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Thursday, September 1, 2005

   Death of Ferbies

Well today and last night was VERY interesting. And when I say interesting, I mean out of the ordineray interesting. I left for my friend's house (Caroline's) at 2:30 (I was suppose to get there at 2:30 but oh well) and we spent about two hours on that stupid book and I only got three chapters done. Afterwards we found three Ferbies hiding in her closet. So we turn them all one and we place them next to each other. Well after a while we got sick of "I love you!" and "WEEEE!" so when Caroline wasn't looking I grabbed one Ferbie and I went downstairs. Her father had a fireplace going and he hated the Ferbies as much as I did so we watch the little dickens burn. xD I was SOOO funny because while one of it's eyes were melting it says "I LOVE YOU!" in a really demonic voice. So for the next Ferbie I took it outside and I played a little Ferbie golf with it. hehehe, I got it right into the pool. Now, for the last Ferbie I did something reeeeeaaaaallly stupid... <.< ..... >.> .... well I grabbed the toaster and the Ferbie and put both in the pool. I plugged in the toster and threw it in with the Ferbie. xD Man did you see the sparks fly. You heard this POP!! and then there were pretty colors. Caroline came out and she was like ooOOoOOooo perdy. And then I told her that I threw her Ferbie in there with a toaster and she was like "........." It was funny as hell. Of course I had to fish the Ferbie out with the toast. The Ferbie was crisped and all the wires were fried. So after the all the Ferbies were murdered we went back to my place and slept over. We were watching random shows during the night and it was really weird. So next morning we woke up at about 7. There was nothing in the house to eat (no surprise) so we had popcorn, brownies, and chips with my special chip dip which I am highly known for. We then sat down and watched "Space Balls". Even though I saw it about 15 times it was still funny. After Space Balls we played some DDR even though my leg was killing me. We found out that my DDR Ex gives you a lower score then what you really desearved and the Heavy is like Standard on ALL the songs. B/c I was getting all perfects and good and it was giving me Ds and Cs. So we got stopped after a while and went back to her house and we played N 64 for a while and then some scrabble and we make up random works..... Yes, I did turn "fu" into "fuck" by accidnet. >.< So now I'm home again and will be going to work soon. ::sighs:: I don't want to work today... it's really hot. So anyways, now I must go have some dinner. I'm thinking about cooking up from chicken and rice.

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Wednesday, August 31, 2005


god am I hungry.... there is litterly nothing in my house... I ate the last pack of ramen yesterday. ;_; Now I'm gonna have to go look for something. Oh well, that's life. Anyways, I woke up this morning and my Adult Unit was like "Wanna do me a favor and walk the dog?" I stopped right in my tracks, turned around and went right back to bed. Yes I know it was mean but it's not my dog and I'm not walking at scruff monkey at 6 in the morning. I then woke up again at around 9 and took a nice long shower since I forgot to take one last night after work. ((it was 11, give me a break)) Last night while I was working it started to pour. I was drenched. Anyways, back to today. After my shower I got online and webt around commenting on people's pages. Some people had really strange posts. So now, it is 11:59 and I want food. So I'm going to stop and go find some before my friend Caroline calls and takes me off back to her house for a study sleep over about this stupid Pigman book.

oh yea, and I found this pic on ElvesAteMyRamen's page. I thought it was so funny so I decided to post it on mine.

AND remember that pic I had a few posts ago?? well here it is in a bigger size. WOO!!

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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

   Post Style

I changed my post style today. I was getting kinda mad at the HTML format b/c for my old post I have a scrolling text box code which worked on all my other sites but this one. So I changed it to make myself happy. So now I have this, it took my a while on how to figure it out but I finally did. But I'm still not done yet. I'm trying to add another picture on the end on
that side of my post. But when I add it on it just stretches out the whole post or it just acts as it's own text box. So I can't get it to do what I want it to do. I got frusterated after a while so I stopped experimenting and decided to work on some of my summer work. A girl in the neighborhood called wanting to know if I'd like to come over and we can do this whole study partner thing. So I said why not b/c the book is so stupid and I was about to burn it. Plus I'll get to know one of the only girls my age in the neighborhood that isn't boy crazy. ::yawns:: I'm so tired. I finally got some sleep last night but I woke up again at 6. I went downstairs to get something to eat and there wasn't anything at all. Not even a poptart. And I was really hungry since I didn't eat a lot yesterday. So I waited until lunch time to have some ramen. Well I must go and start this pathetic book. I'm so bored that I'm actually not waiting until the last moment to do this book project. Also I found this quiz that I thought was worthy of being posted.

