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Denmark (the country with no hope and no future.. I'm outta here)
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Fire Duelist, and Music Artist
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Johnny Alexander Ankjer Liechtenstein Lundbech.
lots of stuff. Mostly music, my superior deck and my extremely wonderful girlfriend, Steffie ^^ and you guys as friends ^-^
Anime Fan Since
1996.. Pokemon,.. Wheee (I can't get used to that anime again, but it was a great part of my life.. :D
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DBZ, YuGiOh! Ghost In The Shell, Neon Genesis, Megaman, Final Fantasy Unlimited, Love Hina, Akira, W.I.T.C.H. (Not org. manga/anime but is available as one.) Tokyo Mew mew, Yu Yu Hakusho, Flame of Recca, Trigun, Rorouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Full Metal
Earn millions! Muahahahaha
YuGiOh! talk to my friends and try to make the ultimate deck
Musician, employee at Shell Service Station
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Eya minna
Title: Sounds from the Can
Artist: Daff-Power
Lengt: 2:43
Genre: Trance
SubGenre: Dream Trance
Own Comment: Yeh.. I made dis.... ^^;;;;; I won't say much about this one.. if you like it tell me. and if not you are free to kill me lol. ^^
Darn.. cutting wood surely ain't easy if the chainsaw isn't working properly. chain weren't sharp.. then I ran out of fuel and oil for the saw. lol. and I was an inch from cutting off my foot as well.. ^^;;; oh well. Ain't dead yet lol. Gotta finish it today after "school"
I'll come around later. Take care minna. ^^ *hugs*

Comments (6) |
Monday, March 20, 2006
Eeeya minna san ^^
Title: Free
Artist: Starsplash
Length: 4:04
Genre: Trance
SubGenre: German Trance
Own Comment: Pretty good considering how old it is.
mm.. Yea.. went to a birthday party during saturday evening. From start to finish it was Teffy who was invited and I just had to pick her up, but was invited as well after a little while. And dude.. it was AWESOME! ^^ First time I've been to a party like that.. and you can choose wether you believe it or not, but I didn't drink.. but I surely danced. It was great!! But I can't really see the point in why my body is feeling like I got run over by a pencil on a saturday morning.. ^^;; mah.. But I met 2 ppl I've went to school with and Teffy never knew those. lol
Alrighty..time's running and so am I..
But before I dissapear completely for now... Could I please ask you to try and visit Teffy's site here on MyO? She ain't brand new now but I'm quite sure she'll be happy to meet ya guys ^^
Well, I'm out. Take care minna

Comments (5) |
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Eya minna! ^^
Well.. Glad to be back and thanks for the funny comments minna ^^ But JapansHottestCEO, actually I weren't drunk when I wrote it lol. You wouldn't even know me when I'm drunk.. ^^;; *Vegeta shows up*: "well why don't you tell us then?" Me: uh... mah.. well.. I just get really hyper.. Jaxx and Wopz (Daniel and Teffy [GF]) knows that.. and it's only Teffy who can control me.. or else I'll just run around outside without hesitating to ask ppl if they're ok. lol. Think I asked those 2 a liiiitle too much last time.. every 5th minute I was like "are you ok, Daniel/Teffy?" and they would repy that they were and I would go "are you sure you're ok?" and they would be like. "yea. I'm sure" and I'd ask one more time just to make sure.. and then stop.. and then 5 - 10 minutes later repeat it.. lol. *Vegeta shakes his head and crosses his arms*"No fights?" Me: nope. I'm against fighting, smoking and unfair actions even when drunk.. *Vegeta "okay.. enough chit chat.. I sense something!"* Me: eh? I sense something too.. *Vegeta: What?! and since when have you been able to sense energies?" Me: uh.. I've never been able to sense energies.. only heat waves.. and something is comming this way.... *scratches neck* wonder what it is.. ?" Vegeta: I don't know.. But I know it's something big. *begins to build up Ki" and I wanna destroy it!"
Me: "oy.. not again.. ^^;;;" alright.. while Vegeta decides to blow up everything here I'll just quickly give the info on the song of today.
Title: Simulated
Artist: Icon of Coil
Length: 4:03
Genre: Trance
Subgenre: Futurepop
Own Comment: *nods to the rythm* Love this one.. so dark, evilish and still pretty cool. ^^
We're alive and we're among you
We breed and we concieve you
You live because we allow you to live
and you breath because we allow you to breath
You're incapable to think or breath for yourself
We pull the strings, cut off the wings
We're in charge of all the peace and of all the noise
You think there is a God, you are only toys.
You're incapable to think or breath for yourself
We pull the strings, cut off the wings
We're in charge of all the peace and of all the noise
You think there is a God, you are only toys.
You're toys
You walk
You talk
You breath
cuz we need you to...
be used
when we want you to
You eat
You taste
When we allow you to...
You sleep
You feel
When we force you to
Chorus x2
Your toys
Only toys
Your toys
Only toys
Me: okay.. better get outta here! *ground is shaking* Take care minna! *runs off to watch Vegeta*

