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Jeet Kune Do Instructor/Japanese Steak House Chef
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Cyrus Azrael Kane
Graduated High School
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There's a time when I wasn't?
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Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam, Ninja Scroll, Bubblegum Crisis, Gunsmith Cats, Shadow Skill, Trigun, FLCL
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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
THANKS A LOT HURRICANE BASTARD!!! Thanks to that prick Charley, the past few weeks, and probably the next couple of months are hell. Ah, it feels good to get may hands on some technology. After a weeks of no power, phones, water, or part of my roof for that matter, I finally find a place where I don't have to live savage. So what better to do first than to say hi to my fellow otakus. HI! I'd like to express myself without such vulgarity, but fuck it. I'm finding it very difficult right now. To my friends and close ones in cyberspace, I'll do my best to get ahold of you. Later. *mumbles* Fuckin hurricane.
Cyrus Azrael Kane
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Monday, August 9, 2004
Ahh, shit. I had the perfect chance to do the next chapter of the story (totally blasted), and what does my dumb ass do, forget. Racking up another game of pool seemed like a good idea at the time. Never fear, to make up for it I'm working on at this very minute. I knew I saved some scotch for a reason.
Cyrus Azrael Kane
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Monday, July 19, 2004
Cyrus Public Service Announcement
Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted lately. Been caught up in, well....ok I was lazy. Oh well. I'ma see if I can't sit down with a bottle of scotch and finish off the next chapter of my story. Later.
Cyrus Azrael Kane
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Props to Demosprite for making the avatar I picked up at some random site on the net.
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 Combat Gamer
(results contain pictures) What type of GAMER are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, July 11, 2004
MY Freakin 100th
Holy hell, I get back from MetroCon and I realize i made it to 100 hits. Everybody Sucks, but me! Just Kidding. It wouldn't be possible without you guys. MetroCon rocked. Especially the 22 year old woman that spent the night in my room. Thanks Jewel, we'll always have MetroCon. Funny, I don't feel like a hundred hit type person. The only person that leaves me any comments anymore is Maari, BOOO HOO HOOO! Oh, well.
I tried to leave a post direct from the Con, but the computer was being a jackass, I'll get over it
MMMM Great SayaWoman....Anyway somebody stop and say hi. Thanks.
Cyrus Azrael Kane
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Friday, July 9, 2004
In the Shadow of the Dragon: Part 2
Here it is at last, the second chapter of my story. Looking at it now I realized what I have done, there are a lot more chapters to go. Sorry for making you wait. Here it is.
In the Shadow of the Dragon: Part 2
"There were trading for what?!", Cyrus said with a tinge of suprise. "Military secrets it looks like", Zeke said from the passenger seat "It'll take me a few hours to decrypt and sort it all out, but I can do it". Streetlights and buildings whizzed by as the sped along in their 1967 Mercury Cougar. Slowing down and turning into a dark alley, they crept up to the dingy roll-up door of an abandoned building in the old business district. An electronic device in the car signaled for the door to open automatically. As the car came to a stop, the lights in their sanctuary came to life. Hanging lamps revealed gunlockers, workbenches, computer desks, and various training equipment. The large space in between the small islands of light were filled with an overwhelming dark. It was only temporary, but it was home for now. As they got out, they were drowned in bright halogen lights that illuminated the car from above. "Fortunes in government funding, and you make this place look like the fuckin' Batcave", Ezekial Stryke said with a crooked smile on his face. "What, I like it. Besides, you know how hilarious it is making the government lackeys do it this way? By now they've gotta think I'm friggin' nuts." "You are nuts. Go ahead and get some rest, this'll take me a while to figure out", he indicated, holding up the briefcase with the laptop inside. Seems like a good idea. Zeke sat down at his computer. The monitor was obscenely large, at least three feet tall by Cyrus' quick measurements. Plugging it into the smaller computer, an endless array of computer jargin scrolled down the screen. "I still don't see why you need that gross display of capitalism." Cyrus said as he sat down at his workbench and began dismantling his guns. "And the expresso machine/ciggarette dispensor is oh so conservative?", exclaimed Zeke, computer light reflecting off of his ice blue eyes. "Shut it. I need that stuff to survive, heaven forbid