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Hawaii, USA
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Being preoccupied
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Erin Nicole
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Whistle!, Saint Seiya
Finish sophomore year with a 4.0, graduate Junior year
Athletics, Shopping, Sleeping
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
My flight to Illinois! (First class!)
Well...I slept the whole flight. That's about all I have to say. xD

Psst...This is Josh. xP
I took this pic on our field trip.
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Sunday, June 4, 2006
Fairly Odd Parents
I'm also a fan of some American cartoons. And with that, here's a quote.
"It could be we as in all of us, we as in you and me. Or my favorite; WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" -Cosmo
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My hair got cut.
My hair got cut. now it's down to my shoulders. That's all for now.
-Daichi < 333
P.S. I'm gonna be gone for a while. Atleast for 3 days or so. If not, much longer. Like a couple of months. Haha. -going on a vacation without a laptop-
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Friday, June 2, 2006
iPod, telephone, three-way calling, birthday parties, hospitals, cancer
So, today (well I guess June 1st was yesterday for most of you) was my friend Levi's birthday. Sucks though cause he's in the hospital. )= He turned 13. =) So congratulations Levi on your 13th birthday!
Ah, anyway, I got like 4 phone calls from one of my friends yesterday. lol. Anyway, she said that Kevin asked if her brother would fix his iPod. My friend's brother said only if you pay me. So my friend said if I call Kevin tell him that. Well guess what Angelica? I didn't call Kevin. So Geoffrey will have to go money-less for the time being. =)
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Thursday, June 1, 2006
School's out!
School is finally out. =) I'm sooo happy. Anyway, we had our class trip on Tuesday. It was fun. We went to the base pool. It was so much fun. 'Cept we had to take a swim test to go in the pool. =) It was simple though. Just jump into to one end of the pool and swim to the other. Haha. It was a waste of energy in my opinion.
One we were swimming and stuff, we played this one game where you hit people on the head with noodles and shoot them with water guns. I was on the team with Josh and Kevin and Charleen for the short time that I played. It was rad though. Oh, and I took like a gazillion pictures of us. =) The funniest one is of Josh wearing someone's glasses while sitting on a broom. He looks like an asian Harry Potter. lol. Another good thing was that we got to eat lunch at like, 10:40am. After that we played freeze tag on the playground equipment. Haha. I got frozen like, 4 times. One more and I would've been it. But I had to call a time out so I could re-tie my swimsuit. Anyway, it was so awesome. I hope next year will be just as fun. But Josh, Kai, Kevin, Jelacia, Alaina, and Charleen won't we with us. )= Sad, sad. And that's about it for now. Mahalo Nui Loa for a great year!
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Friday, May 26, 2006
Much more yay!

What Sohma Are You Most Like?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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What Sohma Are You Most Like?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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I forgot to tell you more about my yearbook.
All my eighth grade buddies signed my year book, except for Megan and Torrey. )= And I couldn't read Keli'i's hand writing. Or Moses' either really. But anyway, my firend Hamiha, she put "Hamiha-i rock" Then in the back of my book, one of the 5th graders, Taylor, put "Taylor is better than Kevin Killerman + Hamiha Arquette" =) If any of you are reading this, then...will you sign my yearbook? Except for the eighth graders since they already graduated. (I'm hoping someone from my school will find this...) Wow. I'm typing alot for some reason. =) Maybe I'm just excited about school being over. But, I'm not looking forward to next year. So...I dunno. Woah. Which totally reminds me, some of my friends will be graduating from highschool this year. Which I think is weird cause I'm still in junior high. =)
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I've been gone for a while, I know. I've been...very busy. School is almost out for the summer. (thank god.) But there's still plenty of work left. Cleaning the room. Field trips. The beach. The pool. =) It's going to be a long 4 days. =) Oh, plus we got our yearsbooks last week. Tee hee. And my pal Joshua signed mine. I could hardly read it. The H was sideways. And I could barely make out his last name. It said QUINLAN though I could hardly tell. )= Then his friend Kevin signed it. It said, "Kevin is the best." Then someone put, "Ainokea 4 haoles" =) And they crossed this girl's picture out.
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Saturday, May 6, 2006
Koa FC had a game today. =) We won 4-0. Horrah. Tomorrow we play Lihue Blue Dolphins. If we win, we make it to the playoffs. =) So yeah. The goals today were scored by;
FW Mahealani Hurd #17
FW Charleen Miguel #18
FW Hallie Cristobal #5
MF Arian Pigao-Chun #12
I sprained my ankle. Cause this girl pushed me and I tripped. )=
But anyway, Koa FC /will/ be making it to the playoffs. This will be my last time playing as a U-12 player along with Charleen. But...oh well. I just hope the last game is a good one. Wish us well!
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