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Denmark (the country with no hope and no future.. I'm outta here)
Member Since
Fire Duelist, and Music Artist
Real Name
Johnny Alexander Ankjer Liechtenstein Lundbech.
lots of stuff. Mostly music, my superior deck and my extremely wonderful girlfriend, Steffie ^^ and you guys as friends ^-^
Anime Fan Since
1996.. Pokemon,.. Wheee (I can't get used to that anime again, but it was a great part of my life.. :D
Favorite Anime
DBZ, YuGiOh! Ghost In The Shell, Neon Genesis, Megaman, Final Fantasy Unlimited, Love Hina, Akira, W.I.T.C.H. (Not org. manga/anime but is available as one.) Tokyo Mew mew, Yu Yu Hakusho, Flame of Recca, Trigun, Rorouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Full Metal
Earn millions! Muahahahaha
YuGiOh! talk to my friends and try to make the ultimate deck
Musician, employee at Shell Service Station
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
eeehhh.. yea.. stuff
Daff: *sighs happily*
Vegeta: *sighs*...... what?
Daff: hahaha.. nothing.
Vegeta: ok... Well.. how's the game thing going?
Daff: hm? oh yeah... still working on it.. tried it out yesterday. still needs fixing. I got a screenshot of it though.

Vegeta: And why should I even transform into SSJ to beat that Oozaru? I'm far stronger than him anytime.
Daff: Well.. see his life?? it's hardly going down, and that Final Flash of yours usually puts opponents to sleep pretty fast.
Vegeta: o.O... and I lost once? HOW!!?
Daff: lol. I wasn't at the computer in 1. round. was doing something else and when I came back... you were like... dead.. lol.
Vegeta: Grrrrrrrrr.
Daff: Calm down. won the rest of the fights. Can't you handle a single loss?
Vegeta: NO!!. And now I wanna go destroy something!!
Daff: man... Been ages since I saw him that angry. Oh well..
Vegeta: Chikushou!!!!
Daff: Comets?? WTF?? Oh well.. he'll need the exercise anyway. lol. hmm.. or maybe I should help him...
Vegeta: FORGET IT!!
Daff: Wow... ok. lol.^-^
Well.. gotta go.. hafta work again. same time and stuff as yesterday. lol.
Love you Armi

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Monday, May 30, 2005
Daff: Oy there. man.. lol. what a weekend..
Vegeta: *yawns* mmm... what? weekend?? already?
Daff: haha.. nnno.. ok. being awake for 46h 45min isn't as easy as it sounds. lol. slept one hour during the night til saturday and Daniel (Jaxx) were at my place from satyrday til sunday. and we actually went to bed at 12:10 am, but we were just talking about our girlfriends until 1:45 am and agreed that we probably couldn't fall asleep that way, so we got up again. and watched anime. Yay ^^. lol.
Vegeta: ........ you've been awake all that time?
Daff: lol. yeah. didn't mind. Besides that, this weekend has been waaay different than the others. Getting to actually call my girlfriend was one of the best things ever. *sighs happily*
Vegeta: ok... you're getting soft again.. Quit it and get going.
Daff.ok.. And then Jaxx and I went at that tournament. and in 3 round we had to face each other.. hehe.. awesome duel. though I ended up winning it was still cool. Water vs Fire. hehe.. go figure who had the Fire and who had the Water deck lol. And then I was sooooo damn close of defeating a guy with an Exodia deck. he had 1000 LP left and no monsters on the field.. and I just ended my turn and of course he draws the last piece of Exodia.. *sighs* too lucky. but it was an interesting duel though. lol.
anyway. New music.
Artist: Gigi D'Agositno
Song: Another Way
length: 3:33
Genre: Trance (nu italo Disco)
Thoughts: Love this one because it's cute and you can sing along. ^^ Gigi D'Agostino Rules ^-^ lol.
Well... clock is like 6:31 Am.. 30 minutes left.. haha. Gotta go to work from 7 am to 4 pm today. man. gonna be great. at least it's better than sitting around at home and hearing my mum yelling at everything. lol. she's old. Busu. *evil grin* Muahaha.
So how about your weekend?
Love you Koishii *kisses*

