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Monday, November 27, 2006

I actually got a request done by CheekiSquirrel! :D I'm so happy! And it looks exactley the way I wanted it to be also! >3< I just cant hold in my excitement! I must make something for her now! :O Sakura awaaaaaaaaaay!
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Monday, November 13, 2006

Enter Text Here
Personally, I think that Gendou.com is the best place on the internet to get all the anime music you could possibly want. I do admit though that there is no InuYasha music for some reason :/
Well...*cough*...anyways, thats all I have to say. Just spreading the word of a great anime music site :)
www.gendou.com GO THERE NOW! XP

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Saturday, November 4, 2006

Camera madness
Well, I really REALLY want to get my cosplay posted but sadly I havent gotten all my halloween pics developed so It'll have to wait...I'm ticked off though because after I slaved over my brother's Riku coustume for a week, he comes home from trick-or-treating and the pants are D-E-S-T-R-O-Y-E-D!!!! *sob* I spent so much time making them!! *sob sob* So I beat him up :)
Although, I did post a cosplay from last halloween as me as Edward Elric from FMA. I only have one pic though because thats the only one I can find for now...>_>;;;
Anyways...new fanart up. please comment or even vote if you must.

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Healing at last
Well. I have indeed decided to break up with my internet boyfriend. I typed up a very long and heartfelt reply to him today to give to my friend, to give to him (hell of a run-on sentance O_o) I'm hoping that I wont get a negative answer from him...but either way I dont plan on replying. I plan on erasing him from my life completely.
On a happier note: Happy friday everyone. Next week is halloween!! Really looking foreward to it too. I'm cosplaying as Yuna from Final Fantasy 10 this year. I made the whole thing myself so look foreward for some new cosplays :3. Also, my little brother is cosplaying as Riku and apparentley I spent more time making his coustume rather than mine. I'll also be posting that VERY soon. It seems like my life is starting to look up.
Have a good weekend!

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

For a year now I have been online dating a boy in Texas through a mmorpg game called "Illutia". Just last month he confessed to me over the net that he loved me, then a couple weeks later I managed to call him on my cellphone and we had a good talk. Aparentley my mother found out about it, sent me to a shrink, and put me on absolute internet lock down. AOL does not permit me to be on longer than an hour, I have to have all the sites I go to checked by my mom before I can enter them, and I cant e-mail anyone. My friend has been telling him what has been going on the whole time through e-mail to keep him updated.
Just last week I told my friend to e-mail him asking him that I wanted to break up and his relationship with me was hurting me. My friend came back with a reply the next day saying that he would never break up with me until I was truly gone...I dont know what to do. I dont want to hurt him, but seriousley. If I keep this up, I'm only gunna be more screwed in life. I'll probobly not be permitted to use internet or my cellphone until I move out. I'll be given guilt trips every day (still happens...) about how I'm betraying my mom's trust on the internet. Not only that but I dont really have feelings for him anymore.
My heart is being torn two ways. I want to go out with another guy at my school, but at the same time I want to keep this guy in Texas happy and not hurt him.
My friend is giving me guilt trips too on how I should stay with him. Wich doesnt really makes sence because he lives in Texas and I'm in Michigan. How can I keep a solid relationship with him if every day I have to tell my friend to give him messages and I cant truly talk to him myself?! It makes me snap every night when I think about it...I just want him to go away...I dont want to worry about him anymore...I'm sorry...I dont love him anymore...If I tell my friend that, she'll tell him and then he will be sad and then my friend will make me feel bad about it. I cant stand getting all this guilt trips from my friend on how much he loves me and stuff.
What should I do...?

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Saturday, October 21, 2006

I hate competition, I hate competing even more
Yesterday was my Highschool's well awaited football game of "Midland vs Dow High". Since I arrived late, I sat on the hill on the right hand side of the bleachers over looking the stadium below. Two of my middle school friends were sitting there also. The only reason I came was to see my crush in the marching band, and go with my friend (who wasnt there aparentley...).
During half time I went to get a drink from a concession stand, and it turns out when I got back, the two girls I was sitting with were giggling and laughing amungst themselves. It turns out they had gone up to my crush and told him that they both liked him. Announcing to them that I liked him as well, both exploded on me saying things like: "Well have you liked him ever since 6'th grade?!" and "Well your this and that he wouldnt go out with you actually.". For their information I had replied to them "Excuse me but he was my homecoming date.". Turns out it didnt matter, those two have decided to go on an all-out-war with me over this guy. Wich ruined my entire time at the game.
I want to tell him how I feel about him, or ask him out but with those two retards telling him that they also like him will ruin the moment. He'll just think that I'm just another girl that likes him and he wont care...

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Like a bucket of burning coals
People like their names being heard. People like being complimented also. Next time the person you hate walks by, go up to them and compliment them. Tell them how nice they look today or how you like their attitude at the moment. Even if they shun you or turn you down, they will remember that. THEY WILL. And the next time they make fun of you or think about making fun of you, they will remember what you said to them. And they will feel terrible.
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

As a scan through this site and see the few talented artists on here, I have come to notice that it is only their sites and homepages that people comment and sign their guestbook on. If one of them posts a depressed blog then people will swoon to them and say things like "oh I understand, but it'll get better" or "omg, I totally know how you feel" to try and make them feel better. But if its just the regular otaku who isnt that good at drawing, or snappy e-cards or whatever, noone would care to talk to them or get to know them. NO. Heaven forbid. They must go make themselves known with the "big ones" so they can become popular. Surprising how you not only find this in real life, but on the internet as well. Just goes to show how much you people blow and not care.
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Monday, October 16, 2006

   Its funny...
What you always want in life, you arent garunteed to get it. What you always work for, you arent garunteed to get the best outcome. What you need will always be provided though. NO more, NO less. Kind of like a girl longing for someone to love her. The boy may say hello every now and then, but he never really stops to get to know her. She may muster all the strength she has to ask him out, but he may not say yes. Her friends will hold her hand as she goes through her troubles or hard times, but they will never really give her the love she truly desires.
Then one day she finds a boy who will love her. Someone who will take care of her, and understands her completely. But he is taken away, and the girl is left again with friends who can only comfort her. Thus again leaving her alone once more.

Sorry about that...I just need to ramble right now...

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Friday, September 29, 2006

well today at school breakfest, my homecoming date came up to me and said that his parents made "other" plans for him the day of homecoming and said that he wouldnt be able to come with me this year...I guess my excitment was worked up for nothing and I'm spending the day being dateless the day before homecoming...and crying
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