Website Click Here Yahoo! Messenger DragonInuyasha
Birthday 1993-02-24 Gender
Female Location Phillipines Member Since 2005-02-27 Occupation Being with my gang L.A.K Real Name Raku but known as L.A.K
Anime Fan Since 6 or 7 I first watched Sailor Moon.. Favorite Anime Look at my site ^^ Goals To live alone and to live life happy? Hobbies Being an anime Otaku, computer nerd, drawing, having sleepovers. Oh did I mkention drooling over Yaoi doujinshi and fanfics? Talents Layout designing and drawing, CG and having split pesonalities CrimsonMoons
Saturday, June 11, 2005
*smiles* I am a gud role player!!
Hahaha, hey I just stayed up till 3 a.m. lastnight rpin' with my friends! Ish was fun ^_^
we acted like drunken Monkies when the rp was about Kingdom Hearts! I love KH! It rocks!!