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Denmark (the country with no hope and no future.. I'm outta here)
Member Since
Fire Duelist, and Music Artist
Real Name
Johnny Alexander Ankjer Liechtenstein Lundbech.
lots of stuff. Mostly music, my superior deck and my extremely wonderful girlfriend, Steffie ^^ and you guys as friends ^-^
Anime Fan Since
1996.. Pokemon,.. Wheee (I can't get used to that anime again, but it was a great part of my life.. :D
Favorite Anime
DBZ, YuGiOh! Ghost In The Shell, Neon Genesis, Megaman, Final Fantasy Unlimited, Love Hina, Akira, W.I.T.C.H. (Not org. manga/anime but is available as one.) Tokyo Mew mew, Yu Yu Hakusho, Flame of Recca, Trigun, Rorouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Full Metal
Earn millions! Muahahahaha
YuGiOh! talk to my friends and try to make the ultimate deck
Musician, employee at Shell Service Station
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Monday, May 9, 2005
It Has Begun!! (no... not Mortal Kombat lol)
Me: let Mo... No.. wait.. The Top 7 begin. 1 song a week the next 7 weeks. This top 7 wil be featuring all kinds of music (of course what I listen to. lol.) By which I mean that it is my Ultimate Top 7. lol. Hope you enjoy it.
Vegeta: Hmm. What is that song playing now?
Me: Oh Yeah. It is the 7th song on the list.
So get ready for a shock... lol. It's not just the music. it's the beat. Muahaha. Jokes. Ok. A little quickinfo on this song:
Band: Carpark North
Song: Human.
Genre: Rock/pop
Length: ca. 2:50 minutes
This friday I'll reveal a little about the next song.
Lol. damn.. Seems to be a busy day. I need to talk to someone who can give an advice in relation to my education, make my assignment done for tomorrow, do my french assignment, and I also have to get a cd from my my drinving instructor so I can pass these wierd tests. lol. and I also have to work 2day. geh.. lol. Need a cola to keep my head clean. lol. *wonders* hmm.. oh yeah. That video from the last post which I promised to put up. need to do that one too. lol.
But I'll be on msn for a time today (I hope so.) Just missing Armi. So I'll just talk to her today. and then go on with the next couple of things.
Well.. How's ya day been so far?

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Sunday, May 8, 2005
YIR MOVIE STARs?? oh well. plain fun
Me: Yay. Hello there.
first off to start with.
Jaxx and I spend the weekend at my house. lol. soo chaotic but still fun. during the night till sunday we were pretty hyper on cola so we were talking until 1:30 am until we finally fell asleep. lol. But of course I woke up like 5:10 am and were ready to get up. Also I knew that my girlfriend would be on around that time. yay lol.
It was heaps nice to talk to her (of course) and after she had to leave Jaxx and I agreed to make some fun (we were still a little hyper and got some more cola and then it happened.
I'll post the video as soon as I have fixed it.

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Saturday, May 7, 2005
Me: YAY.
Vegeta: Hm? What's up?
Me: Man. Today was aWeSoMe!!
Vegeta: Hm? Ok.. tell us.
Me: Ok. Alandra told me the best news ever. Her mum did approve me. Yay. Though she doesn't know about our relationship. But I'd say that today is among my best days. And Jaxx is at my house. Along with another of our friends who also loves YuGiOh!. We're gonna duel so much. Man. I love you soooooooooooo MUCH Alandra. But I guess you already know that. lol.
Found this on her site too.
However I don't think I'll running around naked. lol. But I like the weapon. And that socierty thing... It has to be in Dk. It's the only socierty I'd fight. lol.
Well. Gotta go.
Cya around. Love you Alandra *Heaps of Hugs and kisses*