you have a day without playing Everquest", sneered Cyrus jokingly. "Ha Ha", he said unenthusiastically. After cleaning, reassembling, and reloading his guns, Cyrus wandered upstairs to his bedroom, the ticking of computer keys floating in the background. He fell into a deep uncomfortable sleep, plagued with the usual nightmares. God he hated to sleep. "YES!" He awoke to a cry of victory from Zeke below. "Jesus Christ on a pogo stick what time is it", he grumbled to himself. He struggled out of bed as he groped in the darkness for his cigarettes. The large digital clock on his nightstand read 4:17. Lighting a cigarette, he walked to to the edge of the room and looked down into their hideout. The innerwalls of the building had been knocked down in order to make it one big open space. Looking down from the third floor was a definite strategic advantage. Peering down, barechested, wearing black pajama bottoms, the light from his cancer stick illuminated his stern, youthful face. "Whatcha got", Cyrus called down to Zeke who was deep in thought. "I'm still trying to comprehend it all. We may have stumbled on to something very serious here." "I'll be right down." Cyrus slipped on some black cargo pants , shoes, and a red and black short sleeve button up shirt. "Ow", as he headed for the door, he bumped his head into one of the many .45 pistols hung from his ceiling on strings. When he got to bottom floor he walked strait for the kitchennette, and started to make breakfast. "This is amazing Cyrus. Human expierimentation. Apparently, through a series of painful, not to mention horrible operations and mental reprogramming, they can unlock hidden capabilities within the human mind.", Zeke said with traces of disbelief in his voice. "Is that so", paying half attention. He was more worried about the bacon and eggs he was making. "Come check this out", cigarette smoke and coffee steam obscuring his face. Taking the eggs off the heat, he sauntered over to the screen and looked for himself. "Telekinesis, pyrokinesis, mind control, what the hell !", Cyrus said generally suprised. "Somewhere along the line a scientist named Dr. Felix Faust figured out a way to make some kind of psychic super-soldier. Holy shit imagine if Domigues had gotten ahold of that." "Tell me about it." "They've even got successful test subject footage, here." A grainy camera shot popped up on the screen. A man in OD green military fatigues was standing in front of livestock with his hand stretched out. In an instant the animals caught fire and began scrambling around the room. "Dear God", said Cyrus eyes wide with fright. "The procedure is sometimes known to cause severe psychosis and paranoia. The man on the screen laughed with a maniacal grin on his face. "This is heavy. I think we better get this to the higher ups in the Pentagon before..... He could hear trucks pulling up outside the building. Numerous booted feet pounded the ground outside. Morning was just now creeping through the cracks in the old painted over windows of the building. Without cue Zeke brought up the security cameras on screen. "We've got company", he said dryly. Four vans waited outside. At least twelve heavily armed men in full tactical armor took up positions at the entrances. "More on the roof", Ezekial said pulling his gun out of a drawer. "Its too early for this shit." Cyrus grabbed his guns off the workbench and hurried to his room upstairs.
There it was, hope you like it. I hate to leave you hanging like that. I didn't want to make the post too long. If it's any consolation I'm already working on the Third chapter. It's like 4 in the fuckin' morning and I have to leave for MetroCon in Tampa at 8. I'll probably post it when I get back. Thanks for reading it.
Cyrus Azrael Kane
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Monday, July 5, 2004
Cyrus Public Service Announcement
HELLO my adoring fans! Hey, where, where'd everybody go. Sorry I haven't posted lately, our comuputer crapped out again. I managed to make my way over to Black Mage TBow's comp, so i could at least tell you. I've been dying to get the second chapter of In the Shadow of the dragon, but I don't have the time to do it here. Anyway I'll work on getting my story up soon. Later.
Cyrus Azrael Kane
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Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Cyrus Public Service Announcement
Sorry, I just wanted to post something because I posted my story somewhere around 11:00 pm. And it wouldn't show up on my friends' friends list that I posted something new when they go to the site the next day. If that makes sense to anyone. I'm just a little bit crazy, because I have really bad insomnia. I have to take a crap load of pills every night just to get to sleep. Anyway, read my story if you get the chance. It's just the tip of the iceberg because I don't do anything half-assed. Later
Cyrus Azrael Kane
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
In the Shadow of the Dragon: Chapter 1
Alright, here it is, the first chapter of my action adventure. It's a little long but I hope you struggle through it.
