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Denmark (the country with no hope and no future.. I'm outta here)
Member Since
Fire Duelist, and Music Artist
Real Name
Johnny Alexander Ankjer Liechtenstein Lundbech.
lots of stuff. Mostly music, my superior deck and my extremely wonderful girlfriend, Steffie ^^ and you guys as friends ^-^
Anime Fan Since
1996.. Pokemon,.. Wheee (I can't get used to that anime again, but it was a great part of my life.. :D
Favorite Anime
DBZ, YuGiOh! Ghost In The Shell, Neon Genesis, Megaman, Final Fantasy Unlimited, Love Hina, Akira, W.I.T.C.H. (Not org. manga/anime but is available as one.) Tokyo Mew mew, Yu Yu Hakusho, Flame of Recca, Trigun, Rorouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Full Metal
Earn millions! Muahahahaha
YuGiOh! talk to my friends and try to make the ultimate deck
Musician, employee at Shell Service Station
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
And.. eh.. YEA!! eh lol. music maestro!!
Ohayou minna.
All right. New music.
Wierd song, this is. But afraid you must not be. lol. ok. too much star wars.
Info on the song:
Title: Hubba Hubba Zoot Zoot (popcorn remix)
Artist: Caramba
Genre: Dance / Remix
Length: 2:55
Thoughts of it: one word. Wierd!! lol. I had this song on my computer for a loong time. lol. and this is still one of the most random songs I have. I kinda like it because it is so random. "Hubba hubba zoot. ebba hubba zat zat, ah nam nam."
No sence at all. lmao. but still funny.
and finally I'm gonna scare you all to death. *evil grin* just decided to randomly put a pic of me for no apparent reason.
from the vacation.
well. Take care minna ^-^ *hugs all* Love you Al! *lots of hugs and kisses*