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Friday, May 6, 2005
Weekend music
Me: Ello.
Vegeta: Iya.
Me: *sighs* Man. Need some new tunes eh? I had this nifty track called Accuface with a melody called Journey in2 sound. lol. Pretty neat stuff for the weekend.
It's actually from one of my countless trance cd's just found a version without the 3 min-get-down-for-a-groove-breakdown and which actually started with the melody. Found a few other "oldies" too on it with the same basics. and it is a nice change.
Vegeta: So.. What about the rest of your day?
Me: *Sighs* work. Good to be back and have something to do but still..
Vegeta: What?
Me: Well.. Ya probably knows that I've got big plans for my vacation. Going to Australia to see my girlfriend.
Vegeta: Mmhmm.. and ??
Me: Well.. She has to tell her mum about me before anything happens.. And then I just got the thought: what will happen if her mum won't approve that I meet her daughter.??
Vegeta: Well.. You just stay home then.
Me: Sounds easy for you to say. Hmm.. I'll talk about it with Alandra. I know we'll find of something. lol.
Vegeta: Yeah you don't seem to have any other choises..
Me: mmhm.. Right. Well Wanna listen to some of all that nifty music I just downloaded. Man. I hope Alandra will be happy to get that song I promised to get for her. lol. Love you dear. *hugs and kisses*
Well. Gotta Go.
Cya l8r.

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Thursday, May 5, 2005
Work, love and Happy birthday.
Me: Yay. First off to start with, a message to my best friend Daniel (aka Jaxx on MyO). "Happy Birthday there. so you finally turned 18. Well. Hope ur parents will give u a little more freedom lol. Hope ya'll enjoy the day."
Better.. Sorry for not updating as early as usual. Man.. Been at work from 8:00 am until 4:30 today. As many already know I'm working to earn money so I can go visit my girlfriend Alandra (Blue Eyes) lol. that girl has forever changed my life more than I expected at first. *nods* yeah. But not in a bad way. And I'm very happy that we met. *yays* lol. *hugs and kisses* Love you.
If not my life would be pretty boring and dull only with 3 reasons to be myself.
1: Daniel. U can't simply get a better friend.
2: YuGiOh!. Yeah. Nothing less.
3: my Work. I prefer this work rather than most places I know. My brothers company. Lots of challenges and hard work. Yay. lol.
Well. In order to make time go a little faster I've been thinking about to put up my top 7 music list. Anything goes. not only the ususal trancey things. So get ready for a few surprises here, ok? (Originally it was a top 5 but a 7 is a bit more fun.) It starts from this monday and has one song a week. lol. 7 weeks.
Well. Gotta go. Wanna make something creative today. Like stand on one leg... lol. JK. I'll figure out something.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Time's up...!! lol I think.. but for who? darn.. school..... crazy subject.. yes indeed. lol
Me: yay. Back on track and ready to rumble.... I think.. lol.. Darn computer.. It keeps on showing errors.. Think I'm gonna throw it out of the window lol *throws computer out of the window* Haha. there. done.. Nothing but trouble with it. even shortcuts on the desktop is useless, it's only white icons.. probably a virus.. Hehehe. man... Gotta work when school is finished so I can't really promise if I'll be on msn 2day. *sighs* lol. not that I think ya care but it always fun to talk to my girlfriend. Always. don't kill me if I don't get to all of ya sites, I'll give it a try when I'm done at work. lol. More work the next 2 days and then at saturday I'm gonna talk all day with my girlfriend. or at least as long she wants. Yay. only 1h 45. until school is over. and it's only 9:46 am now.
Oh yeah. I know I told you about Manowar yesterday.
Well. this monday I'll put one of their very best songs here for a little while. and as far as I'll tell I can say that the name is "warrior of the world united" and it is sooooo good if you need to get some "fighting" spirit.
Usually listens to it berfore, and while playing DBZ, YuGiOh! and Star Wars. lol. gives just the right feeling. I'll post the lyrics 2 so you can all sing along. join me *sings*
"brothers everywhere, raise your hands into the air. We're Warriors, Warriors of the World!!" yay. Loves that song. Jaxx knows it too. right bro?
Well gotta go. still gotta beat my teammates in poker. I think I'm getting a hang of it.... lol. or it may just be luck. hehe.
At last I'll just say this "I love you Armisael." *hugs and kisses*

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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
aaahh the yayness. lol.
Me: *yawns* oi. sorry. got to bed at little late this evening.. sitting in class and finishing my assigment.. writing about a band called "Manowar". My favorite when it comes to rock music. A little above Linkin Park if we compare with them. I'll post a song made by them sometime.. but not now.. but around in a week maybe. Anyway. Finally go tmy own track up'n running. had to sacrifice good quality for faster acces to it. so it's only on 56kb/s instead of 128 kb/s. sorry. hope ya like it. And I made yet another one. nothing big. I was bored when I made it, but it'll be up sometime for a day or 2.
Vegeta: Haha.. You like to make music I see.. What about some rock instead of all that house and trance crap??
Me: lol. Yeah. I made one on my PS2 in Magix. Pretty good, but I need to get on my comp then. And for that I need some tools which I don't have.. anyway. I'll give a try some time.
Vegeta: Yeah yeah right. like that's gonna happen.
Me: Oh yeah. Finally go tmy chance to watch Rurouni Kenshin. Now that is soooo cool. Himura and Myojin are awesome.
Vegeta: probably.. but they're still nothing compared to me. Haha. Remember I am the prince of Saiyans.!
Me: yeah yeah . Who cares. lol.
Well. Gotta go.. But I'll on msn for a little while. don't know how long though.. Cya

