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myOtaku.com: DaikoEXE

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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lifes burden (08/09/07)

Hey i took a look at your art. today it looks amazing. seriously. you draw almost exactly like this guy from deviantart. that i met a while back. seriosuly. it was weird. you even color the same way. hmm??? anyway so like i said i took a look at your art. but i noticed that you didn't get a lot of votes. what's up with that. you art is better and has way more detail than most people that get votes. maybe you just have to make a name your yourself. huh? i really like the way you draw though. i mean you draw in perspective which i can't do and the lines on clothes and everything is just so detailed. i need to get lessons from you. man. i am serious. i don't joke around with theses types of things. ever. i have to add you . and i will definitely keep track of your drawings. hope you submit something soon. oh by the way nice site you have here. you seem kind of new to all this even though you have been a member for a while now. well see ya around sometime. and pm me anytime.

~Drawing my own World~


4evacrazi (08/09/07)

Hello! i really like your site! \(^3^)/ messege me wenever ok? i hope to be friends! bye bye!!


tsubasayohko (08/07/07)

Hey, love your drawings, they're awsome! This is Tsubasayohko by the way.

ink.black.sky (08/06/07)

Yo! You're an awesome artist, just thought I'd tell you that. But I'm sure you knew that... ^^ Anywho- I like your site very black and red. It's sah-weet! Umm...yeah I really don't having anything else to say- so... I'll stop wasting your time now..

God bless! ^_^

fukaoiheizen (07/10/07)

hey nice site, love ur art too, its like totally awesome and ur so nice,ill add u as a friend,take care

~fukaoiheizen signing out

PimpinSk8er (06/29/07)

♠ Hiya Coolio Otaku u have here =D ♣
I like it..its different =P well every1's is different XD well hope u sign my
♥ guestbook =D See ya around ♦


VincenzaIsHere (05/27/07)

I love ur artwork, mine is all crap BUT I STILL HAVE TIME TO PROGRESS! ^.^ im gonna add u please add me too please BECAUSE BACON RULES! dont forget the nachos!

Mori Chou (05/23/07)

Just dropping by to say thank you for all of your kind comments and that I love your art~

I'd like to add you as a friend if that is alright. Feel free to do the same!

Keep drawing more! If you want to PM me, feel free to do so anytime.

Princess of Mer (05/17/07)

nice fanarts. addin ya~ ^^ haha. guys are good at drawing guys and girls are good at drawing girls. lol

emeraldsky (05/15/07)

Hey. You're artwork is really great. You're a great artist^^ Just wanted to let you know that. And your site is pretty cool too. Well, I hope to see you around^^

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