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Denmark (the country with no hope and no future.. I'm outta here)
Member Since
Fire Duelist, and Music Artist
Real Name
Johnny Alexander Ankjer Liechtenstein Lundbech.
lots of stuff. Mostly music, my superior deck and my extremely wonderful girlfriend, Steffie ^^ and you guys as friends ^-^
Anime Fan Since
1996.. Pokemon,.. Wheee (I can't get used to that anime again, but it was a great part of my life.. :D
Favorite Anime
DBZ, YuGiOh! Ghost In The Shell, Neon Genesis, Megaman, Final Fantasy Unlimited, Love Hina, Akira, W.I.T.C.H. (Not org. manga/anime but is available as one.) Tokyo Mew mew, Yu Yu Hakusho, Flame of Recca, Trigun, Rorouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Full Metal
Earn millions! Muahahahaha
YuGiOh! talk to my friends and try to make the ultimate deck
Musician, employee at Shell Service Station
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
F34r Teh Dentist! ^^
Ohayou minna ^^
Title: Save my soul
Artist: Jon the Dentist
Length: 3:54
Genre: Trance
Sub Genre: Anthem
Download:Here, rightclick and select "Save as"
Own Comment: No, I'm not religous of any kind, and I don't mind people who are, and aren't, but this track is still good. You'll know what I mean once you hear someone talking.
Well, don't have much news today. Gonna be the usual, and I'm sure to finish the amv today since my teacher kept on pulling me away the last 2 days, grrr! adware over his computer!! Muahahashi.
Okay, a friend sent me something I think you see. This is Windows on a good day ^^ lol. (Only a small part of it. I'll post the rest tomorrow.
WinErr 001: Windows loaded - System in danger
WinErr 002: No Error - Yet
WinErr 003: Dynamic linking error - Your mistake is now in every file
WinErr 004: Erroneous error - Nothing is wrong
WinErr 005: Multitasking attempted - System confused
WinErr 006: Malicious error - Desqview found on drive
WinErr 007: System price error - Inadequate money spent on hardware
WinErr 008: Broken window - Watch out for glass fragments
WinErr 009: Horrible bug encountered - God knows what has happened
WinErr 00A: Promotional literature overflow - Mailbox full
WinErr 00B: Inadequate disk space - Free at least 50MB
WinErr 00C: Memory hog error - More Ram needed. More! More! More!
WinErr 00D: Window closed - Do not look outside
WinErr 00E: Window open - Do not look inside
lol. My favorite is comming later.
Well, I'll be off now. But tomorrow I'll put up "Mad Caddies - Road Rash" funny song. Rock with a fun twist. ^^
Take Care Minna ^^ *hugs*
Elsker og forguder dig min engel og dronning *tons of hugs and kisses* ^^

