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Sidra Foxworthy
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| CrystalMaker
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 04/07/06:
I took this quiz over again 'cause there were a bunch of questions I could answer differently on. This was the result I got. Again, pretty accurate.
Result Posted on 04/07/06:
This was a really long quiz. Good results though. Very accurate.
iframe name="Quizilla Codepastes" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="250" width="300" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowtransparency="true"
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Result Posted on 04/07/06:
What more can I say...
What is your true personality? (Brutally honest answers...(Pictures!))
  My, my aren't we a cynic? You are incredibly pessimistic. That's okay though, so am I! You have a wicked sarcastic tongue, which means you are incredibly smart--maybe not an academic genius persay, but you have a whole hell of a lot of common sense which is what really matters. You may be incredibly sarcastic but you are actually nice and have a good heart and will do the right thing, however grudgingly. You also like to read, but it's usually books like sci-fi, fantasy, or mystery. You are also probably a gamer as well. Congrats-you got the only result which I didn't brutalize and insult! Message me to tell what ya thought! (The second pic is because I thought it was really cool... lol) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/07/06:
First Lord of the Rings quiz EVER!! Of all the people to get, I never expected Frodo!
Result Posted on 01/25/06:
I'm happy with this. Not much else I can think of to say...Go Wind Adepts! W00T!
Result Posted on 01/17/06:
Result Posted on 01/17/06:
This seems about right. The quiz itself was fun to do, I'd recommend it to anyone interested (or just bored).
Result Posted on 01/16/06:
I love the pic, and the result! Fun!
Result Posted on 01/16/06:
Hmmm, bondage pants? Would I really go for that?
Result Posted on 01/16/06:
This made me laugh. Become a Shaman King 'cause I'm bored? Yeah, that sounds like something I would do.
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