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myOtaku.com: CrissWheeler

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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vashluver (06/07/04)

hiya! i have been so busy havent had a chance to stop by! luv your site ! its sooo kewl!joey wheeler is funny! he roks! well im gunna friend u!laters

Ranefea (05/23/04)

hi. just dropping by to say hello ^_^ i just saw where you signed mine. i'm gunna add you as a friend, ok?

Neo Carey (05/11/04)

iv been ocupied with exsams {they suck} latly an it's been awhile since i been on this site an it's probably been awhile since you signed my book but anyway nice to have you abord i missed you a few times on my chat box but i'll try to keep in touch
PS also added you as a friend.

Satomi14 (04/28/04)

Heheh! I understand you completely! Most of my friends are guys. Of the whole, like, 7 I've got. ^_^; Thanks for stopping by too! I'm gonna add you as a friend. ~Ja!

cowboysean (04/21/04)

I love Yu-Gi-Oh too. I am madly in love with JOey's sister and Tea. Wanna be friends?? I'll put you as one of mine

kagome47 (04/18/04)

hey you have a cool site! I like your choice of colors!! Well I'll see you later!!!

Marik2112 (04/16/04)

Thanks for signing my GB!!! ^-^


carolinekaiba (04/12/04)

i can tell that u like joey wheeler^_^ thats so cute!!!! joey is very cool but my heart belongs to Seto Kaiba (which means that u get joey^_^) i added you as a friend too^_^

wanderingspirit (04/04/04)

Hi! I'm new and looking for friends, drop by my site if you want. I like your colors.

vans freak (03/30/04)

Hey thanks for the comment, what did you men by drawing him in vans shoes? Are you drawin him? Please email me, sign my gb, and let me know if you would like a request.

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