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Kick Ass Loser!!
Real Name
Andi // Myade-chan
Ummm.... I ono
Anime Fan Since
Long long time ago? *shrugs*
Favorite Anime
Hmmm.... Rorouni Kenshin, FLCL, Inuyasha, Naruto (list goes on forevers)
Finish High School?? .... Maybe?
Drawing... and Writing!
Umm.... Drawing and Writing?
Thursday, May 3, 2007
[{(~*~Current Theme~*~)}]
1: If you don't like whut I have to say... GET OVER IT!! 2: If you want to be my friend, try to stop by as often as you can. If you don't, I'll delete you. I like to keep my friends list little! =]
This Is My Time!!
MySpace Whore!
Friends: Faust && Jacob && A.V.!!!!!
Drinking: Water
Time: 3:45 PM
Song: To The End
Artist: My Chem. Romance
He calls the mansion not a house, but a tomb,
He's always choking from the stench and the fumes,
The wedding party all collapsed in the room,
So send my resignation to the bride and the groom.
Let's go down!
This elevator only goes up to ten,
He's not around,
He's always looking at men.
Down by the pool,
He doesn't have many friends,
As they are,
Face down and bloated
snap a shot with the lens!
If you marry me,
Would you bury me?
Would you carry me,
To the end?
(Say goodbye)
To the vows you take,
(Say goodbye)
To the lifes you make,
(Say goodbye)
To the hearts you break,
And all the cyanide you drank.
She keeps a picture of the body she lends,
Got nasty blisters from the money she spends,
She's got a life of her own and it shows by the Benz,
She drives at 90 by the Barbies and Kens!
If you ever say never too late,
I'll forget all the diamonds you ate.
Lost in coma and covered in cake,
Increase the medication,
Share the vows at the wake!
(Kiss the bride)
If you marry me,
Would you bury me?
Would you carry me,
To the end...
(Say goodbye)
To the vows you take,
(And say goodbye)
To the lifes you make,
(And say goodbye)
To the hearts you break,
And all the cyanide you drank.
(Say goodbye)
To the last parade,
(Way away)
From the choice you made,
(say goodnight)
To the hearts you break,
And all the cyanide you drank.
woah [x15]
(Say goodbye)
To the vows you take,
(Say goodbye)
To the lifes you make,
(Say goodbye)
To the hearts you break,
And all the cyanide you drank.
(And say goodbye)
To the last parade,
(way away)
From the choice you made,
(say goodnight)
To the hearts you break,
And all the cyanide you drank.
To the last parade,
When the parties fade,
And the choice you made,
To the end
Heyyyyyyyyy!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while... I got grounded cuzz just two days after I get back to school from suspension, I was susended again!!! And and and that was b/s! Cuzz cuzz cuzz... I should've lasted at lest two weeks!! But one of the princials stalks my friend Krysta and she skipped with me... and I wasn't very nice to him cuzz he followed Krysta or somethin!!! I mean... how else would he have known where we were???? So yea... I got suspended and becuzz of that I got grounded from the computer!!! So I can only really get on to do anything when I come over here to my friend A.V.'s house!!! Sooooo yess.... well... my daddy's married now! And that was fun! Heehee... member me talkin bout my gay cousin Zack?? wellll... I was sitting down next to A.V. and this song came on and he was dancing... well he looks at me and says 'you're sitting down!! you're a perfect target!!' So he gave me a lap dance!! I, along with everyone who saw, was laughing hysterically.... well.... maybe not hysterically but still... A.V. was!!! =D And then when my dad threw the garter... Zack caught it and put it on his head! That was great..
So now I'm sitting here listening to A.V. talk... and she really likes talking to me! So she's just continues talking... and talking... and talking. I'm sure she'd talk for hours if she could! Okay.... A.V. wunts to type!!!!!!!
