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Saturday, September 3, 2005
HELLO PEEPS! Got my hair do! Yeah and I am FUNKY FRESH!!! Wheee *runs around happy* Mom was screaming cause I am helped with HTML and CSS today ^^ Yeah what will she ever do without me? Well she better not see this post >> << ------- Finding the truth to it all..
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Friday, September 2, 2005
Well my Mom's friend is coming over on Saturday! Her name is Rose and she lived in Japan for SIX years O.O I can now learn Japanese without hasel! Whooo! YEAH! WAIII!! Anyways, I'm happy she's coming we get's to see her wittle baby boo ^^ Haha, just being weird like always! Anyways have a nice time with life bye for now! ------- Finding the truth to it all..
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
Well nothing really new just the people outside working on our yard is being noisy as EVER! *throws donuts at the people* BE GONE KANVES! *runs as they chase her* Noooo REN HELP ME!!! Hahaha, well I swam yesterday and I'm ganna get a new hair do! Ganna layer my hair then add some funky fresh highlights! Yesh, now just gatta find a nice place to get that done! Hopefully ganna get my hair do on Saturday or Friday! I went shopping yesterday and my mom bought me the cutest things! I love my mom so much and the things she does for me that I can't explain the much thanks I can never say since I can never find words for the many thank yous. ------- Finding the truth to it all..
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Monday, August 29, 2005
Well mom is coming home and I stayed up allnight and then forced myself to go sleep at 5:34 a.m. in the morning. I feel cranky and also a little happy. I'm ganna take a nap later but I have to clean. I have so many things to do today >.< I'm so sore and tired! I was sitting on the floor with my Mom's laptop on my lap and my butt went all numb and later it started to get all sore and so when I woke up like at 11:00 a.m. my lower half was sore I could barely move. I also went swimming teh other day and I had fun! There was this girl who would play with my lil sis and I asked if she and my sis wanted to dive for these small little toys and she shook her head no, talk about snobby, No not cause I didn't get what I want she acted pretty mean towards me froawning and sticking her tongue at me! That little freak of nature! My darker self (Dark personality) sorta came over me and I wanted to hurt that little girl badly! But alas I couldn't do anything anyways since I'd have tons of guys chasing me around the pool cause they're trying to protect the girl.. She acted pretty much like Ashley who is a rich girl and blames her mother for everything. And when i mean rich, Dell PC, loads of clothes, Pink iPod and one of those never cell phones. And just to say Ashley wasn't the shaprest knife in the drawer, she couldn't take a joke and also she hates me, why? Cause for who I am, I told her I was one of those people and she said "Like a goth?" and I said yeah and so she took her cell phone and called her friends up and she also added I was a Satanic worshiper and I couldn't be trusted >:o Ashley may look all beautiful and cute on the outside but on the inside if she doesn't like who or what you are then she makes these rumors about you and not to mention she'll keep her space from you and curse you to hell with her dark brown eyes. ------- Finding the truth to it all..
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
Oh heyyy!
I found out that they are adding new shows on cartoonnetwork! Thank You God *light comes from sky* Well I can't wait for Yu-Gi-Oh GX and all classic Naruto! Sounds pretty cool to me ^_^ Well nothing really happened but we went to the Zoo! It was soooo F.U.N!! I loved it! But, my fun was ruined when we went into this cage where you could see birds my sister found this small pond where it came out of this small opening that came out from under the cage and my sister (of course) stuck her hand in the water with the bird poop and what did she DO?! I turned my back making this disgusted face cause it wzs nasty what she did and then she wiped her hands on my back I was shuddering and fuming, "WHY?! JEEZ! YOU NASTY LITTLE BRAT!" and she started to laugh and I just took a shower last night and she had to do that?! Ugh, for some instence God hates me at times. ------- Finding the truth to it all..
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
My profile is being worked on so plz do not mind the un-finished work! ------- Finding the truth to it all..
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Monday, August 15, 2005
So bored...
Nothing to do. I wwant to make wallpapers but my Mom's graphic designer is a no brainer... I would do so much stuff I weren't tired and sleepy... ------- Finding the truth to it all..
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Friday, July 29, 2005
I met the nicest guy! OMg, his voice is SO H.O.T! No seriously, I swear it is! My freinds and I have fallen for him, not like love more like crush and "PLEASE BE MY BOYFRIEND!" I wonder who'll score the boy and who'll get the boot. ------- Finding the truth to it all..
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
I have a new craze for Gackt, Hide and Shinya ^^ Especially Shinya! Shinya, I heart him dearly. Wish he and I could talk but I dun kno much japanese and I would prolly get kill just going to see him, I heard the bodygaurds there for the BIG Jap bands gaurd their people with their whole body and soul... Or is that just be afriad to say "I hate men BIIGER than me." Hey, I'm pretty small so dun make fun of the short ppl!
Shinya.. *sighs romanticly*
 ------- Finding the truth to it all..
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
My friends Ami, Luna and I were trying to make a movie like the grudge ^^ I was the grudge lady since I have long black hair and not pale skin >> But the movie sucked eggs! My friend Luna kept laughing everytime I made that eerie noise, Dork >> ------- Finding the truth to it all..
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