile and layout change, right? I'm obsessed with Halo, and it's MY game! Also, yes, this gift comes before the Xbox 360 any day!

So now my questions to you after an EXTREMELY long post! Good thing I don't post all that often! Lol.

1~What were your top-ten (or five) fave gifts you got during the holidays?
2~How've you been?
3~Didja miss me! ;D
4~How do you like the song "Cheer Up Emo Kid"? (Tis below)

And here's gotta be the most PWNAGE emo song in the entire world! Enjoy!

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