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In a dream world
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Phantoms theif darks other half!
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ummmmm, Grace...actually....
Nothing in particular...
Anime Fan Since
when i was about 10
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D n angel, gravitation, fruits basket, rurouni kenshin, yuyu hakusho, please teacher, chobits, love hina, gundum seed, yu-gi-oh, azu manga daioh, full metal alchemist, inuyasha, fake, and sum others that i cant think of right now
to be a manga-ka
drawing, writing, anime, manga, running, animals, ffriends, shopping, talking, computer, swimming, and other junk
same in achievements....nutin
| Daisukes wings
Monday, October 24, 2005
You have Closed Eyes! Positive Traits: Intelligent, Creative, Imaginative, Loyal, Honourable Negative Traits: Depressed, Withdrawn, Pessimistic, Fatalistic, Avoidant
Your eyes are the windows to your soul. What type of eyes do you have? brought to you by Quizilla
 You hide lack of self confidence under your make-up. You think that people should laugh at you when they see you on the street because you are so ugly, but to tell the truth, your not that ugly. The mind works in wierd ways, it makes you seem ugly to yourself when really, you may be really pretty. For one day, try thinking good thoughts about yourself and no bad. Act like yourself so people know the real you. People may laugh or talk mean things about you behind your back, but they're just doing that because they know that you are prettier than them or that they like to bug other people to make them feel even prettier. Don't give them the pleasure of feeling this way because they aren't beaufiful people at heart like you. Stop wearing such dark colours and light up your face with some light tones and colours. Remember, beauty is only skin deep.
Please messege me with your comments!
WhAt Do YoU HiDe UnDeR YoUr MaKeUp? (beautiful anime pics and detailed results) brought to you by Quizilla
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You are a fake(in a good way^^) You pretend to be who your not because you feel no one will like you for who you really are. You don't have any self-esteem. You hate when people see you for who you really are and when they do you tend to get very angry. You have probably been hurt badly and now try and hide everything. How you feel and what is going on in your mind. No one knows and you feel no one cares to either.
Quote:Behind this smile is everything you'll never understand
What takes over your soul(beautiful dark pictures, music, and quotes)9 DIFFERENT OUTCOMES brought to you by Quizilla
 People see nothing in your eyes. You seem to either be indifferent about everything or are trying to cover up a lot of pain. Your eyes have a cold stare that can make people shiver. Try to show a little more caring, because your hard exterior most likely drives people away. ...stop looking at me like that...stoppit!
What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!)) brought to you by Quizilla
 You have a soul of darkness. What's matter with you? If you're so depressed, why are you still here? Just talk to somebody. If you wouldn't do it, the end would be sad.
What kind of soul do you have? (contents Anime pics... ^ ^) brought to you by Quizilla
Your inner light is black. This means you may be very quiet and depressed most of the time. If not all the time. You like emotional music and you aren't very social. But this also means you may be very artistic and deep. Try writing some poetry or painting. It'll help you express your emotionns since you don't like to talk about them.
What Color Is Your Inner Light? brought to you by Quizilla
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