Comments (10) |
Friday, July 29, 2005
Eya minna ^-^
Nothing big happening today. except a nice thunderstorm. lol. Oh yeah. Took this survey. found it on Jaxx's site. feel free to try it.
and music will be up tomorrow. ^-^
Random Randomness | Created by OldSchoolHollywood and taken 507 times on bzoink! | About You | Name? | Name?? Johnny, Daff-Power, Raffie. your choice. | Birthdate? | 16th of April 1986 | Hair Color? | Dark.. or black hair.. yeah. I think it's like that. | Eye Color? | never been too sure.. greenish blueish like. | RANDOM | Why is the sky blue? | because it would look wierd if funny if it was purple | What are your fears? | fears?? hmm.. to run out of cola, and lose my gf. | Bugs are... | problems which often occours in programs such as windows. Go update ^^ | TV or a book? | depends. I rarely watch tv or read books. | Are you the life of the crowd? | ehh.. at times. I'm not afraid of it. *evil grin* | Most embarassing moment? | hmm... good one.. ask my friends instead. I usually never thinks stuff is embarrassing | Coke or Pepsi? | COKE!! | What sports do you enjoy? | Martial Arts. | Do you play any instruments? If so, what? | No.. but I'd like to play drums or electric guitar. ^^ | Do you like animals? | Yeah. Fav animal is a fox ^.^ | Favorites | Color? | Red and Orange | Time? | time? hmm... 12:01 pm I think. | Soda? | Coke. | Alcoholic drink? | Don't like it. | Place to be? | now? well. might be outside. as long as the sun shines | Flavor? | Strawberry, and Chocolate | Smell? | heh.. can't decide. | Taste? | coke and strawberry and Chocolate | Sound? | fire burning, my girlfriends voice and music. | Feeling? | happiness and love | Time of day? | evening. | Flower? | I don't really know any flowers except roses. oh well. red color ^-^ | Song? | One More Time, Warriors of the World. | Band/Artist? | Manowar and Daft Punk | Number? Why? | 1 why?? I dunno. | Love, and all that other crap. | Are you in love? | Yeah!! Of course. ^-^ | Do you want to be? | I am. | Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? | Yeah. My angel. *hugs her* I love her sooo much. | If so, what's his/her name? | Alandra. | Any crushes? | only the one now. lol. | Plan to get married? (not necessarily to anybody listed in this quiz) | well, I wouldn't mind. | Want kids? | Why not? | How long have you been together? (if you have one) | 3 months and 10 days ^-^ | More RANDOMNESS! | Everybody's going to the in? | the party?? heh. Sure, I bring the music. ^^ | Nicknames? | Daffy, Raffie. your choice. | Time you usually wake up? | heh. Weekends: 4:30 am. normal days 6:30 am | Best movie? | Interstella 5555 (Daft Punk) | Your most vauled possesion? | eh.. got more than one. | Most memorable moment? | when Al told me she had a crush on me ^-^ | Dream Car? | Delorean. (back to the future. the timemachine) | Easiest person to make you laugh? | My girlfriend and Daniel. | Last quote you heard? | quote? "Know your enemy, know yourself, and your victory is never in danger" | What are you allergic to? | boring stuff. | Do you shower everyday? | yeah *nods* | Shoe size? | heh.. size 41 in danish way of checking it. | What do you sleep in? | my car.... and my bed | Do you share your bedroom with a sibling? | nope. | Gone skinny dipping? | *shakes head* no | Thought about killing anybody? | *evil grin* Muahahaha. Sure has. names? parents..but it would be a waste of time.. so no worries. lol | Cuss? | yeah, it happens at times. | Got into a fist fight? | Yup. *nods* lost round one but won round 2 and 3. *evil grin* he haven't attacked me since. | Cheated on a bf/gf? | No WaY!! never thought of it and NEVER will! | Snuck out of your house at night? | Yeah. a few times | Done drugs? | eehh.. Nah.. too much waste of life, money and time. can't recommend it at all. | Drink alcohol? | 4 times in 19 years. but not since I promised my girlfriend that I wouldn't if she didn't like it | Smoke? | Nope. I can't take it. | Been arrested? | Nope. should I? | Ever have thoughts of suicide? | Yeah. like 5 years ago. I even decided that I would when I turned 18, but it never happened. lol | Name three things next to your computer... | cookies, cola and music software cd's. | Do people tell you you're good looking? | Nope. Not my business. it's up to themself to judge that | Do you think you are? | eh?.. not a thing I've been taking too important. | What's your best physical feature? | strength | What's your best mental feature? | eh.. I dunno.. Do I have any? | Do you own a pool? | nope. | Do you like chocolate? | yeah | Would you ever sky dive? | You bet!!! | Are you afraid of roller coasters? | only the small ones lol. jokes. nah. I love em. | Best halloween costume you ever wore? | hehe. Ninja or Robin Hood. | How many states have you been to? | None | Best holiday? | this one. | What is your ideal way to die? | by the flames. of course. ^-^ single player death. lol. or in my girlfriends arms. | Name something you can't get enough of... | Cola , and love and music. | How do you release stress? | drink cola and listen to hard rock or trance | Are you artistic? | nope. | Ever wished on a shooting star? | yeah.. once. | You have three wishes...what are they? | lots of money so I can go to my girlfriends place , and lots of cola and peace. | Are you a good story teller? | no. I suck at writing and teling stories. lol | Are you a strong-willed person? | Heh, yeah. I'd say so. | Do you like to burn candles or incense? | yup. Burn my candles, burn!!! *evil smirk* | Do you tan easily? | kinda. love the sun. | Worst feeling in the world? | to be hurt or betrayed. I think.. never tried it yet. oh well. then until then. Hunger. | Do you catch yourself using online terms in real life? (ex: lol) | ehehe. actually.. Yup. lol. | Do you think you need therapy? | *looks around* that and a cola. lol. and my girlfriend. | What kind of movie would you star in? | I dunno. | Are you a likeable person? | ehh.. your choice. but I hope so ^-^ | What's your greatest accomplishment? | to ever get a girlfriend and feel the joy of Love. | Biggest regret? | heh.. well.. eh.. ok.. I dunno.. probably none. | What's your ideal way to be proposed to? | mm.. it's me who will be proposing. | YAY! You won the lotto...what do you buy? | depends on the prize. A big one. Move to Australia in a matter of seconds. Small prize.. a cola | The quote you try to live your life by? | "nothing is so bad that it isn't good for anything" (aka: everything happens for a reason) | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
Take care minna *hugs all*
Love you Al, and I know you've caught a cold but I don't get that that easily, so I'll take the risk because you're worth it ^^ *lots of hugs and kisses*