Comments (7) |
Friday, March 17, 2006
Weeeeellaaaaahhhhhh.... ^^;;
Eya minna ^^
okay.. actually Lots of stuff has happened... so I haven't forgotten you. to be honest I only have around 8 more minutes left.. so I can't even tell all of it... but music. But I'll probably post tomorrow as well, so if any of you have interest feel free to come around.. or else just come for the sake of the music.. it miss you all just as much as I do! ^^ *gets knocked down* Vegeta: "Damn you youngster! leave them alone now will ya??"
Me: "oy.. ok.. *rubs head* ^^;;;
Title: Harder (Tune Up meets Daff-Power edit)
Artist: Deepforces
Length: 3:25
Genre: Trance
Own Comment: Better than much else I've ever heard. I LOVE IT!! ^^
Well.. Take care minna *hugs*
Tomorrow I'll bring up: Icon of Coil - Simulated.

Comments (9) |
Friday, February 24, 2006
Eya ^^
ahh.. Okay a few things to set up for the start.
Title: Push
Artist: Shaun Baker
Length: 4:27
Genre: Trance
Sub Genre: German Trance
Rating: 4/5
Own Comments: Great Trance tune.!
And then an apology to all of you. For 2 things. the drunk thing and my long absence with no visiting. I've been really busy until 2 days ago. Where I was told to go to a doctor with my hand. It was declared sprained. So yea.. I couldn't get to work and today is my last day in that work experience.. damn I'm gonna miss that place.. but a friend and I are following my gf who is starting on a school called OTS in which Daniel has been on as a mediagraphics designer. Starting 27th of march. And my apologies.. especially for my sister Ashley. I didn't think of getting drunk was among that so might have taken it too lightly as usual... ^^;;;; I'm sorry. Only thing I can say is that it's been around a year since I got drunk and it might take a looooooong while until I plan that again. Also that stupidity with my hand. ^^;;
Mah.. okay.. I'll have to go.. I wanna participate in that final meeting and tell them all thanks for everything. It has for sure been the very best work experience ^^ lol. Anyway. Also sorry for not visiting but I will do for now ^^ and I'll be happy to come around to your sites! ^^
Take Care Minna! ^^ *hugs*

Comments (4) |
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Eya minna ^^
Okay.. New song lol.
Title: Houston
Artist: We Love Katamari
Length: 2:51
Genre: Video Game
Own Comment: *biiiig grin* ^____^ It's really nice
And today.. almost done with my work experience. it'll be done on friday.. my last day of work.. from 8 am till 9:30 pm ^^; mah. it's an okay day. mostly because I have full control over the department I'm in as the one I'm "employed" under is on holidays. lol. Oy.. went to a party last weekend.. ended up in that I attacked chips laying around on the floor, followed by that I felt pity for them afterwards lol. but my hand has
been twice as big the last 2 days so I guess I should just stick to stomping them instead on hitting them franctically ^^;; that floor was pretty hard.. lol. ok... I was drunk ^^;;;;; tried to get out of a door while laying on my back and it looked hillarious. mah.
Well.. only 4 more days.. 4 more days.. and I'll finally be back on track.. and better than earlier. Far better. and there will be (power rangers ?)music. okay.. the Wild Force PR theme is kinda good compared to all of the others. but they still look like pathetic drunken sea monkeys lol. Too many poses and less action.. even when they say something they have to stand like they took something. hahah.
Well, Take care minna! ^^ *hugs*

