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myOtaku.com: cutechibi

Sunday, August 7, 2005

Hi hi To All!! Work was work. It was boring and really painful. Try standing for 10 hours with only a 30 min. lunch break. o_O

Oh but something funny did happen. Not to me but to one of my coworkers. Boss Lady makes us give out samples of a random smothie to try to attract the peoples. You are suppose to smile and be all friendly like. Most of the time we are. Key word being MOST. Since we were all tired and not very well rested. Ermith my coworker decided to make little kids cry for fun. o_O

Most of the time we get whole families that will gather around us and get samples. But every once in a while we get a random little boy or girl that comes along by him or her self and wants a sample. They just kinda stand there and stare up at you hopping that you will see them and lower the tray low enough for them to get a sample cup of the smothie. We usually do and they go along in their marry way, but like I said before we were all in an icky mood..... ">_>

Ermith would let just stare back at the little kids and then stick her tounge out at them. She was like yeah most of them would just get scared and run away, and she said a few of them even started to cry. LOL!! Dorky little kids.

And yeah thats kinda evil and stuff, but we were in a really bad mood at work. So i guess. :| So how was your day??

Random Pic Post
Evil Plushie
lol I thought this was adorable. So what do you guys think?? Click on the pic to visit the site that I got it from. Her stuff is really neat. *^O^*

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