Website Click Here Yahoo! Messenger DragonInuyasha
Birthday 1993-02-24 Gender
Female Location Phillipines Member Since 2005-02-27 Occupation Being with my gang L.A.K Real Name Raku but known as L.A.K
Anime Fan Since 6 or 7 I first watched Sailor Moon.. Favorite Anime Look at my site ^^ Goals To live alone and to live life happy? Hobbies Being an anime Otaku, computer nerd, drawing, having sleepovers. Oh did I mkention drooling over Yaoi doujinshi and fanfics? Talents Layout designing and drawing, CG and having split pesonalities CrimsonMoons
Friday, May 20, 2005
Well I'm ganna be gone fore today and tommarow cause of a sleepover at a friend's house! And I'm having loads of summer vacation free time and to chill with my girls!