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califorina!!yay!!the golden state of america!!!(califorina kicx new yorks ass!!!:D)
Member Since
lazy 8th grade student with rabies BEWARE!!!
Real Name
Emily(i like Ema better)
won city art contest and science fair but nothing really special
Anime Fan Since
pokemon,digimon and cardcaptor sakura came to america
Favorite Anime
Naruto, InuYasha, Chobits, Bleach, Flame of Recca, Cardcaptor Sakura, Di Gi Charat, Tokyo Mew Mew,Azumanga Daioh, Kind of Bandit Jing, Fushigi Yugi, Shaman King, Dragon Ball, .Hack, Ranma 1/2, Tsubasa, Kamichu!, Wolf's Rain
to put a smile on everyones face and get good grades so i can go to the anime convention instead of SUMMER SCHOOL!!!!!!!
video games, drawing
drawing, acting like an idiot
| cuttiepiekitty777
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 05/12/07:
What is your element? [with pics + detailed answeres]
 Your element is Fire. Like fire, you have a hot temper and you can be warm and loving as well and angry and wild. It all really comes down to what you are feeling. You have a lot of close friends who you are very protective over, and with your temper probably some enemies too. You are not Miss/Mr Popular in school since you are your own person and don't want to be forced into behaving this or that way. You are the untamed wild horse, the kind that everyone wants to catch. But you don't want to be tied down for the moment and just keep going with your little crushes. Your will is strong and if you set your mind to do something, you will most likely succeed. But beware, your friends may not always accept your mood-swinging behaviour. Even if you don't mean to be mean, they can still feel hurt. You just need to start thinking some things through before you do them, and not always jump in with so much courage. One day you may be hurt because of that, but then again, your element isn't fire if you start to analyse situations before you act. After all, your nature is to shoot first and ask the questions later. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 05/12/07:
How do you see life?
 Life is good and bad. You know it can never be perfect and that it never have been, and you're fine with that. You still feel it's important to live life since it can end any day and not sulk because of some little failure in life. You are often a happy person, still you don't laugh all the time. You have a somewhat calm aura and most people feel comfortable around you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 05/12/07:
What is Your Phrase? [for darker people]
 "Awake, yet never truly alive, I seek valuation beyond reality" Life is unfullfilling for you, and you aren't very fond of it. What you like is your own imaginative world, which can be your daydreams, stories you write or anything similar. You always prefer that before the actual life. To people you come off as quite lonesome, and you may wish you had more friends, but you are more of a hoper than someone who takes action. That is how you remain lonely. Or maybe you just don't find anyone who you can relate to. Inside you feel empty, like you are missing something important that you can't quite put a finger on what it is. Somehow you wish to be swept away from the normality and led into something extraordinary. This has yet to happen, and you keep on feeling dissapointed with the little that life has to offer. At least you continue to express yourself through art/writing/poems/daydreaming. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/07/07:
Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"So, you're a cannibal."
Result Posted on 03/31/07:
What would be your name in Japanese (STUNNING ANIME PICS)
 Your name would be Tsukiko which means moon child. Your secretive and your a loner being near a large group of people just irrtates you, thats the reason you love the night because it isolates you from the rest of the world. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/31/07:
What do you look like in anime?(ANIME PICS DUHHHHH)
Result Posted on 03/31/07:
What InuYasha character are you????
Result Posted on 03/31/07:
How Do You Feel Inside???(with ANIME pictures)
 You feel lonely.You dont see your friends much and you really miss them. Normally you would hate school but you dont mind it because at least you can talk to other kids. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/31/07:
What Demon Are You? WITH ANIME PICS!!!!
Result Posted on 03/31/07:
 you're protected by a vampire.If your protector is a vampire then you're a night-hawk, loner and secretive, you like keeping to yourself. Your awake at night and tired during the day, this is your cycle. Take this quiz!
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