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Saturday, May 28, 2005
*sighs happily* Love..
Daff: haha.. man yesterday was a way different than I expected. lol. My younger sis and I were going to look after my nephew for my older sister while she were in the cinema watching Star Wars epi III with her BF... lol. unfortunately we ended up in the wrong end of the city so we were like 45 minutes too late. lol. but they made it to the movie.
Vegeta: Hahaha. man...
Daff: yeah. but. it went good after we arrived. anyway. Earlier on the day Al and Emma and Bonney (some of her friends) and I had been talking about sending txt / sms's 2 each other so we got the neccesary numbers and in the afternoon I got a message from Emma (a friend of Al). after a few messages we agreed that I should try and call them. lol.
Vegeta: soooo.... you did?
Daff: lol. can't be denied. took a very deep breath before I did. man.. was I surprised or what?!
Vegeta: ok... so. what happened?
Daff: Haha. yeah.. we just talked. Man. her voice. can't get it out of my head when she said "I love you".. man... and then I got the chance to talk to Emma and Bonney. man. was fun. unfortunately phone went out of battery before we said goodbye. I'll for sure call her again.
Vegeta: hmm... well... what time did you get home?
Daff: ehh.. around 2 pm or so..
Vegeta: ...o.O; and when did your litte girlfriend get on?
Daff: around 5 pm or so. so I didn't really go to sleep.. played Ps2 untilI took a nap for an hour .and then had a shower.
Vegeta: .... Tha
Daff: yea. I know.. but no need to sleep now.. next up. Tournament!! Gonna do my best (for once sake) to get as far as possible. *evil grin while shufling deck* and this deck.. will help me. And Jaxx. let's show them ^-^.
Vegeta: Look what I found!!

Daff: hahaha.. yeah.. Goku vs Goku SJJ.. except the normal Goku is transforming into SSJ himself.. who is who?
Gotta go.
Love you Al *kisses*

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Friday, May 27, 2005
New song.!! For the weekend.. and the (in)sanity lol. JK
Daff: Oooh yeah. finally finished my latest song. And hey. It's not even Trance. o.O;
Vegeta: ..... so... what is it?
Daff: well.. it should be an attempt to make a rock track. if I have to be honest, then I'm kinda pleased how it turned out to be, compared to the last rock track I made. sounded like Sh**. lol.
Vegeta: ok.. can't be too good then.
Daff: Nope. so I deleted it as fast as possible.
Ok. Quick info on it:
Artist: Daff-Power
Song: Fire
Length: 3:44
Genre: Rock...
Bitrate (KBps): 44
Frequency (hz): 44100
Thoughts about it: well.. I like the intro. Those reverse drums sounds pretty fun. Had some inspiration from some song which I (of course) can't remember anything about by now. it took some time to finish but it ended up better than I expected.
Vegeta: Well.. doesn't sound too shabby.
Daff: thnx. anyway. I noticed that ppl yesterday were talking about Buying the game, which I'm putting captions up from. Well friends. No need to buy. It's free. But it's pretty damn big. so I'm curently remaking the game to get it as small as possible, but still with the coolest characters.
Vegeta: free?? you mean you'll just give away your work?
Daff: no worries. I don't mind it. It's fun to make stuff like that.. Besides. it's not really worth paying for. so. yeah. It is free.
Vegeta: I don't get it... working hard on something.. and then giving it away... free...
Daff: yare yare. Anyway.. gonna go to my older sisters place today and look after my nephew while she takes her BF to see Star Wars III. lol. man.. gonna be cool. and tomorrow. Tournament in Dragons Lair in Denmark (odense). Big stuff. winner gets acces to a tournament which is among all duelists in denmark. Hah! I'll go a participate and burn them all to the ground. lol.
Vegeta: think you have a chance?
Daff: I dunno. not until I try. Finally. My deck will show what it's made of... except cards. lol *evil grin*. well.
Vegeta: No pics?
Daff: oh yeah.. this one:

455 hits?? who did that? krillin, Foxy Roxy, Gohan or Master Roshi (who is KO)??
Well. ttyl.
Love you Armi *kisses*

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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Till the end of time................... *sighs* right.. lol.. wierd subject or what?
Daff: Man... It's wierd. today is actually my last day in school...
Vegeta: ok... why didn't ya tell erlier?
Daff: haha.. I just remembered today. so it makes it a bit more interesting to go to school. Yeah. Wanna wear my fav T-shirt. Manowar - Warrior of the World. LOL.
Vegeta: I thought Daft Punk were ya favorite?...
Daff: they are. But I haven't got permission to go buy their t-shirts. *sighs*
Vegeta: Hahaha...
Daff: Anyway. hmmm... Oh yea. Got a caption for ya this time. be creative ok?
Vegeta: WTF is just happening... Broly? and c18, Trunks, Gohan and Kakarot??
Daff: Yeah.. actually Gohan has just launched an attack and is taunting.. he isn't an opponenet or ally.. therefore 5 on the screen and only 4 lifebars. lol.
Give ya best shot on this one.

