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My greatest Achievement is that I have a wonderful little boy
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Since I was 5
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Inuyasha,Outlaw star, case closed
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Friday, August 26, 2005
Hey guys
sorry I haven't updated in awhile.
I've been very busy lately.
Working, sleeping, hanging with my friends, helping my granny move boxes, and expecting my older sis to have her kid any day now.
I can't wait until the baby gets here. Well talk to yall later got to go to sleep.
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Friday, August 5, 2005
^+^ lol
Well I probably wont be on the next couple of days. I'm working tonight at the nursing home from 11pm-7am then At 1:30pm I go to work at my other job and work until 8pm then I go back to work at the nursing home at 11 that night ^_^ but thats ok I'll get my older sis to drop me off at the nursing home tomorrow night and come pick me up the next morning. Lol I have a funny story. My other job is at a station. well I walked in to get a soda and got to talking to my boss. It was about 30 min to closing and a couple of customers came in while she was making burgers so I helped her with them and then 5min before closing like 30 people came in and we didn't get to close until 30min after closing but thats ok cuz I like to work and help people. She said she'd be there for me tomorrow to help me since I'm working two jobs and one of her sons friends was driving home and wrecked because he almost fell alseep at the wheel of course it was because a hog ran out in front of him but on my drive home I almost always nearly hit a deer or a coyote. however last night I almost hit a falcon @.@ I don't want to hit any animal but I really love falcons so I would absolutly hate hitting one of them.
In other news: I don't know if any of you hunt. (I do) I'm a bow hunter (Archer whatever) So yesterday I was shooting my bow and I'm double jointed so when doing this I have to watch my elbow and make sure it doesn't pop out of place and get hit by the bow string. I was so happy for the first time ever I had shot my bow with out hitting my elbow. I was even talking on the phone to a friend and didn't hit my elbow. however as soon as I hung up the phone and shot one last time My elbow popped and before I could keep it from popping I had let go of the string so now I have a large black and purple bruise on my arm. lol It doesn't hurt and never does it just allways looks bad. Plus I dyed my hair yesterday everyone seems to like it. Which is a first because usually if I so something to my hair everyone hates it. Once I cut off about 10inches everyone was devastated and then I dyed it blonde @_@ didn't get a good reaction. Later I dyed it black then it was half and half. now I have dark brown hair so I decided to put blondish highlights and everyone except my daddy likes it. He just shook his head and said "what am I going to do with you?" lol
Well talk to you guys laterz
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
Well for my first day off in awhile it was nice. I slept for a long time and my tooth is feeling better but I will still have to go to the dentist "Sigh" oh well then I wont have to worry about it again. I'm going to fill in at work saturday for one of my friends so I'll work friday night saturday and saturday night lol I'll get about 6 hours of sleep lol my mom kinda flipped but I might just crash at a friends house if I get to tired. lol
And I guess if I were in a room with a dead clown it would be over for me too I'd hyperventalate and pass out. @_@ dead clowns!!!!!!! now there's a scary nightmare lol.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Well I'm off for the next two days at both jobs. However a filling in my tooth broke so I shall be going to the dentist @_@ hear my sarcastic crys of joy. oh the tears of painful happyness. I have three fears spiders, heights, and dentists. I've got nothing against the dentists themselves however I do have something against their needles and the drill and other tools @_@ like I said painful tears of happyness. oh well we must face our fears right? "Hides under bed with a teddy bear"
I haven't heard from my older sis yet. She was supose to bring my lil sis back today so if they pull up in the yard I'll know she didn't have her baby yet lol thats a sure fire sign huh?
well I'm off to get some shut eye incase they do come because then They'll want me to take them into town to buy food at the station (I get a discount) lol
take care everyone and by the way
Happy 2nd aniversary lordsesshomaru. congrats!!!!!