"Zeke, you there?" "Yeah, yeah. I'm ready when you are", Ezekial Stryke mumbled into his headset. Even from the dark street below, Zeke could barely see Cyrus Kane sneaking into an entrance on the roof of the old warehouse. "I think the sunglasses gave him away", he thought idly. He crossed the empty street to the basement window he scoped out later that day. Pulling the slide back on his Sig-Sauer 9mm, he slid in feet first. Above the damp basement where he crept one of the largest drug deals of the century was taking place. Representatives of the Columbian Domingues cartel and an unknown american buyer were set to exchange over 500 kilos of cocaine for something a little more special than money. Cyrus watched from a catwalk above, the bodies of three dead guards strewn at his feet. Leaning casually on the railing, he watched as his partner Zeke attached an explosive device to the bottom of the unmarked semi-truck. It without a doubt held the cocaine that treatened to flood the streets. "I wonder what he chose this time", thought Cyrus. Zeke whispered into his com-unit as he crept back into the manhole he snuck out of, "How can you feel so righteous about doing something so horrible". They frequently feigned philosophy on a mission. "I keep telling you, it's for the kids." This part, at least, was honest. He hated the thought of innocent childrens lives being ruined by drugs. "You're so full of shit sometimes Cyrus", his youthful voice laced with static from the headset, "whoa we got action. Limo incoming. Two more cars...enforcers, probably." "Well at least we won't be bored", Cyrus chuckled as he checked his guns. Men in suits filed from the cars, one in front caught his eye. As if reading his thoughts "Well, well. We have a VIP tonight, Mr. Luthor Van Darren, head lackey of Megadyne Inc. You owe me five bucks Kane." "Yeah, Yeah. Eyes open, don't let that briefcase Luthors handing over out of your sight." "Showtime." Cyrus stood to his full height. Brushing his earlength brown and red hair from the lenses of his fiery sunglasses, he pulled an electric detonator from his vest pocket. "Gentlemen, may I have your attention please!", he held the detonator out in front of him. " I regret to inform you that there will be no transactions tonight. It's time to pay the devil his due!" "What the, shoot h--." Before he could finish Cyrus pushed the button sending flames and the truck spiraling through the gigantic room. "Napalm", he muttered with a smile. Zeke lept into action from the shadows. Confused stragglers were dropping left and right. A hail of automatic gunfire chased Cyrus across the catwalk as he dove for a rappelling line he had set up earlier. "Me and my dramatics", he cursed as he spun down the rope, unholstering is twin .45 Colt 1911's. The sound of the high cailiber pistols ripping through the chaos of the warehouse, he landed lightly behind a stack of crates, three gunman short. "How are we doin' Zeke!?", Cyrus yelled into his com. "You sure did start a shitstorm man!" Zeke peeked out of his cover and squeezed two more rounds into the nearest man. "I count 15", he said as he fired twice from his hiding spot "make that 13." As Zeke laughed behind his crate, slugs slammed rather close to his head. Before he could react, two large men armed with Mac 10's ran around the side of the box. Laying on his back, he kicked strait up at their guns knocking them off target. Chunks of dusty concrete erupted around him. Flipping to his feet he stuck his boot knife in the neck of one man and the barrel of his gun in the other. He was already gone before they could hit the ground. Elsewhere he could hear Cyrus' .45 roaring destruction, no doubt with pinpoint accuracy. "Damn", he fled from his position, firing shot after shot, only stopping to reload. "Very nice Stryke, almost all of those hit. Though I'd wish they weren't so close to me", he heard his grating sarcasm in his ear. "Any left", said Zeke. "One, Van Darren" They strolled out to the middle of the room, firelight playing about on the walls. Ezekial picked up the briefcase laying next to the dead guard. "Who the hell are you?!", said the sniveling beuracrat. "That doesn't concern you", Cyrus said as he lit a cigarette. He pulled a squeeze bottle out of one of the many pockets on his tac-vest. Covering him in the liquid inside, they started to walk away. "Your're gonna DIE FOR THIS!!!!", screamed Van Darren. Cyrus smiled over his shoulder, the lenses of his glasses mimmicking the fire in the room, "You first". He tossed a lit match and walked away, watching his shadow that the human torch was casting.
As they drove away: "So, whats in the case", Cyrus could already hear the sirens headed for the building in his rear view mirror. "My God, your never going to believe this", the glow of a laptop computer shining on Ezekial Stryke's face.
Well there it was, give me some feedback if you liked it. If I get positive responses, I'll put the rest of it on later. Thanks.
Cyrus Azrael Kane
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