Daff-Power & Veggie
(behind scenes)
Vegeta: Would you for gods sake stop calling me Veggie? It's VEGETA Dammit!!!
Daff: Sorry Veggie. *looks around and laughs*
Vegeta: You little %%%¤¤%&¤""! (Censored).
Daff: Did you just call me a noodle?
Vegeta: mmmm... noodles *drool*
Daff: o.O; ok.. No more noodles for you!!!
Vegeta: Garh.. wasn't talking about noodles you !""#"¤"¤! (censored again. lol)
Daff: noodles.... *drool*
Vegeta: *drool* noodles....
(and we're gonna leave them there. wonder what'll happen next time lol)
Aishiteru Koishii

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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Paaarrrty!!!! *passes drinks around to everyone*
Daff: Ok. Yesterday I were to take that theory test thingy for my license. (in dk you have 2 B 18 for that.. *sighs*). and yeah. the test was waaaaay 2 easy. though I thought I might have a few mistakes in it. In order to pass it you need at least 20/25 right. If you have less you fail and have to pay 500 dkr to try again..
I got 25/25 ^-^.
Vegeta: so you passed the test without any problems. cool. ^^
Daff: Yup. And thanks for ya good lucks'.
Vegeta: well.. so what's up now??
Daff: hmm... *checks clock* 6:20 am... Oh Yeah. I've thought about writing something that should end up as a story (or close to). Though it'll be nowhere as good as my dear Armi's. lol. She gave me some good advices if I wanted to try it out. I'll make featuring those who wants to be in it. I think I'd join too sometime in it. lol. I'll just put up a "character sheet" tomorrow, so I know what to put as basics in the story. Just copy it and paste it in comment/Pm with the information. It might look a little rpg-like but it might be a good way to decide fully how you want to behave in the story. probably you'll have an amount of points for skills including some other stuff. How well it'll be like, I don't know.. but No Worries ^^. I'll be working on it the next couple of days as soon I've got to know who wants to join, and when I've been at work and prepared for the exams that'll come during next week. ^-^.
Well.. Seems to be it.. Gotta go to school.. Got heaps I need to get done.. assignment has 2 be done by tomorrow so we're getting a bit busy.
Vegeta: hahaha.. so you can't come to their sites today?
Daff: hm? I dunno... It depends how much we need to get done. But I'll give it a shot.
Vegeta: Ok. Don't let them down. They're counting on you!!
Daff: Ow.. What's for the shouting? It isn't judgement day yet.
Vegeta: Oh.. yea.... right..*sighs and shuts up*
Daff: Well.. see ya guys and girls and Armi *kisses*

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
.....License test ... ^^ Oh well.
Daff: *listening 2 music*
Vegeta: Hm? Yo Daff. What are ya hanging around here for?
Daff: *looks at clock at his mobile* well.. It's only 8:35 am..
Vegeta: yeah.. But when are ya going for that license test thingy today?
Daff: Well.. Might be around 10:00 Am.. But there's no need to stress out because of that ^-^.
Vegeta: .... *sighs* you're calm about it eh?
Daff: haha. yeah.
Vegeta: are ya nervous?
Daff: hmmm.. not really. seriously... it's just a test. haha. No worries.
Vegeta: hm... maybe you're right.. But will you make it?
Daff: well.. To be honest.. I don't know. But! I'll try and see how it's like. ^^
Vegeta: So.... what if you fail?
Daff: Haha.. yea... then there's nothing else to do than try again. that's all. lol. But wish me good luck anyway. If I make it I'll give a drink when I come back. and if not. well.. I'll just have to read some more on it. but no worries. ok?
Vegeta: *stares* darn you and your calmness... I'd be friggin nervous.
Daff: Hahaha... Probably because you can't drive a car. lol.
Vegeta: *sighs*..........
Daff: well.. gotta be going.. lol. we're having this FINAL (Muahaha. evil word) assignment which has to be done till thursday. *evil grin* hehehe.
Vegeta: hmm... *Raises eyebrow* he's kinda crazy.. Oh well.
Good luck with the test dude.
Daff: Thanks pal. well.. gotta go. just downloaded a new Daft Punk song I haven't heard before... It's a Remix... and should be from the movie "kiss of the Dragon" if it's good it'll be in the weekend.
See ya guys and gals and my dear.
(behind the scenes)
Vegeta: Hey.. you forgot my name!!
Daff: hm?? then write it ya self. lol.
Vegeta: Hah!! I can do that. *starts writing letter for letter* V... E... G.... ehhh... E or I ??
Daff: I dunno... it depends on which way you like it best. The Dansh way is "Vejita" the american way (As far as I know) is "Vegeta" while the Japanese like to spell it "Vegita"
Vegeta: hmmm the decisions... ok.. eehhhh.. I think I'll pass today and go train instead. It is way more funny than this spelling thing...
Daff: lol.
(end of scene)

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Monday, May 23, 2005
....... a dark secret from outer space???
Daff: sitting and listening to song on the site.*
Vegeta: Nani?? What's this?
Daff: Ahh the next part of my top 7. number 5 :
Artist: Team Dark (sonic heroes)
Song: This machine
Genre: Industrial Rock
Reason: it is soo much a party headbanger.
Vegeta: So .. What up?
Daff: Not much... Need a cola...
Vegeta: hmm... yeah.. *dances* good tune..
Daff: lol. yup. I like it. But don't let the intro, fool you.. might sound a bit like a techno rythm but you'll be surprised.
Vegeta: sure.
Daff: ok.. not much happening here... I'll be off then.
Vegeta: Word.. Later
Daff: Later Veggie.
Love you Armi.