Comments (8) |
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Ohayou Minna ^^
Title: Cube (Human Spirit)
Artist: Dj Playboy
Length: 2:17
Genre: Trance
Sub Genre: German
>Here, Right-click and select "save as"
Own Comment: Don't worry, despite the artist's name refer to it there is nothing sexy or anything in it but trance and it seriously sounds rather good ^^
Oy... damn.. seriously.. okay.. my body hurts but still I haven't felt this good at the same time for a while. lol. We played soccer during the roleplay.. with weapons! ^^ Yessir!! that's how it should be! I decided to use a 2 handed axe it became really handy, as I blocked all the arrows with it and ended up "pissing" my teacher off cuz he couldn't get close. It was soooo bloody fun. Oy.. and today we're having a tournament in table tennis and Liero, and maybe CS but I'm not participating if it comes to CS, besides I wanna talk to my gf. Which also reminds me of a thing she wrote on her site yesterday. ^^ it was about me and well, I feel like doing to the same. I love her so much, and I think she's beautiful, even if we weren't a couple I still would. And you have seen pics of her so you know how she looks like as well. ^^ sadly she doesn't really believe me when I say she's cute and all. but I hope this can make her realize that she isn't ugly and that she is cute (and beautiful! ^^) ^^ Okay.. I'll list a few physical things about her I love and then how she is. ^^
-Her eyes-. Brown. There is something deeply magical about them. ^^ So beautiful.
-Her hair- mhm. Love it as well. Also a thing that makes her look so adorable ^^
-her smile- She has heard it before and she'll hear it again. I always can't help it but it's warming to see her wonderful smile
and you probably have noticed she's wearing glasses. And I really think it looks good on her.
Though some people might thing that those with glasses are nerds.. pft, stuff them. Glasses doesn't have to make people nerds. Besides these ones Al is wearing makes her look.. even more adorable ^^
And I really love the way she is too. Actually I only saw her after we got together so it was her personality I loved in the first place. Seriously, she is, smart, cute, persistant in a good way, sweet, caring, funny, protective, creative, and she has a really beautiful voice!! Normally I'd be like "nothing is better than music" but listening to her is better ^^, I could keep on for a loooooong time.
So Al. You're everything to me and I love you for the one you are both from looks and your way of being.
Take Care Minna ^^ *hugs*
Elsker og forguder dig min engel og dronning *tons of hugs and kisses*

Comments (10) |
Monday, November 14, 2005
U..... ^^;
Ohayou Minna ^^
Title: Carnival (Daff-Power edit)
Artist: Project Pitch
Length: 4:12
Genre: Trance
Sub Genre: EBM
Download:here, rightclick and select "Save as"
Own Comment: *nodding to the music* waaaay awesome. Got lyrics for it ^^
Carnival-it's simply uncontrollable
Moving on through the sand
Carnival-it's really unstoppable
Destructive tracks in the land
The gift of explosions
The happiness of death
Merciless it takes its way-big machine
And there it comes-massive like a mountain
The music invites us to join the parade
So join the parade
Carnival-it's simply uncontrollable
Moving on through the sand
Carnival-it's really unstoppable
Destructive tracks in the land
The gift of explosions
The happiness of death
Merciless it takes its way-big machine
And there it comes-massive like a mountain
The music invites us to join the parade
So join the parade
Carnival-it's simply uncontrollable
Moving on through the sand
Carnival-it's really unstoppable
Destructive tracks in the land
lol. Currently talking to Sita. waaay fun. completely random, but awesome. Okay, plans for today. I'll try to finish Al's AMV and tomorrow we're getting some other "students" are comming over cuz the teachers were crazy enough to challenge them in table tennis, and the people from the media line are challenging the rest in Liero. Might end up getting it on all computers today. ^^ lol.
The Art of building a plane of nothing but a cdplayer, a piece of bread and a fork. ^^ And don't forget fuel. But no smoking allowed onboard. ^^
Take care minna!! ^^ *hugs*
Loves ya sis *hugs*
Elsker og forguder dig min engel og dronning *tons of hugs and kisses*

Comments (10) |
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Manowar, stuff.
Ohayou minna ^^
Title: Fight until we die
Artist: Manowar
Length: 4:00
Genre: metal
Download: Here right click and select "Save as"
Own Comment: Manowar in da house once again!!
Okay.. sunday. Wicked, I have to clean the bathroom.. my mum thinks it's important to have a clean bathroom. I'd find it more fun to place 50 kg C4 on the floor and watch it go "Boooom"
And that's pretty much all. Got coke so the day can't be all bad. ^^ And tomorrow I'll put up Project PitchFork - Carnival. ^^
Take one bullet, eat it and drink pepsi and travel to Pluto and you will meet Teletubbies which are making nuclear cookies of nothing but wood and dust. Mah. And put the teletubby in a coffee machine, press on it and put down 3 pieces of dynamite. ^^
Take care minna ^^ *hugs*
Elsker og forguder dig min engel *tons of hugs and kisses*

