Birthday 1986-04-16 Gender
Male Location Denmark (the country with no hope and no future.. I'm outta here) Member Since 2004-08-25 Occupation Fire Duelist, and Music Artist Real Name Johnny Alexander Ankjer Liechtenstein Lundbech.
Achievements lots of stuff. Mostly music, my superior deck and my extremely wonderful girlfriend, Steffie ^^ and you guys as friends ^-^ Anime Fan Since 1996.. Pokemon,.. Wheee (I can't get used to that anime again, but it was a great part of my life.. :D Favorite Anime DBZ, YuGiOh! Ghost In The Shell, Neon Genesis, Megaman, Final Fantasy Unlimited, Love Hina, Akira, W.I.T.C.H. (Not org. manga/anime but is available as one.) Tokyo Mew mew, Yu Yu Hakusho, Flame of Recca, Trigun, Rorouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Goals Earn millions! Muahahahaha Hobbies YuGiOh! talk to my friends and try to make the ultimate deck Talents Musician, employee at Shell Service Station Daff-Power
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Daff: ehehehe...
Vegeta; Hmm. Nan dai?
Daff: Just found something when I was cleaning my computer.
Vegeta:.... I sure don't hope it's hentai or something *stares*
Daff: eh? Nah.. don't have hentai on it.. waste of space.. only have 20GB and about 18 of it is music and various Rorouni Kenshin episodes, movies and so. the rest 2 GB is games, stuff like video and sound editing software, and programs for things like what I've just found. Besides this is more interesting. A project I did like 2 years ago...
Vegeta: Ok?? Tell us.
Daff: ok.. 2 years ago I found a program which makes it possible to make to your very own fighting game. I made one at that time. Which I just found. The game itself is about 200 MB. Lol. as a zip file. 400MB when extracted. anyway.. Just tried it out again, and Yare yare all these bugs. At times it crashes and at a time music started sounding horrible. but otherwise a good game despite that is a 2D fighting game.
Vegeta: and you made this 2 years ago?
Daff: like. Yeah. But I've thought about remake the game so it won't crash and make the size smaller, then sometime when done I'll probably put a link so you can try it out. ok. a little info and then some screen shots from it.
Vegeta: hmm. Wonder what it's like.
Daff: ok. As the game is now, it has more than 200 playable characters (130 - 140 is from DBZ and a few from GT. almost every single character) the rest is randoms like: Mario, Megaman, Superman, and Sonic. and even Turtles adn heaps of other one)
about 80 stages to fight on. well. that's the info. now for the screens I took while playing. Funny situations might occour in it.
Vegeta: My son... Trunks and Gohan.. Why you Mario!!
Daff: Calm down Veggie.noone got hurt while playing this game.. I think... next one..
Vegeta: hmm... aren't goku supposed to be pretty much KO?
Daff: Yeah.. But I don't think he noticed that.. *sighs* a bug I need to get fixed too.. lol.
ok. next.
Daff: Don't ask.!!
Vegeta: Psyduck?? 666? and he's black and has red eyes...
Daff: Yeah.. I know.. it was a small special attack he had.. check this one *switches to next pic*
Daff:.. That pokemon.. is evil *evil grin* 1332 hits thrown at Goku GT. Impressive.
Vegeta: A wimp.. I could have done that too.
Daff: yeah right. Ok.. Last pic from the game.
Daff: Well.. What ever happens here... Even Cell didn't expect that to happen.. Give a comment to that one yourself. ^.^. Best Comment wins.
Daff: Heya there. well.. today I've thought about telling you exactly how my primary deck works.
Vegeta: Primary?? you have more than one??
Daff: Yeah. Fire and secondary is a Light Deck Feat. Blue-Eyes White Dragon. But I'll tell about that some time when it's finished.
Anyway; Here goes:
Main attribute: Fire
Second attribute: None
Number of cards: 51
Monster cards: 23
Legendary Flame Lord
Blast Magician
Thing in the crater
Solar Flare Dragon X3
Blazing Inpachi x2
Spirit of Flames X3
Ufo Turtle x2
Great Angus
Little Chimera
Ultimate Baseball Kid X3
Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu X2
Gaia Soul the combustible collective
Guardian Ceal
Command Knight
Spell/magic: 17
Different Dimension Capsule
Shooting star bow - Ceal
Scapegoat X2
Axe of despair X2
Monster Reborn (banned, so it is exchangeable in official duels)
Limiter Removal X2
Incandescent Ordeal
Molten Destruction
The Warrior returning alive
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Big Band Shot
Sakuretsu Armor
DNA Transplant X2
DNA Surgery X2
Raigeki Break
Magical Cylinder
Main Strategy:
Normally I wouldn't tell to many about my main strategy but I think it could be fun to see what you think about it. This is my main strategy in theory and might actually work out. If I draw the cards I need. lol. the goal is to make Ultimate BaseDBall Kid (Atribute: Fire. Type: Warrior, Atk: 500. Def: 1000. Lvl. 3) go WOOM and get an attack on about 80000. Though I've only aquired enough cards to make it to 20000 in a duel.. *sighs*
In order to use this decks full potential it is required to have these cards on the field:
Monsters: UBBK x1, and 4 random fire monsters. Spell/traps: Dna surgery x1 Dna Transplant x1. Cards in hand: Axe of D, Big Bang Shot, Limiter removal x2, and Megamorph, and maybe another UBBK to have something to defend with.
