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Finish my senior year to get into college
|Read|Write|Draw|Video games|
| CurseoftheZodiac
Hi! I'm CurseoftheZodiac! Everyone here normally calls me Curse. I'm a loser of a 17 year-old who does nothing but play video games and draw. I love Super Heroes such as: Spiderman, Batman, and Iron Man. I'm pretty easy going, although I'm shy at first and normally act distant when I first meet someone. I hope that doesn't deter you away from being a friend. I love music. I mean absolutely love music. My preference is Rock, but I like many things. I'm a movie junkie.. I love to watch movies, all day even. My favorite movie is V for Vendetta. My favorite anime character of all time is Kyo Sohma from Fruits Basket. So there is some stuff about myself. So enjoy your stay here!
Current Theme: Volt

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Yeah. I'm sorry.
I feel like a bad person, because I've been gone from here for almost a year and a half now. I don't think anything I can come up with can excuse for what I have done by leaving my friends. >.>; I hope you all still remember me and still think I'm somewhat a friend.
Let's see.. Last post I had was when me and my boyfriend had broken up. Well, let's just say after awhile we had gotten back together. He's pretty much my bitch now. xD He didn't feel as though he should have done what he did. We talked about it and I expressed the way I felt and how he hurt me. So we're fine now. =) I'm much happier than I was. Thanks again for those who did worry bout me. I'm going to try and get my awesome back.
With life after that? Nothing much happened. We just got back together in May of this year. It was normal summer, nothing really happened. It was actually sort've boring really. xD Then school started. Oh god. Let me tell you on how much my senior year is sucking right now.
Ok I was doing school fine right? The classes I had were Algebra 2, Physics, 2 hours of BMMT Info Tech, Media, and Pottery. It was going great, I was turning my homework in(for the most part) and having good grades. Then, I got Mono. I don't even know where I contracted it. It was from someone or someone's saliva. That was the worse for me at that point. :\ THEN, I had to go downstate for my Stepdad's surgery to get a benign tumor removed from his face, otherwise it would keep growing and damage the nerves in his face. So that was about a week and I missed about a week of school from Mono, so I had dug such a deep hole that I couldn't really get out of it. I now have to go to a slower Algebra 2 class, and drop Pottery because the art teacher goes way too fast and you can't really catch up in there. In Physics I tried really hard to catch up in. I just need to take two more make-up tests and I should be caught up. Although I don't remember ANYTHING to be able to take those tests and it sucks. So yeah it stressed me out and just other things in life really.
But yeah. That's what's been happening with me mostly. I've been talking to my friend Sena a lot and I really miss her. I've even gotten better at my art and I PROMISE that I'll keep adding to it and updating.
I'm really excited for Christmas. I mean REALLY excited. I love Christmas! I have a ton of gifts to get for people and draw for over on deviantART. I'll draw a nice Christmas picture for all my friends on here. If I still have my friends. xD;;
So yeah.
Love you all,
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