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My greatest Achievement is that I have a wonderful little boy
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Since I was 5
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Inuyasha,Outlaw star, case closed
Getting a book published
writing, reading,playing video games,and watching Animes
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
hello hello
Hey guys wuz ^
not much here. I just was wondering if any of you have seen final fanstasy advent children yet?
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
hey guys long time no post. I've been pretty busy. I went and stayed a few days with my boyfriend. He's pretty sharp ecspecially when it comes to anime and video games. we have alot incommon he's down here with me right now ;). We watched boondock saints, corpse bride, and played fire emblem. Fire emblem riminds me of warsong. well got to go talk to yall later.
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Hello all
Sorry I don't update as often anymore been kinda busy. Nothing exciting has really happened lately. My sister and cousin are working at the same place as me. I really would like to update more often I miss you guys well talk to yall laterz.
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Monday, March 13, 2006
I've been here for a whole year. yay!!!!!!!!!
Sorry that for most of that I was gone or working. well got2go
love ya's
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Friday, March 10, 2006
hey yall
Hi guys wuz ^ not much here. I think I'm getting sick and thats not good becasue for the next 8 to 9 days I have to get up at 5 and drive for an hour and a half to get to school. YAY lol I really am excited about going to school just not the drive. oh well. I hope everybody is ok I've missed all of yall. well I have to get to bed. Talk to yalls later
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Monday, January 9, 2006
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I've been busy working. And On my days off wouldn't you know I would get the flu I've never had it before lol kinda ironic. I don't remember if I told ya'll but I got a new car ^_^ she's a beauty. heres a pic of one simular 
I'm quite proud of it. speaking of which I need to check the oil and other stuff. I haven't really done anything interesting lately. haven't heard from kagomemom in a while maybe se had her baby. Well I got to go to bed. I hate being sick.
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Thursday, January 5, 2006
hello all
Well it's been awhile since I updated but I've been really busy lately. I got a car YAY!!! its a 2000 alero RED I love it. well I'll let yall go I've got to go grocery shopping. Take care.
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Friday, November 11, 2005
Ok I'm back
The meeting went quite well actually. I wore my furry boots and a blue jean skirt as soon as I walked in I heard my shifts nurse Kim say Thats our jenni lol I'm the only person in the whole town who doesn't dress like everybody else. So I went and sat by Kim and pat(Another girl I work with) and they were both laughing telling me that They knew it was me cuz I was the only person in town brave enough to wear boots like that. I got a lot of commpliments too.
You might be wondering why I have candles burning on my site. Well A girl I use to go to school with is in surgery today and so is a cousin of mine and I'll leave the candles up until they get out of the hospital. my cousin almost lost his finger while sawing wood at school. and The girl I used to go to school with is a a non cancerous tumor removed.
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
Hello again
Hey, sorry I haven't updated in a few days. What little time I had I used to update my other site. I have a meeting at 2:00 today which I'm kinda mad about because at it we're all going to get chewed out for something that didn't happen because some idiot lied. (I'm kinda ticked off right now) She told our boss that the evening shift poured out apple juice then didn't clean it up and that night shift left it too. which is a lie and everyone knows shes lieing but our boss wont listen to anyone but her. So I'm really ticked off about that. Because Me and neill walked up and down that hall and there was no apple juice there. Then she told everyone that the head nurse turned it in. I've known the head nurse for many years and I told our shifts charge nurse I'm glad I aint that woman cuz the head nurse wont be happy and our shifts nurse started laughing and was like Nope Emma is as good as dead. But its not right that she told a lie and then tried to cover it up with more. But that caused our paychecks to be held and she wont even listen to us. It's not fair so at the meeting today all the nurses are going to bring it up and point out that shes lieing. Sorry I was kinda fuming hope I didn't bore yall to death and I'll try to be my usual positive self next post. Take care ^_^
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
No more history
lol No one answered the history questions but thats ok.
I went to my cousin's house but she and her mom were on a woman's retreat. Her lil sis my cousin who is like a year older than me asked me to be her bridesmaid lol. Thats the third time I've been asked to be a bridesmaid. Well actually twice because one of the times I was asked to be a maid of honor. The wedding isn't until April. I was going to try to get some sleep tonight but I just cant sleep. I bought a pretty ring yesterday I tried to find a pic of it but couldn't so I'll describe it. It's silver with like 20 cubic zerconias in a row its the usual circle except at the top where the two ends bend into each other making a "V". I'll try to find a pic of it laterz "good night"
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