Comments (6) |
Thursday, July 28, 2005
It's going to be a fine day today
Ohayou minna.
Thanks to all of you who have visited my site without me, visiting yours. I'm thankful, and some time, today i'll be on my way home. And then i'll go visit your sites.
I can't believe that i've missed good chapters from those of you who write stories, but i'll read them and follow up on it. Well.. Not too much happening yet. Gonna put up some new music later. Hope you'll like it.
Well, take care minna ^-^ *hugs all* love you so much Al *lots of hugs and kisses*

Comments (6) |
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Well. Once a day has gone
Kon'nichi wa Minna ^-^. just wanted to give my apology to all of you who I haven't visited lately. I'm not mad at you or anything. But right now it seems like technology is going against me.
Jaxx's computer don't like internet and my phone can't handle the work. and this computer don't like that I'd like to put my comment to you. but I'll get back to you as soon as get back home. ^-^ Until then Gomen Nasai!!
that's pretty much all.. just played Warcraft III against Daniel. I suck at strategy games cuz I can't jsut grab a weapon and runs into action like in Doom 3. lol.
well. Take care minna and I'll drop by your sites as soon as I get a possibility. ^-^ *hugs all* ok?
Love you Al. Soo much. *lots of hugs and Kisses*

Comments (4) |
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Having a good time
Ohayou minna-san. All right. First off. 15 comments ^-^ domo arigatou. *bows* you guys are the best.!! Once again thanks! ^-^ ok. Right now I'm at Jaxx's place. And currently using my phone for getting on myo. Lol. How? Simple. It's an ngage and browser is Opera. Kinda good, but it takes some time to load sites lol. Got everything necessary on it as well. Music videos, msn, music, internet, games, and pics of my wonderful girlfriend. ^.^ and lots of other stuff. Lol. Oh yeah. Daniel (Jaxx) and I went to the movies yesterday to check out Batman begins. Cool movie, i like the batmobile. It's evil *evil grin* wouldn't mind one like that. Lol. And then we found out that we also wanna check out "land of the dead", "war of the worlds" and "fantastic 4" sometime. Lol. There is only one thing that almost annoyed me in the trailer to "land of the dead". Zombies showing sign of intelligence. Not cool, because they are already dead and are only ment to be walking, eating and saying funny sounds and stretch their arms out whenever they see a human big mac lol. But zombies have tried a few things during movies, and games. Driving cars and trucks, talking (return of the living dead) running (same movie) and their usual form of transporting themselves. Walking. But once and for all, Zombies Rock! Lol. And.. Ehh.. They're dead. Lol. Oh well. Take care minna, and remember, if you see a zombie. Think of it like a big dog.. On 2 legs.. And a few bruises... But dont go pet it. Or feed it. Doesnt like dogfood. Ok? Love you Al *lots of hugs and kisses*

Comments (7) |
Monday, July 25, 2005
Behold the Power Of the Vacuum Cleaner!!
Ohayou minna. haha. The subject confused ya? Well. let it be said this way. I'm cleaning my room. and my mum told me to use the vacuum cleaner as well. Just one thing about it. It's funny. lol. It seriously looks like something from the future. my mum thinks it's ugly but I think it's kinda cool because of its design. got some pics of it. oh yeah. and kinda welcome to my room. ^-^ and sorry bout the mess. to those of you who are wondering. yes on the table.. it is yugioh cards. lol, made a new deck ^-^
Sorry.. the pic got a bit dark

Yeah.. welcome to my room. ^-^ make yourself at home.
Well. seems to that for today. Gotta go to Jaxx's/Daniel's place later on today ^-^ gonna be fun. bringing the camera in case something fun should happen.
Take care minna ^-^ *hugs all* and remember, everyday is a party ^-^ if you don't forget the cola!
Love you Al. *lots of hugs and kisses*