You see, Dna transplant lets the controller of the card choose one attribute which will used for as long as dna T. is face-up on the field, and since UBBK gains 1000 atk points for each fire monster on the field it's pretty obvious to choose Fire. Let your opponent get 5 monsters on the field and UBBK should have 9500 atk points. Now here comes the fun part. ;D. First you add Axe of D to UBBK,(oohh. 1000 up again.. 9500 + 1000= 10500) then Big Bang Shot. (10500 + 400 =10900). If you already haven't done so flip your dna surgery face-up and declare the type "Machine" for all monsters on the field. Once they're all machine types you should play the card "Limiter Removal" which doubles the atk of all machine monsters on your site but destroys them in the end phase. (10900 X 2 = 21800) and then play the second one (21800 x 2 = 43600). lol. and finally play "megamorph" which doubles the atk of one monster as long as your LP is lower than your opponents. (43600 x 2) And then you have an Ultimate Baseball Kid with an attack force of 87200 AND he pierces through defence monsters as they were in attack mode.
It gets more fun if you're in the middle of a 4-way duel (each for him/herself) at this point UBBK can reach 19500 without all the equipment but Dna transplant. By using the same tactics here he'll go even beyond his power from a one-on-one duel.
We'll assume that everyone has 5 monsters on the field. and we've just activated dna Transplant in your opponents turn (the one before you) and in your own turn, you "accidently" reveal Dna surgery. UBBK ATK: 19500. Axe of D. (+ 1000 = 20500), Big Bang (+400 = 20900). Limiter removal (20900 x 2 =41800), Limiter removal again (41800 x 2 = 83600) and time for final card "Megamorph" (83600 x 2 = 167200) and then it should be a good idea to attack someone. also remember. All of you own monsters are affected by Limiter Removal once you've activated Surgery and declared machine. so attack with them or they'll stand up to no good.
Second strategy: Stall... *Sighs*
The strategy I kinda hate to use. but can become handy in a tight spot. 3 Solar flare Dragons will do it. in each my end phases the opponent will recieve 500 of direct damage due to the effect of 1 solar FD. can't be attacked when there is another Pyro on my site of the field. (and it's pyro-type itself *evil grin*) So what happens if 3 meet up on the field on the same time?? Simple. You get a strong shield which can't be attacked and leaves 1500 direct damage to the opponent each time I say "Your move" lol.
Except these 2 strategies there are planty small ones too which can be done with this deck. try and figure some out. lol.
lol. Long post I suppose? lol.
Cya folks. Love you Armi *hugs and kisses*
Well.. gotta go. Got stuff 2 do. *sighs* school... Hmm.. I think I'll summon my UBBK and burn down this school. Muahahaha
Daff: *sighs* ok.. I feel a bit hyper today.
vegeta: shhh. I'm watching something here.
Daff: hm? *looks at tv* ooh. You too?
Vegeta: me too what?
Daff: Rorouni Kenshin. man.. that Anime Rocks. But I'd say you have to watch the first episode or you might not get it all.
Vegeta: hmm.. yeah. though there ain't too many I still like the fights.
Daff: yeah. they're cool. Got a few pics of the series which I will post.. right now..... *posts pictures*
Vegeta: hmmm... Wonder what will come up.
Daff: Ahahaha. Fear Himura Kenshin. Fear him I say. Or he'll... do .. er .. Laundry?? Kenshin: Oro?
Vegeta: Nani?? Laundry? Arent he Battousai the Manslayer?? *confused* he can't do laundry now!
Daff: lol. there is more.
Vegeta: *Stares* Crazy woman..She is Dangerous!
Daff: maybe. but she loves him dearly.
Vegeta: Yeah I can SEE that!!
Daff: hahaha. ok. this is from the intro of the series.
Daff: At this point he's fighting 3 opponents.
Vegeta: At least it is HIM who hurts soemone and not doing laundry. haha.
Daff: and yet a cool picture. lol .
Vegeta: *runs away*aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh.
Daff: LMAO. oh well Gotta go.