Comments (8) |
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Chillin ^^
Ohayou minna
Title: Bakerman
Artist: Laid Back
Length: 4:40
Genre: House
Sub Genre: New Wave part 2
Download: Here, Right click and select "save as"
Own Comment: Pretty cool and good if you just wanna zone out or relax. I like this though it's not trance or metal ^^
Well, yesterday I wrote in my post about adware, spyare and hackers. Today I'll put up the AntiSpyware software "Spybot Search and Destroy". It's the final version of it and is free of use, and also without Virus. I scanned it with McAfee and Norton Antivirus and both are 100% up to date. So don't worry. No virusses included. ^-^ and if I can find it I'll put one of the best free Anti Adware programs. I've searched all over the net for those good programs like these but it has become harder to find them. sadly..
Anyway Download section is in the end of the post.
Happy Birthday!! ^^
To...*drumwhirl* Emma!! one of Al's friends (and mine and Jaxx's too) ^^ Al, Emma and Bonney are at the beach at this moment as I'm writing this post so once I'm done here Al had asked me to post for her, so yeah. Happy Bday to Emma and I hope she has a great day ^^
Spybot Search and Destroy 1,3 Final Here! Right click and select "save as" Note::! Just Rememeber to update it! there are like a few hundred new spywares each 2nd day!!
Okay.. I'll be off to post for Al and then I can hear that I need to download a song here.. lol. "Del the funky homosapien - Phoney phranchise" Progressive Hip Hop.. wierd but still awesome. I'll put it up some time when I get it ^^
Take Care Minna! ^^ *hugs*
Elsker og forguder dig min engel og dronning *tons of hugs and kisses*

Comments (7) |
Friday, November 11, 2005
Spy+Adware+Hackers..... Sorry.long post ^^;
Ohayou minna ^^
Title: Forsaken
Artist: VNV Nation
Length: 2:38
Genre: Downbeat/Trance
Sub Genre: New Wave
Download:Here, Rightclick and select "Save as"
Own Comment: Just a little no-beat track for a change. It reminds me of a song from a game ^^ really nice. Including I like the ending as it might have a point.
Okay, I read on Mokey's site yesterday about stuff getting on your computer and recording what you did. lol. from what I could see the person who started the subject might have been a little too frightened when he/she found out cuz... It's not as dangerous as it seems. ^^ You'll get to know what it is and what you can do to get rid of it, as long as you don't call the army to blow the computer up lol.
Okay. That "stuff" that comes on your computer is actually small programs used for advertising. Made by companies, put out on websites to collect information about what people are searching for, and out from that send offers to your mail also known as "Spam". These programs are known as Spyware. Adware. the more annoying advertising program.Records more stuff than only searches, forces pop-up windows to occour out of nowhere, the computer might run slower or crash. they aren't a catasrophy or something to be feared like death. They're just annoying. And none of them has the reason of hacker attempts. lol.
Hackers program virusses, and when they're "hunting" they often search for small holes in the security. But there are like more than one type of hackers. I'll put them in 3 basic groups. ("good/hacker"): Those ones check for the holes, access the computer and informs the owner (typically companies are victims in all cases)about the risk but never changes or does any form of destruction.
(Neutral) These ones just checks out the same stuff, and tries to gain access, they don't really feel like helping or destroying. They just want to get smarter about what they have in their hands. (Bad guys / phreakers) These ones are the guys that gives hackers the reputation of being the evil chaos seeking persons. They are violent when they try to get in and once in they don't care what they trash as long as they have fun. Sounds like I'm protecting them don't I lol. nah, but a hacker is just a person who wants knowledge about computer system, but gaining access to a computer (without permission though.) they don't want trouble but want information. lol.
Randomness??.. ahh no..
Al, is the most beautiful, and wonderful gf I could ever have asked for ^^ Smart, cute, loyal, and sweet. Beautiful eyes and all.
^^ Al.. You know I suck at lying.. that's also why I didn't write what you told me to yesterday by comment! ^^ Haha!! ^^ lol. I love you my angel!
Take care minna *hugs* ^^
Elsker og forguder dig min engel! *tons of hugs and kisses*

