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• 1992-03-24
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• 2004-02-19
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• Caleb Wilcox
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Friday, November 12, 2004
sad but true
One morning while I was in Baltimore City, I woke up at five o�clock to the noise of someone yelling in the street. I got out of bed and opened the window. That�s when I heard a man yelling, �Rags! Rags! Give me your old and I�ll give you new!�
I decided to follow him to see what he meant. I walked far behind so he wouldn�t see me. After about a block the man stopped to talk to a young woman who was crying frantically. �Rags! Rags! Give me your old and I�ll give you new!� The crying woman handed the man her tear-stained rag and he gave her a new, clean cloth. As the man left her, I noticed that he was crying frantically and the woman was left smiling and happy.
Farther down the road the man stopped to talk to an old woman who had fallen. Her head was badly cut. She was holding a rag to the wound that was covered in blood. �Rags! Rags! Give me your old and give you new!� The old woman handed the man her bloody rag and he gave her a new, fresh, clean one. As the man walked away, I noticed blood pouring from his head and the old woman�s cut had stopped bleeding and was healed.
The man continued on even though now he was crying frantically and his head was bleeding. His next stop was to talk to a one-armed homeless man. He asked the homeless man why he doesn�t get a job to help himself out of his situation. The homeless man turned and said that he had lost his arm in the war and now no-one would hire him. The Rag-man I had been following said, �Rags! Rags! Give me your old and I�ll give new!� The one-armed man handed over his shirt and the Rag-man give him a nice, new, clean one. This time as the Rag-man walked away he was crying frantically, had a bleeding cut on his head and only had one arm. The homeless man had 2 strong arms, was neat and clean and off to find a job.
On the next stop of this journey, the Rag-man approached a drunk lying in a ditch. He immediately yelled, �Rags! Rags! Give me your old and I�ll give you new!� He left a set of new clothes at the drunk�s side and walked away. Now stumbling from drunkenness, with one arm, a bleeding head and crying frantically, the man went to a nearby dump. There on a trash pile he laid down and died. I laid down next to him and fell asleep. Three days went by before I was awakened by a familiar sound, �Rags! Rags! Give your old and I�ll give you new!� I jumped up with excitement to see the man I had been following fully healed with two strong arms walking down the road carrying a whole new set of clean rags to give out during his next journey.
The moral of this story is that Jesus is the Rag-man and he died for us so that we can give him all of our problems and afflictions and he can replace them with all good things.
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