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| CrystalMaker
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Friday, May 6, 2005
Um, I don't really have much to say... it's Friday right? That's always good! Yeah... Party On! (That's all I can think of to say, how sad -_-).
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Monday, May 2, 2005
I don't know where I heard it but there's this saying that goes: "Friends are people you can be quiet with."
I'd have to say that there's some level of truth to that. What do you think?
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Name Calling
Tell me what you think of this? I've decided when I'm older and live on my own (I pray to God for that to be soon) that I'm going to get 3 cats.
A black cat that I'll name Friday, a white cat (NOT Persian) that I'll name Thirteen, and a Siamese cat that I'll name Lucky!
I thought that'd be pretty funky but my sister disagrees. Apparently you can't name a pet of any kind after a day of the week OR a number.
So I say, screw her, she doesn't like cats anyways so why would I care about her opinion in naming one?!!
What do you think?
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Check the Deepness, man.
I've just been given this lil' book of poems and inspirational sayings from a friend of mine, who thought I could get more use out of it than she could. Boy was she RIGHT! Some of the stuff in it is kind of like you read it then just have this queer look on your face as you think "Right...?" But some of it is really cool. I especially like this one poem by William Blake. It didn't have a title or anything but this is how it goes:
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
........................ How cool is that! It like, so deep man. Can you just, like, feel the Deepness of it? Cause it's there man. No but seriously, I thought this was really inspiring. I'll put up a few more I like too, in the near future.
Ciao, S.C.
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
You know what I saw on the weekend that I haven't seen since I was like, 8? Ferngully!! Man, now that I'm older and no longer terrified of that smog guy (though I still think he's freaky) I completely forgot how good that movie was! And it sends such a great environmental message too. *sigh* It's a great movie. Seriously though, you know the bad guy in it? Did anyone else NOT get nightmares after you saw him? I wouldn't watch that movie for years because I was petrified of that dude! *sniffle* He scared me so.
Luv ya, S.C.
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Monday, April 11, 2005
AoD Pic
Right so... some time after I wrote the AoD poem it inspired me to draw a related pic. It's not exactly Angel of Death, more like Angel of Darkness (she doesn't have the flaming sword). I guess as soon as I can find it in the storage room I laughingly call a bedroom I'll put it up too. Then maybe that'll inspire me to draw one of the actual AoD from the poem. Yeah, I already have a pretty good idea of what she'll look like in my head. K, I'm really tired sooo... G'night all. S.C. luvs ya!
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Friday, April 8, 2005
You know what today is?
That's right! It's Friday! Yaaaaah! W00t! And do you know what that means? It means I put up my first poem and see if I get any response out of you! *squints* I know you're out there, I can just barely see you! Right, enough jabbering, on with the show, poem... whatever. Remember to be polite and kind and nice and TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! Thanks, luv ya! ^_-
A. o. D.
Known quite well,
in Heaven and Hell,
she is the Angel of Death.
With ebony wings,
and skull bone rings,
she is the Angel of Death.
A chill fog appears,
whenever she nears,
this blood-clad Angel of Death.
With eyes of cold flame,
and her sword lit the same,
she is the Angel of Death.
Destruction lies in her wake,
with every step that she takes,
this relentless Angel of Death.
A violent creature,
and morbid by nature,
she is the Angel of Death.
Unwelcome by the living,
but a saviour to the dying,
she is the Angel of Death.
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
That's Classy!
Huh. So I've decided to add a bit more class to this tiny lil' piece of cybernetic space that I can proudly call mine. How will I do this you may ask? Well, I'm certainly not gonna lay off on the random perversity that I may type up, nor will I stop cursing, that's my right Goddammit!! Instead, I've decided to post my sorry excuse for poems up like, once a week, one poem. Whaddya think? This way maybe more people would feel inclined to say something, anything! (hopefully constructive, though) in regards to my writing and... my typing. Yeah, so I'll start tommorrow and go from there. Hopefully someone will respond...
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
The main misconception with the Japanese dish sushi is that it is raw fish. This is stereotypical and not completely true. Just a lil' pet peeve of mine is all. For all of you that have never tried sushi because you believe it to be raw fish or consisting of raw fish, good news! You have the choice to get it relatively fish free! I say relatively because there is the ever present use of seaweed to hold the rice n stuff together, thus giving it a salty, somewhat fishy taste. Other than that though you can get Vegetarian sushi or if you don't like actual fish but don't mind crestaceans you could get ebi, which is shrimp sushi. Then there's the California Rolls (very popular) that have only advocado, cucumber and crab. MMmmmmm.... *drool* Well if you're still not convinced that just means more for me! ^_^ Though you can't say I didn't try! I'm done now. You're free to go.
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Monday, March 21, 2005
For anyone who likes police shows (not Cops though) or a good whodunit mystery. Into science and forensics n stuff, or if you just don't have anything good to watch on TV I urge you to watch CSI. It's the best!! I've become completely addicted to it, and I have no idea why!! It's just really... interesting. That and I could never turn away from a mystery until it was solved. CSI Miami is pretty good too, and CSI NY seems cool (though I have yet to see a show) but the original is the best in my opinion. Fave Characters: Grissom, he's so cool!! And wise... he's like the CSI guru. Then there's Greg, he's gotta be one of the coolest nerds I've ever seen on TV (or anywhere) not to mention he's hilarious and hot!! But don't touch him -he's mine!! *Glares at readers* Right, so if you haven't seen CSI, please do. You won't be dissapointed. Get back to me on it if you want. And please *sniff* Will somebody PLEASE sign my guestbook!! It's so empty...
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