Which Naruto Character Are You Destined To Kill? by amoretto
Your Name:
You Are From:Hidden Leaf Village
Hired To Kill:
Your Jutsu:Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu (Fire Element; Dragon Fire Technique )
Number Of Kills Today:95,361
Chakra Level:: 98%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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I've been so bored lately. I can't wait for school to start. I'm like itching to go back. But I wish I was still back in my old town, b/c I kinda feel left out when I'm in a chatroom filled with old friends and all they're talking about is what teacher's they've got and what electives. ::sigh:: stupid move.... and stupid new school that's really pathetic. I only know my homeroom teacher. They give you your locker number and class lists on the first day of school. I've heard rumors about the science and P.E. teachers. That they like looking up girl's skirts and stuff. I didn't believe until I went to school to drop something off. Another girl was there and she was wearing a really short skirt. (slut) She dropped her purse and bent down and the science teacher walked in. And low and behold, his eyes and glued to her small ass. I was like horrified and I kinda inched away while waiting for some paper work. Once I got those papers I was out of there is a split second. That guy is kinda creepy... but good thing I don't wear skirts. Well anyways, I've been very bored lately. I've beaten all the games I got for the summer and I've read all the books and manga I got. No one seems to be on since school already started for them. There is nothing good on TV execpt for September 3rd b/c they're playing the Cowboy Bebop movie on adult swim. Inner Self: "OH YEAH!" So anyways, I must go find something to cure my boredom otherwise I get destructive.... ::evil laugh::

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Sunday, August 28, 2005

   The Start of a Horrible Week

::sighs:: things just keep going down hill for me today. I swear my Adult Unit is so oblivous to life. She doesn't know that when she annoys me in the kitchen in less then a second I could grab a knife and throw it at her. Some of you may be like "How could you think such a thing?!" Well I can, so yes, consider me insane if you wish. I atleast see life for what it is. A piece of shit. So anyways, my Adult Unit was late today b/c she was watching Lassie. So I made dinner and she promised she'd clean the dishes. Well, after dinner she does upstairs to get ready for work leaving me with the dishes. So I start cleaning them and towards the end I realize there is a red tint in the water. I thought it might have been the sauce I used so I didn't pay any attention to it. So I drained the sink and I then notice red splots all over the sink. I then notice a knife hidden underneath the plastic cover and a small piece of a finger was next to it. So I look at my hand and low and behold, the tip of my pinky is gone and my hand is a bloody mess. I wash it off and to get the blood flowing I sucked on it for a few second to drain out anything that might have gotten in the cut. And right at that moment my Adult Unit walked in and screamed. I guess I didn't notice the splatter of blood on my shirt and on my face. It was priceless seeing her face but she freaked out even more when I took my pinky out of my mouth. She thought I had bitten my finger off. But I told her to calm down and that I cut myself on a knife. So I took out some papertowels and a rubber band and tied it around my pinky to stop the blood flow. While my Adult Unit tried to get her wits I went into the bathroom and I wrapped my pinky up. It was then she got the bright idea to go to the hospital. But I shrugged and pointed at the clock and said, "Look, you're late for work. Unless the doctors are going to give me a new pinky I've already done when they would have done. Plus it's just the tip. Not anywhere near the bone." Her: "Well... if it doesn't stop bleeding you better call the hospital." so she then left for work. (she trusts me too much) So anyways I'm fine now, I just check my pinky and it stopped bleeding. I'm only missing the very tip and my nail came off so it's not life threatening. Well anyways, school tis coming up next week. They were thinking about starting in October b/c they're doing constructions but now they're decided to delay the first day of school by five days. So ::shrugs:: it works for me.

oh yea, and I saw these two pics on myspace. I thought they were funny.

and the other pic kinda got smaller for some reason why... but you can still kinda see it.....