A.V. -- HIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333333 Idunno who you all are.... but.... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so so so so so A.J. says I have a typppppinggggg stutter.... Do you seeee it? lmfao. ANYWHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even know you... but I LOVE YOU!!!!! I'm.... hyper.... and it's el natural! I didn't have any sugar... wait.... [I think I had a cookie...] BUT THAT DOESN'T COUNT! It was fourth hour... ANYWHO!... I.... want sugar?... Yes.. I do!... Anyone wanna gimme some sugar? I would love you forever! Wait.. I already love you... I'lllll kiss you?...... sure? Yeah.. why not? If that's what you want....?.... I just want some sugar.... I wonder if we have any sugar... I'll go look... later... I'm too lazy to do it now... Wowww I just had a lotta typos... but... none of you would know that... because... I fixed them... *Nods* I couldn't leave a typo... at least not if I see it.. I'm really... anal about that? And if you call me a perfectionist... -_- I guess I couldn't do anything, could I? So.. nvm? Hmmmm wellll I love Thomas!!!! I just had to say that... none of you except A.J. know who that is... but you know what... I DON'T CARE! I still love him =] <333333 More than I love you.... *nods*.... Anywho.... Iiiiii want candy..... Snickers..... I made Bree fall out of her chair today...... yeah... Rolen touched me.... so I dropped her... I didn't mean to drop her! BUT HE TOUCHED ME! He's icky!.....yeah.... I gotta hug from Frank today <3 Frank hugs make everything better. =] Not that any of you know who these people are? But oh well.... Frank hugs still make everything better... you should try one =]I dropped a chip down my.... *coughs* I didn't mean to.... >< A.J. WAS DISTRACTING ME! lmfao Yes.. I blame her... Better yet.. IT WAS ALLIE! ME and Izzy blame EVERYTHING on Allie... whether she did it or not ><... It's kinda funny... Not that you konw who they are, either... You know what... MY LLAMA IS BETTER THAN YOUR LLAMA!... but..... te amo!!! <3333 [That means I love you in SPANISH!] 0o0o0o0h! I feel cool... Lmfao... Not really? Oh well..... ><... Soo.... On the bus.... Me and Alyssa and .... What's her name? Wait... you guys wouldn't know.. ANYWHO! We were getting made fun of because we were singing random songs.... *nods* Like..... TINKY WINKY!!!! DISY!!! LALA!!!! PO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... 'cause.. it was funny... Alyssa and... [What's her name?] Were having a staring contest... and I was being a distraction.. so I just randomly yelled out... PO!!!!!!!!!!! And.... Alyssa lost the contest.... because she laughed... and then [What's her name?] Laughed, too.... I didn't mean to... nvm.. I did mean to make them mess up =] MY CHIPS ARE BETTER THAN YOUR CHIPS!... We were talking about boobs today.... Because.. Amanda says I only get things because I have bigger boobs than her.. It's not MY fault! She's just..... Idunno? Lol I can't help my boob size! But... she only says that... because... [and I'll only tell like... two of these stories 'cause there's like... 5645645737367365737272736573657] But anywho... This Justin kid she likes... came to our lunch table once... and... It was the first time I had met him... and.. I was like... I don't like you... I don't know you... but I don't like you.. So.. He reached in his pocket and handed me a dollar... So I was like.. Ohkay.. I like you! <3 Annnd So Amanda goes.. Where's my dollar?!?!!? And Justin was like.. Eh *shrugs* So Amanda was like... SHE ONLY GETS MONEY BECAUSE SHE'S GOT BIGGER BOOBS! Justin was like... eh... *shrugs* Was funny =] And then... there's this kid in my fourth hour who always throws away my trash for me... And.. Amanda asked him to throw something away for her... and... He was like... ehhh no?.. So I took the trash and I was like... Alex.... please? So he threw it away.. and Amanda was like.. It's only cause she's got bigger boobs! And The teacher heard it and was like... WTF?!?... Speaking of that teacher... I normally don't like her because she's always yelling at me for something... but but but but.... the past two weeks.. see... we have Spartan Advantage [where the people who have a d or less go to the class they're failing and get the grade up] annnnd I have been in her class [I don't pay attention.. so.. no surrise?] Annnnnnd Well the last two weeks