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Sunday, May 22, 2005
Post something?
Daff: Oy what a weekend..
Vegeta: You look pretty wasted.
Daff: Hm? oh.. maybe.. I got to bed like 2 am because Inusamurai told me. lol. I was reading some theory for my driving license test-thingy which is on tuesday.
Vegeta: ok.. is it hard?
Daff: not really. But I can feel I woke up like... *looks at watch* hmm. darn.. pretty early.. again.
Vegeta: o.O;;
Daff: 5 am.. hehe.
Vegeta: Go to
Daff: can't.. sorry. I'm fully awake now. and have to try and get 0 mistakes in the tests.
Vegeta: *sighs* oh well. anything new?
Daff: hmm... not really.. except I went to that job thing. lol. 9 had already been there before me. I think I'll stay here with my friends. and then I ust got a classic song DL'ed yesterday. "Klubbingman - Welcome to the club". and a clubversion of it. Yay. *dances* oh yeah. And a pretty awesome song "Franz Ferdinand - This Fire." It is sooo awsome. It'll be up too.
Vegeta: ok.. any captions today?
Daff: Sorry... the server is down.. they seem to have trouble with the login part. oh well..
Oh yeah. And I'd also like to welcome SirDarkness who is Jaxx's brother. Welcome to MyO Andreas. and to all of you who don't know him. Check by his site. It's cool ^^.
Vegeta: ok.. so no captions but a new member of the "family"? haha. Oh well.
Daff: yup. well.. that's it. see yas folks. Love you Armi.

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Saturday, May 21, 2005
Weekend Music... one more song
Daff: gaahh... sorry for not updating yesterday. school.. *Sighs*. But we got to know which exams we'll have to get through. Sose, French, and computering. Yay. lol. my classmates were furious because of Sose. lol. I don't mind it at all, though I might not understand 100 % of it lol.
Vegeta: haha. sounds like they don't like it.
Daff: They don't. They hate it more than everything else. lol.
Vegeta: k.. What's that song playing?? Sounds pretty good... Techno?
Daff: Techno? you must be kiddin' me. No techno here. It'll blow ya heads off. lol. the song playing is from a well known artist (at least in Denmark) called Gigi D'Agostino. k. Quick info on the song:
Artist: Gigi D'Agostino
Song: La Passion
Length: about 7 minutes
Genre: Nu Italo Disco... Sub genre 2 trance. same as "Eiffel 65's music".
Thoughts about it: hmmm.. Nice and easygoing. a bit repetative but still full of melody, and love. a song which can be played on a sunday morning. My favorite song 2 years ago.
Vegeta: hmm.. not bad. better than all that ohter trance music.
Daff: probably.. maybe because it's not as hard when it comes to the basskick and the bassline. lol. next weekend I'll post a song that is a way different from this one. then we'll compare and check'em out. ok?
Vegeta: are ya sure it's a good idea?
Daff: Yeah. anyways.. Oh yeah.. have to go to a company for a talk about a job. Wish me "no luck".
Vegeta: No luck?? Don't you mean "good luck"?
Daff: No.. of course I can finish my education if I get it.. but it can also mean "goodbye" at the date I have to start.. to Otaku and my girlfriend. so therefore. No luck.
Vegeta: I still don't get it. Why?
Daff: ok.. *sighs* one more time. My dad said that I'd probably start from july 1. Armi has vacation on that date.
Vegeta: mhm? and?
Daff: It'll probably be like "work from 9 am till 8 Pm, including and hour in a bus each way" So I'll have like No-time-to-be-with-my-friends-or-my-girlfriend if I get it. So I plan on telling them "no thanks" if they say the same.
Vegeta: what about ya parents?
Daff: just tell 'em that I didn't have the proper skill. lol. What they don't know they won't bother them.
Vegeta: again.. your girl has a great influence?
Daff: Yeah. I love her more than enough to put my education aside for a little while. besides.. I think I wanna have something big to do instead of standing in a shop.
Vegeta: Like what?
Daff: Anything.. I like hard work.
Vegeta: You what? Yare Yare.. You're crazy.
Daff: LOL. Ok. time for a Caption I did from that game I'm working on.

Vegeta: Darn.. is that Kakarot's head?
Daff: I dunno.. but it sure doesn't look good.
Give yer shot on this one fellas and gals. ^^

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