Comments (7) |
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Ohayou Minna ^^
Title: summer is calling (Daff-Power Shorty edit)
Artist: Aquagen
Length: 3:07
Genre: Trance
Sub Genre: German Trance
Download:Here, Right-click and select "save as"
Own Comment: Well.. I know it's not summer anymore, but what the heck lol. It's still great ^^
Yessir!! ^^ lol. okay. A little random now. sorry. First. the amv is getting closer to a finish, but I might not get it done today as I'll be getting a few more episodes and converting them till wmv and I'll probably finish it by tomorrow. Oh yeah. Have any of you heard of a game called "Severance. Blade of Darkness" ?? I found that game among many pc games. RPG+hack'n slash+lots of blood and you can use anything as a weapon. I'll bring it to school and check it out when we have a break. Also bringing Alien Versus Predator 1 + 2 and Serious Sam 1, so people can get to kill ^^ lol. Yesterday we got an hour for playing games and one of my classmates were playing The Sims 2, and 2 friends and I was playing Liero, a worms clone were there are tons of weapons and blood and is waaaay fun ^^ and especially with all the modifications in it. I'll find a link for it till tomorrow so you can try it out.
"I'm a happy little cucumber with a stinger missile in my right hand and a coke in my left" the mailman said when he a sunday morning delivered a package of pepsi to the president on mars. "farewell mr peanut and hope you suffer on your packie"
Well, Take Care minna!! ^^ *hugs*
Elsker og forguder dig min dronning *tons of hugs and kisses*

Comments (6) |
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Wednesday already??
Ohayou minna ^^
Title: Headhunter (Daff-Power edit)
Artist: Front 242
Length: 5:19
Genre: Trance
Sub Genre: Electro Industrial
Download:Here, Right click and select "Save As"
Own Comment: Great! Okay, this version was a part of a megamix on 22 minutes so I had to sort this one from the rest and edit it. And I found some lyrics on it. Pretty simple ^^
HeadHunter (DP edit)
Today he has no means, he's alone and anonymous
But written in his cells he has got the marks og the genius
I'm looking for this man to sell him to other men.
to sell him to other men,
to make us rich and famous.
One - You lock the target
Two - You bait the line
Three- You slowly spread the net
And four - You catch the man
Today he has no means, he's alone and anonymous
But written in his cells he has got the marks og the genius
I'm looking for this man to sell him to other men.
to sell him to other men,
to make us rich and famous.
One - You lock the target
Two - You bait the line
Three- You slowly spread the net
And four - You catch the man
I'm looking for this man to sell him to other men
To sell him to other men at ten times the price at least
I'm looking for this man who knows the rules of the game
Who's able to forget them to realize my aim
One - You lock the target
Two - You bait the line
Three- You slowly spread the net
And four - You catch the man
(lock the target,
bait the line,
spread the net,
catch the man)
One - You lock the target
Two - You bait the line
Three- You slowly spread the net
And four - You catch the man
(continue till it fades out)
lol. I'll just start directly. Well, hopefully Al will have more time so we can get her audio post up, we tried yesterday but didn't have too much time and it was almost done transferring when she got disconnected, she did come back though ^^ But we'll try again today. And the AMV is going great. Made around 2 minutes of it by now. Guess that the converting and downloading process has taken a lot of time, so I'm glad I got the biggest parts done now. I really hope she likes it! ^^ and you guys too! lol.
I'm looking for a toast! it nearly killed my dog, my sister and an alien, including it managed to steal my gamecube, all my money, 4 nuclear warheads, AND a bottle of coke *pulls out rocket launcher* I warn you.. this toast is deadly.. with or without weapons.
Well, Take Care minna ^^ *hugs*
Elsker og forguder dig min engel, og dronning *tons of hugs and kisses*