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Saturday, August 27, 2005


GAAAAAWWW!!! ::wants to pick up a knife and stab her adult unit to death:: GOD DO I HATE HER!! ::starts to shout out some horrible words:: .... ::eyes are now red and has a strange feeling she wants to blow up the world yet again:: Well I guess I should start right where I left off, icing the cake. Well the cake was perfect like always. Rich and chocolaty. I made it look all fancy which was fun/ annoying. My adult unit was just thrilled over the cake. So after cake we went to New Hope. (best place on earth) and saw State Fair which was okay. It wasn't the best play I saw. We ate dinner at this fancy place and I had some garlic cheese fries and they were very good. Anyways, afterward the play we were all sitting outside the play house and there was a bunch of kid sitting there who I knew. So I walk over and we started to talk. And we were standing infront of a recording studeo and all of a sudden the song "Lola" comes on. xD And there was about six of us singing the song at the top of our lungs. It was fun. So anyways, after that we went home. My brother was still asleep from the hospital which was fine by me. That night I got no sleep what so ever. My allergies were like "WE MUST MAKE KIM'S NIGHT A LIVNIG HELL!" so I didn't get any sleep. Also my leg started to really hurt and that was a pain. I gave up around 2 in the morning and played some ps2. Then my adult unit bursts in my room at around 10ish and she's like "LET'S GO TO THE FAIR!" and I was like "Wha??" ::drool comes out of my mouth and my eyes are all white from playing ps2:: so I get dragged to this fair.... it was worthless.... afterwards she dragged me to the book store which wasn't all too bad because I got some graphic novels. I got Hellsing, some Narutos I was missing, and the new InuYasha. So I was reading them in the car ride home while she was yapping about something stupid. (I think it was her dog) But anyways, we get home and I'm reading them and she comes back in and decides we should go to the movies. So we go to see Brothers Grimm which was pretty good. At the end of the movie I was like.... THAT IS SO INTO THE WOODS!! Anyways, now I'm going to get to the killing part. So we drive over to the mall (after a silent lunch of Panera) and we're in the video store, so of course I'm in the back surronded by the wonderful anime, well my adult unit comes up to me: "I just returned some videos I had bought so I can get about $60 worth of videos for credit. I don't see anything I like so you can get something." I was like YEEEESSSSS!! So I quickly grabbed some D.N.Angel (b/c I could never find it anywhere else) and we're standing in line waiting to check out. Now we're waiting here and waiting, and I guess she was thinking because all of a sudden: "Ya know what... I think I wanna get some Lassie... put your DVDs back and I'm gonna get Lassie." That was like ::slapped:: My mouth dropped and I was like "You have to be kidding me... LASSIE??!?!!?!" But before I could say anymore we were next in line and she got her fucking Lassie and I had to put the anime back. IT WAS NOT FAIR AT ALL!! SHE TOLD ME I COULD USE IT!! (plus it was my DVDs she was returning) SO NOW I WAS PISSED!! PISSED AS HELL!! Sorry, heck, for your faithful people out there. So she's now all happy that she got her Lassie and I felt like I had been over killed. So while we're in the parking lot she finally realized I was pissed and depressed. And she says: "Oh don't be to glum. I got you that whole bag of anime." Me: "But that was a bribe for working. I earned those fair and square by working my ass off." Her: "Well why do you like that stuff anyways? It's just worthless animex..." Me: "It's anime.." Her: "That's what I said." ::huffs and gets into car and crosses arm and pouts:: she then drives