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Denmark (the country with no hope and no future.. I'm outta here)
Member Since
Fire Duelist, and Music Artist
Real Name
Johnny Alexander Ankjer Liechtenstein Lundbech.
lots of stuff. Mostly music, my superior deck and my extremely wonderful girlfriend, Steffie ^^ and you guys as friends ^-^
Anime Fan Since
1996.. Pokemon,.. Wheee (I can't get used to that anime again, but it was a great part of my life.. :D
Favorite Anime
DBZ, YuGiOh! Ghost In The Shell, Neon Genesis, Megaman, Final Fantasy Unlimited, Love Hina, Akira, W.I.T.C.H. (Not org. manga/anime but is available as one.) Tokyo Mew mew, Yu Yu Hakusho, Flame of Recca, Trigun, Rorouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Full Metal
Earn millions! Muahahahaha
YuGiOh! talk to my friends and try to make the ultimate deck
Musician, employee at Shell Service Station
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Monday, June 20, 2005
Hmm... well.. not much today.. really.. *sighs* gotta go to work from 7 am to 4 pm.. not fun now that Armi has come back, to be unable to talk to her. *sighs*
Love you honey *lots of hugs and kisses*
Well.. the only thing so far I can look forward to today might be to get the work done and get back and check your sites. Can't get on msn cuz usage of cellphones have been strictly forbidden.. even during lunch breaks.. Che. might try anyway. *evil grin*.
Oh yeah. NUMBER 1 on the TOP 7.
Lol. I'm pretty sure you'll get a shock now (sarcasm) hehe
Artist: Daft Punk
Song: One More Time
Length: 5:19
Genre: House
Thoughts of it: Perfectly happy. The supreme house track. Muahaha. ^-^ but of course a bit old as well, not that it matters. hehe.
well.. gotta go.. time is closing in.. *sighs* See ya ^^
Love you Armi *more hugs and kisses*

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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Ok. As you might have noticed my dear girlfriend has come back. Welcome back honey *hugs and kisses* missed you heaps.
let's Celebrate. *hands out drinks to visitors* Sorry, no alcohol. lol.
anyway, time for a little useless information. thought I only had 1300 mp3 files.. well.. not all true.. the total number is: *drumroll* 1638... ok.. actually.. ain't as much as it sounds like lol. gotta delete some musicvideos so I can have more.
Largest file: 63,4 mb
Smallest : 549 kb
ok.. gotta participate in a cycle marathon which runs in the town.. nothing big.. but I'm with my Judo Team *evil grin* so if ppl get in our way we'll make a "taiotoshi" at them. lol. no worries.. ain't possible while riding a bike. lol. anyway.. gotta run. check sites later. ok?
Love you Armi. *lots of hugs and kisses*

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Saturday, June 18, 2005
Subject unknown. lol
Ok... clock is currently 7:11 am, talked to Alandra at 5 am. and she's doing good ^^. She's looking forward to be coming back and so am I. lol.
Well.. music of this weekend... Daft Punk. LOL. can't help it.. you know.. it's pretty hard to choose from around 1300 mp3 files. (only 4,5 gigabytes = 1/4 of my harddrive) yeah.. it's a small computer.. I know. lol.
Well.. song info:
Artist: Daft Punk
Song: Around the world
length: 4:01
Genre: House
Thoughts of it: well... been a while since I heard this one, getting new music all the time. ^-^
well. Gonna get to your sites as soon as I get more time on my hands. Promise lol. and thanks to all of you about yesterday. ^-^
well. See ya around minna-san. ^^

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Friday, June 17, 2005
ok.. late update..
Yeah. Normally I update at 6-9 am but today the clock is like 3:25 pm lol. Reason? Drivers license test. I passed ^-^. man.. anyway.. as soon as I get back I'll go check your sites. Your day has probably been more intersting than mine lol. Oh yeah. Alandra (Blue-Eyes) told me to say hi.
l8r ^^

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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Just an ordinary day
Ok.. nothing big today... Gonna call Al again today. ^^
and now it's time for... Random Quizzes::
Ehehe. Yeah.. right ^^
Fun fun fun. Gonna listen myself to death. roflmao. ^^
ok.. that's all... now I wanna check out your sites. l8r ^^
©Daff-Power (Yea.. I'm copyrightet to myself.. or currently working at it lol)

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
It's our future ^^
Ok.. Just Called Al (Blue-Eyes on MyO. and yea. She is my gf). 2 those of you who are worried about her 2. She'll come back soon, and her mum didn't mind me calling so everything is fine. And heck.. It's been a while since we've laughed this much. She has some good memories. Well.. Got a final exam today. I'll check ur sites whenI come back. ttyl ^^