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Just got off from work I'm about to clean up on the living room and go to bed. My daddy is bringing me in a car today(he wants his truck back) But I love my baby(the truck) Oh well at least I'll have a car ^_^ my older sis has a doctor's apointment today She's pregnant(sorry to tired to spell right) and it's so close to her due date I bet they induce (They did this with all of her kids so far) So I'd almost bet money. I hope she does have to baby today That way I can go see him on my days off ^_^ we already know the baby is a boy and his name is going to be John Wesley---After our great grandpa and get this my sis's husband's great granpa had the same name lol thats freaky stuff there different last name but still it's kinda weird. By the way I get wednesday and thursday off at both jobs ^_^ well talk to you guys laterz
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
Well yesterday was fun. I stayed the night with my granny since she's not used to being alone and I had that night off anyway. I woke up at 3:00am and stayed awake. I came home at about 8:00am and my dad told me that my best friend lisa had called so I called her back. SHe was ready to go to town (Like I said before I live in the country we don't even have a wal-mart for 100miles on either side.) So we drove to the closest "big town" which wouldn't even been considered that big but hey it is to me. Anyway it's a two hour drive to this town and while we were in it I got us lost but figurd out where we were then we shopped and came home. I made it in at 7:30pm and went to bed at 8:00pm Then I woke up at 10:30pm and went to work ^_^ But It was fun so I'm not complaining. So how was your day?
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Hello hello
Did I tell you guys that I'm now working two jobs. I think I did well anyway I work with two of my old class mates moms each at a dif job. I'm a very hyper entergetic person so I'm usually bouncing off the walls and talking away. anyway the other night I was singing "I'm a nut" and I was all jumping up and down and dancing well I had Mrs brooks "A girl I went to school with's mom" rolling and she agreed. Then I was telling Mrs smith about it at my other job the next day and she too was laughing.
I was looking for my pen earlier but I can't find it. I bet that elephant with snickers got it.
well Tonight I'm off so I'll prolly just crash on the couch today and watch tv. laterz ^_^
And thanks for the welcoming. "Blushs" lol jk
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Thanks linkslilfairie I like it alot.
Sorry I haven't been on lately I'm been working two jobs and going out on my time off @.@
I'm tired lol but I'll be ok no worries. I went out with an old guy friend I hadn't seen in awhile the other day. He had a crush on me and grade school and come to find out still does ^_^ He was a very dear friend in 7th and 8th but that was the last I'd seen off him except for a couple of run ins. He's still a nice guy and is really cute but we hadn't seen each other in 4years and he's moving to dallas soon and I'm going the opposite direction so we decided to be friends (That was more of my choice then his)I knew if we did get involved and broke up I might loss him as a friend and we were really close in 8th I couldn't bear for that to happen. So we're just haggin out now. we're going to keep in touch because it's nice haveing him back besides his mom is my boss at one of my jobs. But enough about that.
How are you guys. I missed yall I've been trying to get online but the time I did have off I was usually with family or my best friend who by the way will be moving back in september YAY!!!!! however I'll be moving away in december. Ironic huh? lol well take care and I'll try to get on tomorrow or friday ^_^ "no promises I hate to break them" take care ^_^
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Aww you guys are great. Thanks. linkslilfairie made me something for my b-day but I can't see it but thats ok its the thought that counts ^_^ Thanks. I got to update today cuz I'm off tonight. so I might update earlier tonight ^_^ no promises though. My best friend remebered my b-day"shocking" she forgets alot. But she was reminded by a friend she works with, they were talking when he said"I've got to call back home and wish my friend a happy b-day" So if he hadn't of said that, she'd of forgot lol.
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Belated bday
Well my B-day was the 15th I worked the night before and the night after. But it was a pretty good one, the cake was nummy, and the gifts great, And best of all My family was around. I am now 19 years and a day old ^_^.
I know I've never mentioned my job. I work at the nursinghome in the next town. The Lvn I work with said if I ever wanted to go to nursing school then she would write a recomendation(Some of the best news I've heard in a while). I supose those of you who visit my lil sis's site all know our grandpa is ill. He was placed in the nursing home where I work, This way he can get the care he needs. I go see him every night. Last night I got him to drink about 4oz of water. It may not sound like much but he hadn't been drinking or eating at all before so I was happy when he started drinking for me and speaking to me. In between all of this it's kinda hard to update however I will try harder.
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