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Monday, May 2, 2005
Thunderstorms and loooots a love lol
Me: Well well. this morning were like... Crazy.. woke up 4:30 because of a huuuuge explosion like someone had thrown a bomb.. But the sound were for more than 12 seconds so I realized that it must have been a thunderstorm approaching.. crazy. and dam loud. couldn't sleep because the lightnings were like blitzes.. It annoyed me. lol.
Vegeta: So.. Ur not afraid of a thunderstorm?? are you?
Me: hm?... Naah.. They're noisy but cool to watch. tried and record one with my camera but the lightnings were 2 fast..
Vegeta: ok... hm.
Me: yeah. Anyway.. I'm at school by now.. Only having a couple of minutes.. So I won't be changing the song until I get home... Gaah.. we learning about how to start our very own company.. 2 friends and I are starting a club were you can play Poker.
Vegeta: Poker?? ur good at it?
Me: Nah.. not to good.. I know the basics.. But YuGiOh! is more fun. anyway.. Theory is too "dry" with that teacher they gave us.
Well. Gotta go. Wanna reply on my girlfriends email and check a few site before I go.

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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Yippie 3 2 1 ½.... yea..
Me: Yea.. Back again. Ahh. yes. Just talking to Alandra (Yay). And Jaxx. Yay. (yup.. He got msn too. at loong last lol)
Vegeta: hmm.. Yeah... man.. Anyway.. What's with that march thingy song you've posted now?
Me: Ah. I see you've recognized it. It is Daft Punk. The track is "Superheroes" and is among their best ones Ever!
Vegeta: yeah yeah. Right.
Me: *sighs* man... Can't help it.. I love you Alandra..
Vegeta: tsk.. you're still crazy about that girl?? pft.. Forget her.. You never get to see her anyway!
Me: Veggieboy... Shut up. I will get to see her. Just you wait.
Vegeta: Oh yeah? You have no money.
Me: Money isn't the problem..
Vegeta: then what is?
Me: hmm.. It takes 2 days to go there by plane.. and you have to switch between planes.. lol. Could be easier to learn to fly.. !
Vegeta!! You will teach me to fly. Now!
Vegeta: Say wha?? You say what?
Teach you to fly. Hah. Even books can fly better than humans.. Hah. ahahahaaha.
Me: hah.. Sure. Fog it. I'll go by plane. Though I could get there faster by bicycle. lol.
Well. Gotta go.
And about the Daft Punk song?? It'll be replaced by my newest song tomorrow. Just felt like I needed some real house music. lol.

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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Love, music and...... Money.. *Sighs*
Me: Ohayoo.. Clock is like 6:44 am and it's like time to get up. Follow me?
Vegeta: What?? *yawns* Why are you waking me up at a time like this.?
Me: Veggie-boy... Good morning.
Vegeta: *lays down and falls asleep*
Me: Oh well.. man. it's obviously more expensive than I thought to go to Australia. lol. Jaxx had a bet on 4000 Danish crowners (Can't get used to that word) and I guessed on 5000. lol. It was just about the double of mine.. 10000. Muahahaha I can get that on about 30 days. (and I only have a part time job. *evil grin*).
Anyway Can't and won't give up now.
Oh yeah. Finished the last piece of my newest track. (yay). A bit trancey but also ment to bring a little happiness to the world. However if it succeeds I can't tell yet.
It will be up around a couple of days.
Lol. Just talking to my girlfriend now. Sita sent the story from her page to Alandra. message to Sita: "Sita. You are a great writer. Keep it up.". *lmao*
Man. Yay. Gotta duel today along with Jaxx in that club thing. Going to be fun. I'll post my deck strategy tomorrow, feel free to tell about it.
And last. I love you Alandra.

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