Comments (9) |
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Eeeya! ^^
Mah. Yo minna san!
Title: Gangster Trippin'
Artist: Fat Boy Slim
Length: 5:20
Genre: Intrumental
Own Comment: Friggin Awesome! ^^
So, whassup??!! Long time no see.
Heh,lately lots of stuff has been goin' on. For the matter of better and worse but the bad stuff is over woth so no need to tell 'bout dat ^^ lol.
And my gf, (Steffie) Teffie, Jaxx, my younger sister Daniella (Chostar) and me has made a club.. over a drink.. lol. it's called "Team Milkshake" cuz everytime we're in the city together or alone, we need a milkshake. ^^; but it's fun cuz we all get pretty random ^^
mah.. time problems.. again.. I seriously need a time machine so I could make a time paradox which could make a disturbance in the time line... ooorr maybe not ^^;;; lol.
Take care minna! ^^ *hugs*

Comments (7) |
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Fear of The DAAAARK ^_^
Eya to da ppl of MyO
As promised the Goth death Metal song from one of the really awesome bands ever!
Title: Fear of the dark
Artist: Cradle of Filth
Length: 3:27 (The original is 8:47)
Genre: Death Metal
Own Comment: really good along woth Manowar and Daft Punk.
And for today.. mah. nothing big.. has to work from 8 am till 9:30 pm so I know what to do lol. and tomorrow I should have the day off. lol. Anyway. Dunno what to say.. I can't really promise I'll be on for long in general.. I just don't have the time anymore.. including I'm only bothering Al.. which has her oppinion of me by now after all this, and in a post yesterday I told her to delete me and forget me cuz I'm only doing more pain than good. So I'll be off in a matter of time.. if she doesn't help herself by forgetting me. lol. sounds wierd eh? well.. I've just found out that she doesn't wanna talk much.. and last time I said hi I was told I wasn't needed.. so hell.. I'll continue my life without her and ask her to do the same. But I won't leave now.. time will tell. lol.
Well. Gotta run. Mah. Take Care minna! ^^

Comments (7) |
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
and lots of it. ^^ lol. Mah, pretty much sorry for not being around much. My work experience is at its fullest and it's wonderful to do stuff instead of being in front of the computer almost all of my time, like I was before. ^_^ and now it's time for music:
Title: Just stop
Artist: Disturbed
Length: 3:46
Genre: Metal
Own Comment: This song friggin' ruuuuless! ^^ lol. ^^
Just a question for ya.. how many of you know Cradle of Filth? cuz I have plans on putting up a song soon with them ^^ and if you don't know what it is I'll tell you this.. Goth metal ^^ the song is called "Fear of the dark" and kicks major ass ^^ lol. I'll put it up next time. ^^
Well, take care minna ^^
I'll come aorund later

Comments (6) |
Thursday, February 2, 2006
He's Quack, and he's back... Again! ^^
Title: Outside world
Artist: Megara and DJ Lee
Length: 4:07
Genre: Trance
Own Comment: Friggin awesome!!!! ^___^
My comp sux.. can't even handle 2x internet explorer windows and WMP.. (Windows Media Player)so it crashed a sec ago.. -.-*
Anyway. Tomorrow more than 50.000 computers worldwide will be attacked by a virus which should be pretty dangerous as it deletes, or trashes ALL text and Excel files on a computer!! and they will be unrecoverable!! so you better take a backup already today or leave your computer shut down tomorrow! got this info from a danish IT site and around 500 danish comps are in for a "beating". lol.
Well.. Don't have more time.. got lots of stuff to tell which only isn't about my gf for once lol. And I need to get back into my music expertism which has been lost over the last months.
See ya minna! ^^

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