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
2 things..
Daff: ok.. first off. I'd like to say welcome 2 my younger sister Daniella aKa Chostar on MyO. She is all new here so please make her feel welcome, ok? lol. thnx ^^
Ok.. next Subject
Manowar Warrior of the World Lyrics
Yeah.. I'll post the lyrics 4 the song here so you know them lol. I'll just put a mark from where this version goes so you don't have 2 search like maniacs hehe jokes. And some of you might have noticed that the song sounds a little .. Broken.. yeah.. so I'll post the full version 2morrow as well, but I thought you should get the coolest part of it first.
ok here goes:
Warriors Of The World (United)
Here our soldiers stand from all around the world
Waiting in a line to hear the battle cry
All are gathered here, victory is near
The sound will fill the hall, bringing power to us all
We alone are fighting for metal that is true
We own the right to live the fight, we're here for all of you
Now swear the blood upon your steel will never dry
Stand and fight together beneath the battle sky
Brothers everywhere - raise your hands into the air
We're warriors, warriors of the world
Like thunder from the sky - sworn to fight and die
We're warriors, warriors of the world
Many stand against us, but they will never win
We said we would return and here we are again
To bring them all destruction, suffering and pain
We are the hammer of the gods, we are thunder, wind and rain.
There they wait in fear with swords in feeble hands
With dreams to be a king, first one should be a man
I call about and charge them all with a life that is a lie
And in their final hour they shall confess before they die
[Repeat chorus]
-> Song version starts here!!! <-
If I should fall in battle, my brothers who fight by my side
Gather my horse and weapons, tell my family how I died
Until then I will be strong, I will fight for all that is real
All who stand in my way will die by steel
Brothers everywhere - raise your hands into the air
We're warriors, warriors of the world
[Repeat chorus to fade]
Yeah. My all time fav rock song.
Hope you like it. Next Week: Daft Punk !!! YAY.
And of course I miss and loves Al
Nothing can make that different.
I'll come by your sites 2day after breakfast ^-^

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Monday, June 13, 2005
Daff: *sighs* man..
Vegeta: *destroying random buildings for fun*
Daff: ok.. I'll just leave him to his funny ways of destroying things. lol. ok.. Weather repport in Denmark.. Rainy like he**. Got a French exam today as well... haha.. I'm doomed.. ok.. so who can carry my corpse out of the class room when the examination is over??... ok.. I'll just do it myself lol. darn.. French.. never been good at that... seriously. I'm better at Japanese than to French. lol. no offence though. ^^. oh well.. haha. yesterday were Armi's and mine 10 week anniversary day. so I'd like to say thanks to all of you who decided to celebrate with us. the day itself had an unexpected turn though but there's no danger that we'll leave each other. You'll probably have to be in the exact same situation in order to understand things fully.
well.. gotta go... I'll get around your sites as soon as I'm finished and can get to a computer.
Oh yeah. added number 2 on my top 7:
Song: Warrior of the world
Artist: Manowar
Length: 5:50 (this version is 2:00)
Genre: Rock, old style metal
Thoughts of it: Great one. Just edited a bit in it so you could hear the best part of it. the last 2 minutes. Enjoy. ^^
(Message to Al: I'll be on from 5 pm so don't worry honey, Love you so much *hugs and kisses*)
Ttyl ^-^

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Sunday, June 12, 2005
10 week Anniversary YAY
Daff: *walking around smiling*
Vegeta: what are you so happy about?
Daff: haha *sighs happily* I'm gonna say this a whole lot today.. and I'll just apologize if I get too soft. lol. I LOVE YOU Al. Nothing can make that change.
Vegeta: ok.. didn't see that coming... so it's a special day, eh?
Daff: you bet. today is exactly 10 weeks ago Al (blue eyes) and I got together. so it makes it our 10 week anniversary today. ^-^. And I've just because of that put on Amiel - Obsession as well. perfectly describes how I feel for Al. I love that girl.
Vegeta: ok.... well.. then..
Daff: haha.. Party!!
Vegeta: didn't you party last night?
Daff: yeah.. Jaxx is still at my place. we had big plans for the weekend... or.. they had.. about getting something to drink and stuff. well.. noone got drunk or hurt, and Daniel and I ended up at my room watching Street Fighter Alpha (he had just bought it). good anime. and after that we just kept talking about love. *sighs* I miss my girlfriend when she's not on. but she is always with me and I'll always be with her. Love you sooo much honey. I will go as far as possible and even further for you.
ok people. It's time to Paaartey.!! *hands out drinks to everyone* here ya go.
*hugs Alandra and kisses her, whispering in her ear* I love you honey. *kisses again*
I love you. and nothing can take me away from you. *hugs tight and kisses once again*

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Saturday, June 11, 2005
So close and yet so far.
Daff: ok.'s actually saturday today. well. So what's gonna happen at your place? here? well. Jaxx is staying 4 the weekend. and my sisters bf will be here as well. Paartey... or....yeah. lots of stuff is gonna happen. And I'm gonna call my gf too. and Jaxx and I are going to Odense (a city in denmark) to duel some ppls. it'll be cool.
So.. what about your weekend?
Love you Armi *hugs and kisses*

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