Comments (12) |
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Ohayou minna ^-^
Well, Got a lot of good comments and I'd say they're worth some feedback, also that there were some questions among I thought was good.
lol, all righty, just some responds to the comments from yesterday:
Earthgal: lol. No worries. we're all different. and fortunately the music is as well ^.^
Inuyasha311: ok, maybe he isn't that famous as I thought 
Jinku the Kitsune: The story? ehh lol. Al and I will post the next chapter once we know what to write. I'm glad you liked it ^-^
SetoKaibaRoxMySox: Yeah, the lyrics are nice too. ^.^
Pugi Muto: Thanks ^-^ good music, I agree.
kanarazu-kanau: me? like music? Of course. I also like J-music. Ayumi Hamasaki is really cool lol.
Magnus Lensherr: Don't worry my friend. one day, your hope will become reality. ^-^ any specific wish?
bLuE eYeS: lol, I actually did. yeah, and I'm glad you liked it as well honey ^-^
Jaxx: lol, no worries bro, ya'll hear da song. and Dragons Lair not the same without me? ok, I'll just take one of my parents cars instead. blood heck, my mum, my dad and I got one. and mine is outta gas.. I'm sure they won't mind *evil grin*
Sakura Ryuu: Thanks ^-^ and part 3 of the story will be up sometime. no worries. and once again Thanks for the button ^-^
Demon Dragon: I'm glad you liked it. and that Daff-Power thing with "good for your kids" lol. well the banner changes, so I'd never notice what it says next. but you never.. ok I'll shaddup. lol. Anyway, what does it say now?
Well. that's all for today. ^-^ Take Care minna. and remember. Questions are free!! ^-^ *hugs all*
Love you Al *Lots of hugs and kisses*

Comments (6) |
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Ohayou Minna san. ^-^
And how is everyone? Ahahaha, just had a good evening downloading various songs and I found this one. Who remembers good old Gigi D'Agostino? I've put up a few of his best songs like "Another Way" and "La Passion" aka "Baby Just Come To Me" and now I found a newer version of a real classic. "L'Amour Toujours" or also known as "I'll fly with you" The last name comes from the lyrics as it is a pretty common sentence in the song ^-^
anyway, Info:
Song: L'Amour Toujours (Union Pacific 2005 Remix)
Artist: Gigi D'Agostino
Genre: Trance, (Nu Italo Disco)
Length: 4:23
Thoughts: Well, all in all a quite good remix of an old song. Love the intro. Suitable for a weekend with lots of sun. ^.^
LYRICS!!!: Go ahead and sing along!
"L'Amour Toujours (I'll Fly With You)"
I still believe in your eyes
I just don't care what you've done in your life
Baby I'll always be here by your side
Don't leave me waiting too long, please come by
I-I-I-I still believe in your eyes
There is no choice, I belong to your life
Because I will live to love you someday
You'll be my baby and we'll fly away
And i'll fly with you-ou
I'll fly with you-ou-ou
I'll fly with you-ou-ou-ou
I'll fly with you
I'll fly with you
I'll fly with you
Every day and every night
I always dream that you are by my side
Oh, baby, every day and every night
Well I said everything's gonna be alright
And i'll fly with you-ou-ou
I'll fly with you-ou-ou-ou
I'll fly with you-ou-ou-ou-ou
And Daniel, I know your sounddriver still won't work so I've put it on a disc along with some other cool songs. ^-^ Hope ya like it ^-^
Well, take care minna and have a nice weekend full of parties and of course.. Cola!! *hugs all* Love you Al *lots of hugs and kisses*

Comments (9) |
Friday, July 22, 2005
More story ^-^
Ohayou minna san. well more story here. ^-^ Episode II of.. the

Armisael’s POV
Hearing Daff’s cries makes my heart scream in sadness. Through the darkness I see him smiling at me. Always the optimistic type. I hug him tightly, trying not to hurt him and keep him up. I lay Daff down gently and kiss his forehead to calm him. I move back to the rock, trying to see how big is it. My eyes seem to be adjusting to the darkness and I can make out where Daff’s legs are. I breathe in deeply and push the rock to the side. Daff’s screams fill the cave and I stop. I can’t do it, I can’t hurt him. With the rock still where it was, I move back to Daff. His breathing is shallow and his eyes are closed. While stroking his forehead I whisper in his ear.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know it would hurt that much.”
I hold his hand and hope that some idea will come to my mind.
Daff’s POV
Slowly opening my eyes, I look up at her. She looks like she doesn't know what to do. I stroke her cheek while smiling lightly. "Don't worry... it wasn't that painful... yet " I notice that I don't really know what to say to her. "Thanks" I say while looking at Armisael. "I'm glad that it was you who came and not someone else". I slowly get up on my elbows. I know that moving around with a rock like this isn't the best idea but I can't really take it much more. "Ok. Armisael...let's get this rock off. And don't hold back, ok? On 3". I try to sit up and feel the pain again. But I try to hide it and smile, while getting ready to move the rock.
Armisael’s POV
I swallow uneasily. Putting my hands on the rock, I feel fear rising from the pit of my stomach. As I close my eyes and breathe in, Daff starts counting. “3…2…1...”
With all the strength I had I pushed and pushed. Daff’s yells in pain only urge me on. I feel a pool of blood forming around my knees and tears stinging in my eyes. With a bang the rock falls beside Daff. I move to his face and see him smiling. His ragged breathing fills the cave. With tears falling down my face, I collapse onto his chest, listening to his heartbeat to calm me.
Daff’s POV
As Armisael lies on my chest I slowly wrap my arms around her and try to calm her, stroking her back and talking to her. "You did that really well. Thanks" I wipe away her tears and stroke her cheeks as I smile. With the rock on my side instead of my legs most of the pain has gone. I feel the blood from my legs, but don't think too much of it at the moment as I ask her if she's ok. She nodded. "Good. Now... Should we get out of here?" I asked and she helped me up and put my arm around her and we began to look for the way out.
Yeah. So far that's it. We'll find out something. Hope you've enjoyed reading as much as we've enjoyed writing it. and just a note, it's not a fanfic, but I'd say it was pretty good. though I still think I'm bad at writing. lol.
well. take care Minna *hugs all*
Love you Al *lots of hugs and kisses*

