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Denmark (the country with no hope and no future.. I'm outta here)
Member Since
Fire Duelist, and Music Artist
Real Name
Johnny Alexander Ankjer Liechtenstein Lundbech.
lots of stuff. Mostly music, my superior deck and my extremely wonderful girlfriend, Steffie ^^ and you guys as friends ^-^
Anime Fan Since
1996.. Pokemon,.. Wheee (I can't get used to that anime again, but it was a great part of my life.. :D
Favorite Anime
DBZ, YuGiOh! Ghost In The Shell, Neon Genesis, Megaman, Final Fantasy Unlimited, Love Hina, Akira, W.I.T.C.H. (Not org. manga/anime but is available as one.) Tokyo Mew mew, Yu Yu Hakusho, Flame of Recca, Trigun, Rorouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Full Metal
Earn millions! Muahahahaha
YuGiOh! talk to my friends and try to make the ultimate deck
Musician, employee at Shell Service Station
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Monday, July 11, 2005
Ohayou minna-san.
ok..(almost) out of I've been Ordered to go on a vacation.. gotta go today. got that message yesterday.. Oh well. In case any of you would even consider of any sad goodbye-thingys. well don't. there are computers (I chose the place because of the computers) so I'll still be around ^^. if that matters lol. anyway.
You all know the OS system Windows (lucky you if you don't lol)
Just checked out my computer cuz I usually tend to take screenshots of it whenever Windows starts its "rampage". looks fun in the start but is plain annoying after the first 2 times lol.

Not sure if you can read the infobox in the middle. in case you can't it says "Connection failed"
Just curious... Connection to what?? msn and internet was up'n running during that time. Baaad Windows!!! including it couldn't find "Kernel32.dll" ... Twice!! o.O

Ok.. this one is wierd no matter what.! Only had Winamp (the old one to save Ram) and Ad-Aware opened at this time. and still it seems to dislike winamp.. and msn as well.. ah yes.. the errors of Windows. if you see something fun on your computer I'd love to see it. lol. ok?
well. hope you have a bit more interesting day full of attacking sausages.(....)
Take Care friends ^-^
Love ya Armi *lots of hugs and kisses for her*

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Sunday, July 10, 2005
No subject
Ohayou minna san. ^-^
So how's life?? me? good. currently listening to to tracks I really find a way awesome. The one is the song running in the BG.
Artist: Starsailor
Song: 4 to the floor
Length: 4:33
Genre: House (Sub genre: Funky house)
Thoughts: Good one. has a nifty beat and a nice bassline. A little repetative though.. but hey. it is house music. ^-^
The other one is really nice if you like a dancey-trancey track. but you'll get to hear it later on.
not much else. lol. Hope you all have a happy day full of Metal smurfs from outer space with dancing cola bottles ...
ok.. ttyl. off to check sites. ^-^
Love you Armi, my angel *lots of hugs and kisses*

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Saturday, July 9, 2005
man... *Sighs*
Ohayou. First off, about yesterdays post. it was cool that so many of you could follow my thoughts lol. and to those of you who didn't, don't worry. Even Jaxx had problems understanding it once I began. No much else.. just freaking out on my msn.. it says my contactlist is unavailable.. not even my second user has a chance.. Grrr.. am I the only one who is experiencing that problem?
ok. gotta go. Check your sites, smash my computer with a toothbrush until it lets me on msn and earn gold on Gaia. that's pretty much my day. hope yours will be more interesting. lol
Love you Armi *Lots of hugs and kisses*

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Friday, July 8, 2005
It is TiMe!!
Oooh yeah. Finally. Time has come.. ok.. lol. actually this tuesday 3 days ago (2 if you go 1 day back in time so it'll be thursday)anyway. You probably know "Yesterday Mail" from Foamy. the episode were Foamy talks about the mail that comes the day before it has been written. Daniel (Jaxx) and I got to talk about it, was fun. (actually one of my favorite subjects. Timetravelling) So. in the future (as we know as the future today) who knows, it might be possible to go back in time. but I'd hope it would be for more than just delivering a letter. You've probably seen the Back To The Future trilogy. Those movies had a good theory behind it all. think about it a bit. If yo went 1 day back in time (to yesterday), either to prevent something bad from happening or just for fun, well if you met yourself (yesterday-me)it could change you and your surroundings way more than it sounds like. including, what would happen if you got back 1 minute (same place) before you actually left the same day you left? You'd see yourself and the other you would probably be a bit confused over having seen yourself, maybe twice (both now and yesterday) and it could end up affecting the timeline. maybe not much to everyone else, but too you or those around you. lol. confusing?? Nope. lol. but if you ever try and go back in time to affect something tragic just remember to be really careful. you could end up being really unlucky and when you came back to current time (the future if you were in the past, and past if you went to the future. all in all back to Today) and things weren't as you knew them. in BTTF 2 Michael J Fox tries that. and it's all because of a book with sportsresults in it. anyway. we need to built a time machine for it to work out.
the coolest timemachine I've seen so far is without a doubt the Delorean. and it's also a really nice car. Gotta love the doors. (might make my doors open upwards some day too lol)
Soooo nice lol.
Thanks for reading all this. hope you had fun and didn't get too confused from it, though I consider it rather simple. lol.
and Daniel. YESTERDAY MAIL, lets deliver it lol ^-^
ttyl ppl. Love you Al *lots of hugs and kisses*
*goes back to yesterday*