Love you Armi. *heaps of hugs and kisses*
Me: Man... *sighs* lol. Weekend is almost over.. school begins in 2 days here in Denmark. lol. that's probably the only good thing about living here. Heaps of days off. ahh yes. *yawns* I feel sleepy now.. sleepy. *smashes head to the table and is fast asleep*
Vegeta: *stares*..... ok.. heh.. I guess it's because he got home pretty late this saturday evening (aka yesterday).. He totally rushed outta the house didn't get anything but a few games, yugioh cards and a present for Jaxx with him so he had to head home in the evening.. and of course that baka wakes up like 3 am and can't sleep and gets up again... *sighs* no wonder he is so tired now.. he has been like go-to-bed-10-11-PM-wake-up-3-or-4am the whole week...
Me: *wakes up* hm..? what are ya talking about Veggie?
Vegeta: about your bed times.
Me: oh.. that... never mind them. I've been like busy.. got homework to do... and when I didn't do my homework I've been working on a new song.. which should be up one of the weekends in the near future.
Vegeta: Making music in the middle of the night?? You're crazy.!!
Me: I know. lol. But I got this wierrrd melody in my head and now I'm just trying and see how close to it I can get.. kinda fascinating. and I usually also get's up early to talk to my girlfriend.
Anyway. I've put up the next song on my TOP 7. Yay
Vegeta: hmmm... what is that??
Me: lol. call me soft if you like. I know I've changed lately.
Vegeta: soft?? That ain't the word... I thought you were into Heavy metal and House, and all that Trance stuff..
Me: hahaha. Yeah.. I still am into it. anyway. A little quick info on the song:
Artist: Amiel
Song: Obssession
Length: 3:44
Reason: Well. It almost perfectly describes my feelings towards my girlfriend.
Vegeta: ok.. so you're still all gone in that girl.. eh? *sighs*
Me: No doubt. lol.. I love her.
Vegeta: Geeeh... Love.. Pst. Only makes people soft.
Me: ..... *shoots a fireball at Vegeta.*
Vegeta: *faints*
Me: oops.. gotta practice... sorry Veggie. And Jaxx. Thanx for yesterday. was Grouse. Hail the almighty Foamy... lol.. I... think.. ehehe.. gotta go.. Daft Punk is on. *dances away while singing along* "going through the air.. going through the air.. going through the air.". (Daft Punk - SuperHeroes.)
Me: Hiya there. Man.. Today so far has been huge. and we've only just begun. lol. Got up like 4:30 am this morning and been awake since. got to talk to Armi until 7:00 and then just downloaded a lot of music. lol.
Vegeta: Johnny.... You need a hobby...
Me: Haha. I have. quite a few. Anyways. In the weekends I'll be putting up a new song until we reach monday ok? The song for this weekend is.... hehehe.. You'd probably never expect this one. Windows Noises. LOL. found a flash on newgrounds where some guy used sounds from the OS Microsoft Windows 95 to make a melody. Heaps fun. It'll never end on a radio chart lol. not that good but still fun. Beware of the sounds of Windows.
Artist: Unknown.... Can't remember
Song: Windows Noises.
Genre: sounds
Length: 3:00 min.
It'll sure be around for today and tomorrow so feek free to have a laugh at it. (at least Windows can be used something useful for once. lol)
Well. Gotta go, got stuff to do. And then I gotta go to Jaxx's place. YAY. Party!!
Me: Sou ka. Finally Weekend. This one is espeically going to be sweet. From 3:00 pm (danish time) my parents will go on a small vacation and I will be at home. why you ask? 3 reasons.
1. I'm invited to a Bday party at Jaxx's place tomorrow.
2. No need to spend money on unneccesary stuff like they'll do.
3. I get the Whole house for myself. (You are all invited to party lol).
lol. and then I'll just enjoy the silence while they're outta here. they'll be back at monday. so there'll be plenty of time.
Man.. nothing big going to happen 2day. Still at school. day off at 11:30 am. but I'll stay on msn for a little while.
qprobably checking out "Flame of Recca" and "Rurouni Kenshin" episodes. and for those of you who doesn't know Kenshin. I can recommend it. Kinda like DBZ just without all the Blow-different-planets-up-because-you-don't-like-your-neighboor-stuff. good fights. and a good story too. also there is a semi-Vegita-type too. Yanosuke. He rocks. Doesn't look like who who can fight but he is almost as strong as "Battousai the manslayer" aka Himura Kenshin.
You can the episodes from also on that site you'll be able to find other episodes from different animes.
Oh yeah. Armi. I am so damn proud of you. *hugs and kisses heaps* I love you.!