Comments (10) |
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Story Thingy
Ok. Just an extra post. First chapter of it comes here.
(until we find a title. lol.)
Armisael’s POV
I walk through the cave, staring into the darkness. The smell of damp surrounds me as I breathe in the wet air. Not a single light is near me, and I feel for the walls to guide my way. I hear every single sound. From the scurrying of rodents, to droplets of water hitting the cold floor. I cry out, calling for a single person in the darkness.
Daff’s POV
When I wake up I hear a voice calling my name. At first I barely recognize it, but as I regain consciousness it all comes out clearer. I feel a pain from below and look down. A rock has landed on my legs. The pain, the voice calling, everything gets mixed together for a second and I yell in pain and confusion. I can't even remember how it all happened. Something with... But as I try to remember how I ended up here I can feel my head spinning. I decide to find out some way to get the rock off me.
Armisael’s POV
I hear a yell. I recognize it instantly. Daff sounds hurt…in trouble. I keep yelling his name, hoping that he can hear me.
“Daff? Are you ok?”
My voice comes out feebly. I draw my sword, using it to help me find my way. I yell again, and this time my voice is stronger. I try my hardest to sound confident, though as I go on my heart sinks lower and lower. I’ve been searching for hours, and I feel as though I am lost. Every wall feels the same. Every smell is as horrible as the one before. The only thing guiding me is a voice, and even that may only be wishful thinking.
Daff”s POV
I look around but there isn't much around me except for more rocks. I try and sit up but it's really difficult and painful. With each try it feels like my legs are getting ripped apart. I yell in pain, but I keep on trying, hoping that someone will be wondering what has happened to me, and go out and search. But it is a small hope by now. I lay on the cold ground panting and wondering what will happen to me. Then I hear the voice again, calling my name as different feelings fills my thoughts. I try one more time to sit up. It hurts, but I decide to try to move the rock by myself, while calling for help.
Armisael’s POV
I start moving faster. I just know that it’s Daff, and he’s somewhere. I call out louder, hoping he might just recognize my voice. His yelling gets louder, until it feels as though he was right beside. I feel around and suddenly I touch his face. I can’t hide my joy.
“Daff! Are you ok? It’s me, Armisael.”
His hand touches my cheek and I hear him whimper in pain. I feel around some more and I feel a large rock near where the two of us were sitting. Underneath it I found something that filled me with dread. Daff’s leg. It feels wet and sticky, like it’s covered in blood. How am I supposed to get Daff out?
Daff’s POV
”Ar...Armisael??" I ask slowly as I feel her hand on my face. She has always been caring about me. I fell more happy than ever to know that it was her and not some thugs who could have stolen my equipment and ended my life or left me here in pain. The pain is slowly getting worse and I try to sit up, yelling out in pain again, but this time I use my arms to let me stay up and avoid a fall. It had already happened a couple of times and it wasn't exactly a nice feeling to hit the ground. I look at Armisael and try to smile.
What will happen next? Follow up in the next episode of.. yeah. this story. ^-^ Hope you like it so far. Al got the idea and decided that I should participate. and I'm honored to do so. ^.^
I like the story, and it was fun to write with Al to help and comment. ^-^ Thanks honey. Love you *lots of hugs and kisses*

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