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myOtaku.com: cutie-chan101

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hey,i dedicate this slideshow below to my great friends,thepinkprincess,Avenged-Sevenfold,and my own cousin,WeaponMaster(or WrathFan12,she has two accounts).thanx for even reading this^^.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

welcome all jonasbrothers fan's!!!

order now( you can get a banner too at www.jonasbrothers.com.all you have to do is copy and go to thet site you want to put it on,then you go on posts and paste it ther it should show).for all you jonas brothers fans out there,you guys can also sign up for the newsletter.on jonasbrothers.com,you can look up lyrics listen to the music you provided,look at the downloads and look at really cute photo's.

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i love this sssoooo much^^!!!!!!
http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p151/cutie-chan101/hot.jpghttp://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p151/cutie-chan101/cute.jpgi just love this picture.wanna know why?its because it is jonas brothers and it has nick in it^^(i love him*screams and faint* *thepinkprincess comes*thepinkprincess:*fans cutie-chan101*well thats it,bye from me and cutie^^'.
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Friday, December 8, 2006

i won two rounds,but lost 3 times^^'

Join The Naruto Online Multiplayer Game Naruto - Arena.com
my player card.sign on today^^

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Wednesday, December 6, 2006

merry christmas,everyone here's alittle music for your enterainment,andif you are reading this then please sign my guestbook so maybe we can be friends.here on my site,you can watch my slide or listen to ferglicious,or if you don't like that,then you can visit my friends,if you visit Avenged-Sevenfold and you wonder that she didn't update in a while,its because sh's grounded.if you have any question then private message me^^.thanks^^'.
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