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Friday, January 21, 2005
300+ Hits Yay
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Music in da House
Yo everbody here on Otaku.
If ya are having some selfmade music on ya computer you'd like to share then you should try signing up at: www.soundclick.com .
I have already done it and are now official music artist on that page. Try searching for me on the page some time. I'll post all my song on the site.
Besides that. What's up??

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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Hehe. Whassuuuup????
Just wanted to write something..
I'm at school by now, but at least it ain't as boring as usual. Yay. Html is fuun.
do ya know Japanaradio.com ???
Nice radio with 100 % japanese pop music and music from anime series. It's pretty nice.
Try it out sometime. lol
Yay.... man... I need a cola..

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Monday, January 10, 2005
Hey hey hey. What's up??
Just found some cool pics :

Watta ya think??

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Thursday, January 6, 2005
Kon'nichi wa
well hello again. Long time no see. eh?
well. Some of you might have noticed that I've put some music on my page. No Daft Punk I'm sorry. I'll try and see if I can find some. And of course Daft Punk - One more Time ;P
What about you guys and girls? had a happy new year???

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Friday, December 17, 2004
The Sims
You got it. It is "DJ Sims feat. DBZ and their latest hit: Dance Saiyan Dance. Lol.
Man. Love this pic. It represents the true nature of a Super Saiyan. Hehe

Whatta ya think??

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Thursday, December 16, 2004
Hail the Prince of Fire (Me ;D)
So. I've posted my alltime favorite picture on my site. You can't miss it. Lots of fire and a silver shiny thingy that looks like a dragon. It is a bit big riht now but I'll resize it when I get home.
Yes today is the last day in school (normal day). Tomorrow goes to school and then we finish this year with a trip to the cinema. The school pays. I' gonna see The Incredibles.
Don't forget: Every day is a new day, and Every day is a party.
Did I just say that???
One more Time we're gonna celebrate. lol.
So.. what about Your day??

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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Yay. Vegeta goes Bowling.
Merry Christmas 2 everyone.
Only 3 more days until christmas holidays. (In Denmark).
I've made some music which I'll posting here on Otaku some time.
Don't worry I'll do it as soon as possible.
So far my day??... Not bad.. I've got the day off in about 3 hours.
What 'bout yours???

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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Man.. Weekend is pretty neat at times. Yesterday I managed to burn a few duelists away in YuGiOh!. Ahh the sweet taste of victory. My Firedeck is getting stronger and so am I. And finally today... I've been training/bodybuilding.. (it's sunday in DK today)and most important: I've just got a few of songs from Korn. man.. Word Up and Floyd are pretty awesome. I've also gotten another musicvideo from Daft Punk. Burnin'.
I suppose something fun is gonna happen for all of us sometime... Judgement Day. Rise of the Furbies "Muahahahahahaahaha.. Furby Fraggin Time"
Anyways'ah. What about your day??

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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Project..... hmm..
Argh.. This freakin' prject is killin' me. Have been working on it for 4 day now and it doesn't seem to get any better at all. Garh.. Darn it. I need some more cola or i'll end up sleeping.. hmm.. At least my parents where in Germany yesterday and they brought a box of cola for me. heh.. 24 bottles. They'll be gone before the day is over. lol.. Ah ok. JK. Man.. Right now I'm listening to Voodoo & Serano - Blood ispumpin. Kinda good track in my opinion.
Do ya know the track and what's up for you guys? I bet your day will end up more interesting than mine. Well Cya.

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