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myOtaku.com: Daff-Power

Sunday, March 27, 2005

YGO Online... again
All-righty there fellow Duelists.

Here is the two last of 5 pics.

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This is how it looks like in the beginning. I start. Yay.

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And when u win.

Oh yeah. 2 days ago there was a tournament 4:30 Pm (US timeline. 11:30 Pm Danish timeline)
Though I'm only at lvl. 4 I decidede 2 participate. Only to be totally destroyed/wiped out/Game Over/0 continues and out of tournament. My opponent a lvl. 8 duelist did the job. Can only say that it was a great duel. Here is a recap of the end: Opponents LP 6000 My LP 3000. Opponents monters: MechanicalChaser atk 1850 def 800 and ManEaterBug atk 450 def 600. My monster: Armored Lizard
atk 1500 def 1200. Then he equipped his MechanicalC with 2 axe of D and gave it 2 spell cards that should double the atk of one machine (but destroy it in the end phase) and finally an United We stand. I'll show u by numbers then:
Mechanicalchaser atk: 1850 Def 800 (def not important) "Axe of Despair" (1000)+1850 = 2850 + "Axe of Despair" (1000) = 3850 x2 (Spell card to machines, doubles atk) 7700 x2 (again that card) 15400 and then 1 "United we stand" 800 per monster under his control (2x 800 =1600) which makes MechanicalChasers atk 17000 against my armored Lizard Atk 1500. Overkill? Oh yeah. it's everyday you get 15500 direct damage thrown in ya face. Worst is that it went so fast that I didn't get a pic of it.
well cya

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