over to Home Depot to get some weed killer. So I was looking at some Venus Fly Traps which were eating some flies ((he he, isn't the animal kingdom great?)) and she disappears on me. She just walks out of the store and leaves me there. I was like "YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKIN KIDDING ME!!" I walk up to the counter and I ask the lady if I could use the phone. So I'm trying to call her cell and all of a sudden she walks back into the store. Do you want to know she came back for? She came back for a electrical outlit cover. Me:"Erm.... HELLO!! ARE YOU FORGETTING SOMEONE?!?!" Her: ::turns around:: "Oh!! Kim!! I thought you were in the car." Me: "Well now I'm going to wait in the car...." feeling like crap I go back to the car. She finally comes and she's all happy and shit. So we're driving home and I'm giving her the "I fucking hate you, I wish you would die" silence. So she puts her hand on my knee. Her: "Whats on your mind Kim?" ME: "Hm? Oh, I'm just thinking of how many ways I can commit suicide right now." Her: "Erm... okay... mind uh... telling me some...." ::five minuets later after my grusome ideas of how to commit suicide right that seconed:: Her: "Kim... are you okay?" Me: "No, you have your hand on my knee and your touching me REALLY uncomfortabole." ::she takes her hand off my knee and drives with two hands like a good driver should:: Her: "I don't see why you're so depressed over some animex.." Me: "anime." Her: "Right, over some anime. It's just violence and blood." Me: "I like violence and blood." ::huffs and silence comes over the car and suddenly she smiles:: Her: "I know what!! We can go to church tomorrow!!" Me: "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!" Her: "It'll be great!! You can tell god your problems!" It was then I had enough. We were stopped at a stop light near the house so I opened the car door and I walk out. I slam it shut and I start to walk home. Her: "What are you doing?" Me: "I'm going home. What else would I be doing??" Her: "But... you're leg, you'll hurt it more." Me: "Oh well, it's the chance I'll have to take." So I walk home the rest of the way which really wasn't that far. So I get home before her and I'm sitting up in my room reading some of my manga. She knocks on my door. Her: "Can I come in?" Me: "It's your house so do I have a choice?" She comes in Her: "Kim... I don't know where you get your ideas..." ::flips page pretending I'm not interested:: Me: "Maybe it's because I'm smart and I read a lot, and I don't do drugs." ::looks up and gives her a devilish smile:: Her: "Well... I'm sorry for anything I did tonight... I guess we're not as close as we use to be..." ::silence:: Me: "You know I'm not a little kid anymore, I've got my own veiws on life and I have my own political stand points." Her: "Since when were you into politics?" Me: "Never, I just know a lot about the world. Like some bastard right now is out there making a lot of money from gas since the prices are so high." ::she laughs:: Her: "Well I hope I can make it up to you..." Me: "Don't make me ever go to church and I'll say it's even." Her: "What's so bad about chruch." ::lets out a laugh:: Me: "Look, you wouldn't understand. You don't analyze life how I do. In my eyes, those bastards you call preists ask you for money and say it's god's will, you give them money. If they say that a certain group of people are evil and need to be killed and that it's god's will, I'd say there would be a war in our hands." ::silence:: Her: "You're too smart for your own good." Me: "MWUHAHAHAHAHA!!" She then shakes her head and then leaves. I smiled to myself and look at my fish. Me: "You're right Fred, I should go put this in myotaku." And now here I am. Well Adult Swim comes on soon so I must go eat some sugary consumptions and then plant myself infront of the TV.

