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myOtaku.com: CtrlAltDestroy13

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Sunday, June 5, 2005

   Howl's Moving Castle

OMFG!! Howl's Moving Castle is coming out! ::jumps up and down for joy:: I'm going to see it opening night!! I DON'T CARE IF IT'S ON A SCHOOL NIGHT!! I'm thinking about dragging a few friends a long even though they don't like anime.

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Saturday, June 4, 2005

   Nothing To Post Again

I don't know why but I have nothing to post about my so called life. It's been so much like a living hell lately that I just can't think of anything good to put down. With moving and all it's not all that great. It's just packing and packing. But today I got DDRMax. I was playing it for a good three hours or so. Lowest score I got was a B and the highest was a AAA (SandStorm). And then for the rest of the day I watched Cowboy Bebop while packing. So... yea... nothing else to say.

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Friday, June 3, 2005


I have nothing really to post today so I'm just gonna post this funny pic I found. Hey, it's better then nothing.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2005

   The Strange IM Conversation

Kenshin: oh hello im sorry but Kim isn't here right now that you've showed up
Kaoru: kenshin who are you talking to??
Kenshin: %n
Kaoru: oh hello %n we are sorry but Kim isn't here. I'm sure if you give us a message we can give it to them.
Yahiko: yeah right, you would probably lose it ugly best, give it to kenshin
Sano: he is right but if you have any ladies numbers you can give them to me.
Kenshin: sano we need to be polite this is Kim's friend
Sano: Well... I was just asking....

Kady: Sano- my number is (number was here) if you are interested ;-P
Kady: *;-P
Kady: **:-P
CtrlAltDestroy13: lol
Kady: :-)
CtrlAltDestroy13: Sano: O.O ::nosebleed::
Kady: oh! YAY!
CtrlAltDestroy13: ::slaps Sano::
CtrlAltDestroy13: STOP THAT!! SHE'S MY FRIEND!!
Kady: lol
CtrlAltDestroy13: ::summons magic::
CtrlAltDestroy13: Sano: ::fancy moves::
Kady: haha
CtrlAltDestroy13: ::owns::
CtrlAltDestroy13: Sano: ::owned::
CtrlAltDestroy13: BOO-YA!!
Kady: lol
CtrlAltDestroy13: Sano: "Damn..."
CtrlAltDestroy13: Sano: "Can I still have her number?"
CtrlAltDestroy13: NO!! I OWN YOU!!
Kady: hahahaah
Kady: Sorry Sano
CtrlAltDestroy13: Sano: "Aww..."
CtrlAltDestroy13: Kenshin: ".... we should settle this peacefully."
Kady: me: ...
CtrlAltDestroy13: Yahiko: "What do you know you bastard?"
Kady: me: who are you?
Kady: me: *looks sexii*
CtrlAltDestroy13: Sano: ::nosebleed::
CtrlAltDestroy13: Yahiko: ::nosebleed::
CtrlAltDestroy13: Kenshin: ::clueless::
Kady: me: *flaunts what she has*
Kady: me: And you fine men are?
CtrlAltDestroy13: Sane: "I'm Sano"
CtrlAltDestroy13: Yahiko: "I'm Yahiko."
CtrlAltDestroy13: Kenshin: "I'm Kenshin."
Kady: me: well, I knew that, but...you come from where?
CtrlAltDestroy13: All Three: "Japan"
Kady: me: ah, are you on TV? In a book?
CtrlAltDestroy13: Sano: "We're on T.V. and in anime books."
Kady: awesome ::sexy pose::
CtrlAltDestroy13: Sano and Yahiko ::massive nosebleed:
Kenshin ::clueless::

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   Snow, Right and the 7.... I mean 8.... er 9 Dorks

Today was great. I had to do two performances of the drama play for the school and no one screwed up. I have one more tomorrow and then that's it. It's off to New Hope to see "Maine." I also changed myotaku to some Samurai Champloo theme.

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

   The Drama Cast That Almost Wasn't.... well... it isn't anything

Today was dress rehearsal and boy did it suck. Some people were missing ques, forgetting lines, and not even loud enough. Mr. B was pissed as hell. But what got me pissed off was that some people didn't even care! They were laughing and joking around. And I just wanted to tell them to go fuck off. And even after the dress rehearsal was over, Carol and I spent about a hour cleaning the stage and other's people's crap. We picked up barbadge, props, put away sets, and we even had to put the amps away. AND we even cleaned Mr. Lyttle's room. I just wish tomorrow won't come b/c we have two performances infront of the WHOLE school and I know some people will screw up. And I hope that two armed retarded monkey would get his fucking act together or I will kill him myself. Plus I got a whole heck of a lot of homework due tomorrow. So... life isn't all that great for me at the moment.

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Monday, May 30, 2005

   Star Wars

Yesterday I finally say Star Wars revenge of the Sith. It was great. My friend went with me to go pick out a new DDR mat (since I broke my other two) and there was a movie place near by and people were dressed up and everything. So we decided to go even though it would be my friend's 5th time. So she looked at me and was like "You're not going like that are you?" and I had no clue what she meant. So we went back to her house and she gave me a storm trooper outfit to wear. IT WAS AWESOME!!!! (even though it was her brothers) She dressed as the princess and we got smack dab in the middle seats. And there were these three guys behind us dressed as the wokies or something like that. The girl on my left cried at the end of the movie. But today I played a lot of DDR and watched the first original star wars. I almost blew up when my mom said she packed them. But then I found them ontop of the movie box. I then disappeared into my room never to be seen for the rest of the day.
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Sunday, May 29, 2005


Today I basically played DDR all day. I played it so much that I in BOTH of my mats all the wires snapped. So ::sigh:: I have to go get a new one. But anways, I played it for a good fews hours right after watching a night of anime on adult swim. Later I'm going to be dragged to a party somewhere. But for now I'm sulking over my defective mats. ::sniff sniff::

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Friday, May 27, 2005

   The Attack of the EVIL Step Ladders

omfg... Today I almost destroyed all of the drama sets b/c of a stupid step ladder. I was standing on the top step leaning back agasint the wall taping the sets. And suddenly the step ladder flies out from under me and I fall back into the wall and the step ladder falls into the set. After I slammed my head into the wall I stumbled forward like I was drunk and then I feel into the sets. But thankfully I lost my balance then and I fell back bringing the set with me. BUT I was then almost crushed by the sets but thank god there was a table that was in the way. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. So the sets then balanced out and I laid there cracking up hysterically. No one had a clue about what happened execpt for a few kids who watched this all happen. I got a some cuts on my elbow and cheek but that is it. And I also got a killer headache.

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Thursday, May 26, 2005

   What You Waiting For?

A lot happened today.... ::yawns:: During math Mich was like "FISH!" and she sounded like a moose on steriods. The twin todays looked like they were on drugs. It was funny as hell. And in the halls just before 5th period Tim sprayed something on me and I got a allergic reaction. Sat in the nurse's until my mom came and gave me something to stop it from itching. So I was drugged up for the rest of the day at the brink of sleeping in every class. And I'm still tired. Also today in L.A. I found out that I couldn't use my book that I was reading for the project. So she gave me a new book to read and she's giving me more time to finish it b/c the due date it tomorrow. Yea... ::yawns:: And in the morning I was watching Fuse. I saw the video "What you Waiting For" by Gwen Stefani. So now I have that song on my profile.
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