Comments (11) |
Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Ohayou Minna ^^
I'm sorry. Never got the chance to prepare the new one due to the roleplay on mondays ^^; But it will be up tomorrow! ^^
Well, because that my post yesterday were specially for made for Al because of her hard work, and that her computer crashed so she never could get on, I decided to put up the post again, and add a little extra in the end. I'm sorry if you're getting tired of all the lovey dovey stuff ^^;
Well, Here Goes:
In case some of you was wondering about the subject I'll let you know. 2 days ago Al made something for Daniel and me. And it's clear that she had put a lot of effort in her work. I'll show what she gave me here:: Aawwwwwww!!! I love it. Once again thanks honey! ^^ *lots of hugs and kisses back* Jeg elsker dig min dronning ^^
(Danish for "I love you my queen" and she's really good considering how hard Danish is. It's the 3rd hardest language in the world, right after Japanese and Chinese, so I'm very proud of her! ^-^ Oh and for the picture part. All Copyrights and credits goes for Al! So if you wanna put it up I'd recommend you ask her. Even goes for me in the future lol. lol ^^ but I couldn't wait to show you it cuz it's loveable ^^ so I hope I can be forgiven. Once again, Thanks Al, and thanks for being the most wonderful girlfriend anyone could ever have asked for as well!! ^^
And I'm just that I suck so badly at photoshop that I'm unable to make anything just half as good as her and any of you. I mean, I made my Avi but it could have been soooo much more perfect! lol. It would be really cool if I just could make something for her, and you like you've made for me,(like the buttons) But I just don't have the skills for it ^^; okay, enough complaining. I've pretty much started on donwloading episodes and all for the next AMV. For Al, and has lotsa EVA stuff in it, and well.. Seems like I've found out how to deal with the small screen, so yeah. I only need the song. lol. I hope Al can send it or I'll get it when I get home. lol.
Take Care minna *hugs* ^^
Elsker dig min engel, skat og dronning *tons of hugs and kisses*
(I'll be on to your sites as you update today as the computer will be busy converting episodes till christmas lol. ^^)

Comments (9) |
Monday, November 7, 2005
Thanks Al ^^
Ohayou Minna ^^
Title: Rollergirl (Daff-Power Edit)
Artist: Apoptygma Berzerk
Length: 4:09
Genre: Trance/House
Sub Genre: EBM/Nu Italo Disco
Download:Here, Rightclick and select "Save as"
Own Comment: A bit tricky actually. It contains elements from EBM AND Nu Italo Disco. But it's only the vocoder that has been borrowed from Nu Italo Disco, so it still maintains its EBM flow. All in all an awesome track, if you want something you can just zone out to, or dream yourself away with. I love it ^^ lol. though the it could have been better off without female voice. lol
In case some of you was wondering about the subject I'll let you know. Yesterday Al made something for Daniel and me. And it's clear that she had put a lot of effort in her work. I'll show what she gave me here:: Aawwwwwww!!! I love it. Once again thanks honey! ^^ *lots of hugs and kisses back* Jeg elsker dig min dronning ^^
(Danish for "I love you my queen" and she's really good considering how hard Danish is. It's the 3rd hardest language in the world, right after Japanese and Chinese, so I'm very proud of her! ^-^ Oh and for the picture part. All Copyrights and credits goes for Al! So if you wanna put it up I'd recommend you ask her. Even goes for me in the future lol. lol ^^ but I couldn't wait to show you it cuz it's loveable ^^ so I hope I can be forgiven. Once again, Thanks Al, and thanks for being the most wonderful girlfriend anyone could ever have asked for as well!! ^^
Take Care minna *hugs* ^^
Elsker dig min engel, skat og dronning *tons of hugs and kisses*
(I'll be on to your sites as you update today hopefully lol. ^^)

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