she's just like... you're not failing anymore... so.. I don't care what you do? Just be gone with you... So I got to go to the cafeteria and talk with friends today... Well... FRANK WAS A TRAITOR TODAY! He went and sat with someone else!.... AND THEN HE ASKED ME FOR A DOLLAR!!!! I was like.. AW HELL NO! So then he came over and gave me a hug and said he'd sit with me =] And so I gave him a dollar... And then I stole a bite of his poptart... =] It was a good poptart... THEN HE STARTED THROWING CARDS! The bastard... lol I'm kidding... I love Frank <3 ANYWHO! So then we got those from him... and he started throwing paper... I got some down my shirt =[[[[[ It sucked... So I was finally like... [because Frank was using me as a shield and hiding behind me] And I was finally like... IF I GET HIT WITH THAT SHIT ONE MORE TIME IM COMING OVER THERE! So they hit me again.. and I threw the paper back... and hit the chick in the eye =] I didn't have to come over there.... the paper did it for me =].... Anddddd It was funny.... as we were leaving... I leaned over and whispered something to Kristin... and... Frank goes... What'd you say? And I was like.. I didn't say anything! =[[[[ And he was like.. YOU DID TOO! So he took me neck and tried tickling me.. And I just looked at him... And he was like... What'd you say? I was like... You smell good. And he was like BULLSHIT! I was like NOOOO EVEN ASK KRISTIN!! THAT'S WHAT I SAID!!! So... he finally believed me 'cause I pinky promised him.... *nods* I really DID say he smelled good, though... *nods* Because.... he does =] Annnd And And And And then I got all pouty because he didn't believe me... so I gotta hug =]... Frank hugs... are the best... I'd so screw him.. *coughs* ANYWHO!..... I never.. said that... >< ANYWHO!.... uhmmm I'd... so screw Ryan... >.>
I did... Not say that either?.... *COUGHS* ANYWHO!... I think I need a cough drop... *nods*... Though... while we're at it.. I'd screw Jakub, too. His ass is FYNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..... not that... you'd care??????? OH WELL! <3 Anywho... no.. anyways.. I love Thomas though... But I think I already said that?... Oh well. I said it again... I wonder if you guys are being entertained by this..... If not.. then... you have no sense of humor?.... Iiii... OMG!!! In 7th hour.. we have to do this project thing... and and and and and and everyone was talking.. and she was like.. THIS ISN'T AN ORAL ASSIGNMENT SO SHUT IT! And I was like... but.. it could be... She was like.. but it's not... So Kristin turns around and says to me... 'I have an oral assignment for you later' I was like... O.O uhmmmmm wow... *Laughs hysterically* rofl It was funny.. and then everyone looked at us weird because no one heard it..... I'M THE ONLY ONE FORCED TO HEAR SUCH THINGS!! WHY?!?!!?!?!? Oh well... I'd scerw her >.>
*COUGHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Anywho... ><]
I think we need to get off the topic of people I'd screw? That might be nice.... I don't think you people care...
I normally fix A.J.'s typing while she types... now she's doing it to me.... >< It doesn't bug me like it bugs her, though =] Lol So she can do it as long as she wants... but you know what.... I don't remember... I think I've entertained you... [or annoyed you] enough for now.. maybe I'll come back later =] Anywho.... I LOVE YOU ALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Even though I don't know you..] But remember.. I LOVE THOMAS MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! And... I always will =]... Too bad I'm not going out with him.. BUT ANYWHO!... I'll go now... *hangs her head and hands the keyboard back to A.J.* BYE BYE!!! *blows kisses*... I'm done now.. I think.. Yeah... Yeah.. I'm done now =]
Back To Me!! -- Okay.... wow... seeeee? I told you she talks forever!!!! But I love her.... *nod nod* How could I not?! Actually.... I dunno.... But uhm... yea... I figured something out about myself.... cuzzzzz.... I got to talk to Zack.... and like.... I was telling him I'd never really been in love with a guy.... and he's all.... so you think you're all the way? and i'm like.... yeaaa..... and so yea! yea....... okay.... well I've run out of things to say.... [[hence all the 'yea's' *nod nod*]] sooooooo..... Imunna go now!!!!!! =D
Well BaiBais!!!!! =D *huggies*
Luffers Joo~
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