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Friday, August 26, 2005


damn, I can't think of a good title. >.< oh well. I got a new video, I found it on myveo and unless it was copy righted I'm not stealing it. YAY FOR KINGDOM HEARTS!!! Yea people, I love that game. ^_^ Also I'm going to Disney World this year ((yes, I still love that place)) Anyways, let me start off with what happened last night. My brother came home ((I wish he didn't)) and during the night he got a horrible allergic reaction and my Adult Unit had to rush him to the hospital. So durning the night while I was trying to sleep she kept calling me to do stuff. And at like 11 she wanted me to walk her dog was I was like, Hell no, I'm going to sleep. So in the morning she got up JUST to tell me to go walk the dog and I got real mad at her but I did it anyway b/c it's her b-day. So I walk him around the block, come home and get back into bed. A hour or so later she asks me to walk thr dog again. I put my foot down and I was like "ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I JUST WALKED HIM AT 6!" (and it was 11) so she walked him b/c I refused to. My bro slept for the whole day (thank god) and after I got up I played a little ps2 and then made myself lunch. I felt bad for my adult unit b/c she was having a bad day so I made her a cake. Not just any cake, I made my families strawberry chocolate fudge cake with extra chocolate. I'd post more now but I gotta ice the cake. So I'll bbl

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Thursday, August 25, 2005

   Why I Haven't Been On

OOOOOOOOO!! .... <.< .... >.> I GOT MY ANIME!!! YEEEE!! A lot of it is in Jap but I don't care. I got some Spiral, Gunslinger Girl, Burst Angel, Hellsing, and more and I've got some games liiike .//Infection aaaannnnndddddd erm... more but I'm to tired to remember. v.v Yea, even though I havn't had a wink of sleep, I've still been working around the house since my Adult Unit is working more. But I still get some time alone to do evil things. ::evil laugh:: So fair I've rigged her sink so that the hot water is cold and the cold water it hot. I've also stuck super tacky on her snack cabinet. Too bad I don't have any cherry bombs ::sniff sniff:: oh well. I shall live, anyways I'm gonna take a shower so I am all clean and then I'm going to go plant myself infront of the TV and become engulfed in anime. WOOOOO!! ::throws confetti:: oh yea, POTATO!!!!

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Monday, August 22, 2005


Well my adult unit is now being a pain in the ass... she's making me do EVERYTHING!! IT ISN'T FAIR!! She even forced me to go.... should I dare say it? CLOTHES SHOPPING!! ::cries:: ((and if you don't know me people I hate shopping and has had very bad experiences)) So anyways, now I don't think all that anime is worth it... I've been her little slave for what.... a day or so now? Well this afternoon she went out to get something so I decided to stop polishing all the wood work and molding and went on a little excavation in her room. I went through every single drawer trying to look for that bag, I even went through the closet and found squat. It was very depressing. But by then she came home, and I rushed through the rest of the wood work making it look like I did a lot. I was then going to ask her if she wanted me to do anything else but a friend of her called and she's been on the phone ever since. So then I retreated back to my room feeling like some ninja who got their butt kicked. I then played Chaos Legion for a good two hours on expert before I got my butt kicked in that. v.v Now she's probably gonna make me cook dinner. Oh well... ::sighs and slouches in chair:: I'm gonna tell her she's been using that bag of anime unfairly agasint me. AND BRIBING SOMEONE TO CLEAN YOUR HOUSE IS NOT COOL!! So I'm going to hold my case and GET ME SOME ANIME!!

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Saturday, August 20, 2005


Anyways.... if you have noticed I have added yet another music video... YAY FOR SLIPKNOT!! WHOO!! But I like the samurai champloo one better.. ::shrugs:: oh well. Anyways, today I was sitting down stairs watching TV and my adult unit comes in holding up a bag and she sits on the other sofa pretending to watch TV. So me being curious about what was in the bag I ask her. She then reaches inside and takes out these shit load of anime DVDs and games. I was like HOLY CRAP!! Which was the bad thing to say b/c she was like "Excuse me?? Where did you learn that language?" Me: "Erm... the inter... I got it from watching Tv..." <.< .... >.> So she bought it (loser) anyways, I look at the anime-ness intently. Me: "So... thats a nice load of anime you got there" Her: "Oh yay, seems that a friend of mine was working at the SunCoast and they were getting ride of all this..." ::Scoots closer to the bag:: Me: "So... who is it for..." Her: "You." Me: "SCORE!" ::reaches out for the bag BUT it is snatched away by the adult unit:: Her: "It's for you AFTER I see some cleaning done." I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! DAMN YOU WOMAN!! She smiled sweetly at me and then went up stairs with the bag. So since then.... I've been cleaning.... ::sniff sniff:: I WANT THAT BAG OF ANIME!! ::cries::

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