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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Ohayou minna ^^
Just saw this on my girlfriend's and Jaxx's site and decided to try it out for fun. ^-^.
and the timetravelling Daniel, don't worry. But I'm getting the themesong from Back 2 the future to get a bit atmosphere lol. should be up by tomorrow.
ok. let's go for it ^^
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?
lol. Hope ya all have a good day full of flying books and growling cars... (lmao. don't know where they come from)
Love ya Al *lots of hugs and kisses*

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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Randomness Once again. lol
*looks around* mmm.. yeah. Nothing big today as well. Ooooh. Daft Punk. *evil grin* Muahahaha. eh.. yeah.. ok.. lol. I seriously need to go to bed earlier. lol. oh well. we know listen to
Daft Punk - Voyager.
Heaps good song they made. Doesn't stand up to One More Time though lol. but we all need something to relax to.
Oh yeah.. would have been telling about timetravelling.. but it'll have to wait til tomorrow. brain can handle the pressure until I get a cola. lol. Just gonna take it easy from now on. ^-^ (Not that I've never tried that before.. my whole life has been like that lol)again. But Time talk tomorrow. yay.
Hope ya all have a nice day filled with rice, noodles and milk. o.O (ok.. where did that come from??!!!?) ok.. I'm off. gotta check sites before something happens lol. l8r minna
Love you Al *lots of hugs and kisses*

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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
random subject
All your base are belong to us.
sorry lol. just had to get it out.
ok.. a bit random day today. don't know what to post... lol. ok. just noticed that I had 800 visits and 100 GB signings. whoo ^^. lol.
Oooh pics.
The true actors from Matrix.

And Vegeta's part time job??

can't really blame him. he has to do something when he's not training and eating and training and eating. lol.
ok.. that's all. Check sites ^^
ttyl ppl
Love you Al *Lots of hugs and kisses*

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Monday, July 4, 2005
ARGH. *computer Crashes* eehhh.. ok...
lol. Subject just became a huge reality. couldn't even open winamp without telling me it didn't like me.. Here's the proof.

stupid Windows lol. had to reinstall it.
Oh well so until it's fully functional again I'll just put up a track.. One of my first tracks. named "Test" lol can't get more simple. don't think too much of it though. But I'd like some feedback and hear if you think the same as I do.
well.. that's all for now. lol.
ttyl minna ^^
and Al, I love you Heaps *lots of hugs and kisses*

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Sunday, July 3, 2005
Premier on GTS
Ohayou minna.
lol. first off, to those of you (probably all of you lol) who don't know what I'm talking about, let me put it this way. Daniel (Jaxx) and I made a movie sometime ago. or ehh... actually we had in mind to make some crazy stuff but it ended up with some random recordings instead. and this one was the most random and still one if the best of the day. everything was improvised by "the people". lol, oh yeah. gotta mention that the 3 guys name is kenneth, he'll join MyO around sometime he says.
Anyway the story in this movie is simple. But I don't wanna tell anything but the title.
Grand Theft SkateBoard
lol, yeah.. you might know were it comes from lol.
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Human Nature
Ohayou minna *waves* Yay. Vacation for da people. Oooh yeah. gonna be tough today. I've said it a whole lot already. Have to survive a day without saying one word. tough.. can't even say it here. Might as well spell it so you get the point. 2 letters. starts with an O and ends with K. put them together and you get...: The Forbidden Word. lol. anyway. Put up a really cool Trance track for the weekend. Love the start of it.. or err.. well.. actually I cut out the start of it.. 2 minutes of nothing but a basskick with a evil bassline, if you heard it you'd panic. lol. so I just cut directly into the melody part. I didn't remove the "Swirly" sound which appears after a little while, you might be able to recognize it when you hear it, it "transforms" from a basskick to a funny sound and back to the kick again. need some bigger speakers. lol. oh well..
Song: Human Nature
Artist: Megara & DJ Lee
Length: (this version) 4:30 Original: 6:25
Genre: Trance. (Dutch trance to be exact)
Thoughts: Yea. This one has to be played whenever a big party is going on. lol. Makes me hyper at times. Can't help it. haha. it is... eeeeeviiiiiill *evil grin* Muahaha... eh.. yeah.. heh heh.. right..
have some stuff to get done now. incuding, my latest music track. for which I need a new name. lol. you'll see what I mean on monday.
ttyl ppl.
Love you Al *lots of hugs and kisses for Al*

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