Oh yeah. Next on my top 7:
Amiel - Obsession, and Amiel - green Eyed world.. Yup. 2 songs at the same time. obsession will be on until wednesday and then Ereen Eyed world till friday.
And they're both so good that I can't choose one of them.
Me: *jumps around* Ahahaaha!! So friggin awesome.
Vegeta: What is it??
Me: eh?? Ah... man.. i guess some of all you Dragonball Z fans has noticed the new game?
Vegeta: Hmmm.. Sagas??
Me: Not even close. This is far better.
Vegeta: .... Then why don't you tell us?
Me: OK. I will.. The game itself has the title "Budokai Tenkaichi". And already by looking at the pictures makes me impatient to get my hands on it.
You can consider it as a Budokai 4. But instead with the text Tenkaichi which roughly said means "Best in the universe" lol.
Vegeta: ok.. More info.. Now I'm getting curious..
Me: Ok.. Tenkaichi should actually feature around 60 characters were Budokai 3 has about 40. So at that part a nice improvement. And also in Tenkaichi there will be "free-roam flight" so you can fly up in the sky without the help from your opponent. And as it weren't enough. Arenas have gotten bigger and can be destroyed by let your opponent fall a little hard on the ground, ki blasts or however you like. There will be hidden power ups in the levels too.
One of my favorite things in it is the graphics. Improved heaps and still true to the series. And eah character will had up to 3 special attacks each. Anyone said Kamehameha?? lol.
Just a few pics from the game. Found them on Gamespot.
Good looking right? I'm sure it'll surpass all DBZ games heaps. lol.
Well. Gotta go.. School... *sighs*
Love you Armi *hugs and kisses*
Me:Oy oy oy.. Man.. the last 2 days has really confused things around here.
Vegeta: Hmm?? What do you mean.
Me: Well. At first I knew my grilfriend would be soo sad about stuff with the vacation. When she was sad I got sad and then she became happy again and I followed emotionally. lol. And then everything just became huuuge confusion. I was still at school and talking to both Alandra and Jaxx. Made time go a way faster.
Vegeta: ook? go on..
Me: Then Jaxx told Alandra about my past and from that part she reacted I was nothing but plain confused.. I even thought I was dissapointed in Jaxx because he didn't mention it until I asked him. lol.
Vegeta: ..... aaaand?? You want me to kill him??
Me: Just you try Veggieboy..
Vegeta: Veggieboy??!!
Me: Yeah. Man.. lol. I had planned to tell her about it sometime.. lol. But Jaxx did. I know he only tried to help. But my reaction wasn't as thankful as I hoped. I was far too confused to think clearly lol. Man.. And Alandra left because she felt so bad about it.. blaming herself.. *sighs* Actually I'm the one to blame in that incident. If just I'd told Daniel about my plans he'd know. But I didn't. So this will be straight from my heart.
"Alandra. I know you feel bad about it and feel like it's all your fault. It isn't! And I don't want you to feel bad about your curiousity. No matter what will happen my love to you will still stronger than anything else."
"Jaxx. my best friend through 10 years. If you still feeling bad about yesterday.. Forget it. Stuff happens and we're still best friends. As with Alandra petty things like my past doesn't change my mind about you. Friends 4 ever. ok?"
*sighs happily* what a relief. feeling so much better. And folks. Please try and give them a little backup. ok?
ok. off this sad subject. lol. I'm at school.. Listening to Daft Punk . hehe. Brought my camera (digital ooohh *nods* yup yup.)
Makes me wanna take some funny pictures. don't know of what.. but it'll be fun.
Gahh.. Needs a cola.. this computer room is too hot...
Well. Gotta go. Cya and one more thing. "Don't worry be happy" lol. Heard that song yesterday. so fun.
Me: Yeah. Whoo hoo.
Vegita: Hmmmm?? He has been like that for an hour now. Wonder what got into him??
Me: *sighs happily* man.. Never been afraid before.
Vegeta: ok.. Now.. that's wierd.. the mighty Daff-Power has been afraid. Hah. doesn't look like you dude.
Me: I know. But I had a reason. This evening made me worry like never before. My parents told that I would NEVER be able to earn the money I needed to go to Australia. I knew Alandra would be heart broken and dissapointed when she got to know. Though I was right she didn't do what I feared the most. And I was heaps happy when she told me that her mother didn't mind that I came a little later. I'm soo relieved about it. at that very moment I talked to her I was sure she'd leave me. And I'd understand her.
But I'd still love her.
Well. I finally got the video up. Hope you like it. decided to put an intro and outtro on it. lol. Unfortunately it is so poor quality that you can't possible read what it says so don't try and do it. I'll write it here:
But ya gotta stop the music on the site first. lol
Intro: Jaxx and Daff-Power proudly presents ?
A movie that shocked the nation (almost)