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My greatest Achievement is that I have a wonderful little boy
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Since I was 5
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Inuyasha,Outlaw star, case closed
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writing, reading,playing video games,and watching Animes
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Friday, June 10, 2005

It was really stormy here last night so I didn't update. We had a lot of lightining so I just went to bed
^_^ I'm feeling better but am still sick and thank you for your conceren.I'll try to get around to the game theme today.
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
Not feeling my best
Sorry I haven't been on lately my computer crashed so I'm Posting quick plus I'm really sick so I'll try to comment on everyone's site when I'm feeling better. Also I haven't done any of the game themes yet but I'll try to get to those too. ^_^ Night
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Sunday, June 5, 2005

My nephew and neice are over and watched treasure planet. I love that show... I'm a cartoon fanatic ^_^ I've decided to bring back the game theme but this time I'll write fanfic too. I hope you will all like it. now for my fav quote from treasure planet. BEN"I don't know about you jim but my life is flashing before my least I think it's my life. WAS I EVER DANCEING WITH AN ANDROID NAMED LUPE!?!?!!"
***Oh And what game should be my first one?***
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Saturday, June 4, 2005

I went to get a pizza today my dad's friend and his wife work at the station where I went so I was there for awhile talking to them. They're pretty funny and really nice. Their youngest daughter who's like 2 or 3 was running around. My sis didn't come today she'll be down tomorrow though. ^_^
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Friday, June 3, 2005

We found ROLAND =( he had gotten ran over "sniff sniff" We're all very sad. My sis is coming over tomorrow. My uncle(The one that probably thinks I a ditz) gave me a cool painting of a jester girl. I've loved every since I can remember and my granny gave me a cool procelain jester doll to remember her by. I'm glad to get it but I don't need ;something; to remember her by, but it is nice to have I love it.
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Thursday, June 2, 2005

Well today I drove 30mins to get food sharky came with. LOL We live out in the twigs. We were standing in the fruit Isle when I coughed being raised to cover my mouth I did so however This old lady took off running Sharky looked at me and we were like "OK" LOL. I got my mom an aniversary gift Wine glasses and a cute kitchen towel her's and my dad's aniversary is the 5th so now I have to get him something I'll probably get him a pocket watch I allways do. After getting home I created my *concotion* a strange homeade tea that knocks the cough right out. then I made gumbo While it was cooking my uncle called and asked if we had powdered sugar cause my aunt was cooking cake I didn't reconize him at first so here's our conversation "Yeah we have powdered sugar....... Who is this?" 'Uncle Billy.' "Oh ok. I thought so" 'laughs' My uncle probly thinks I'm a ditz but thats nothing new LOL. We still haven't found My lil sis's puppy and whats worse is that my nephew is really sick and his dog Roland disapeared along with spike. {IF I FIND OUT WHO TOOK THEM VENGANCE WILL BE MINE!!!!!!!!!} Well that's about it.
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
I played bad mitten again but not as long this time because both sharky and I were sore from the day before. I would have updated earlier but the computer messed up. My lil sis's dog(spike) is missing I think he might have been stolen because he is really cute. I hope he wasn't though and that he turns up soon she really loves him.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

My Older sis came over today. They didn't stay long, My nephew is sick. After they left I played badmitten barefooted with sharky. We mainly ducked or blocked the birdy LOL. I'm tired, we played for a long time. The birdy even got stuck in a tree. We threw rocks at it until we got some poles and knocked it out LOL. Well that's about it ^_^
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Monday, May 30, 2005
in memory of the tick

I loved this show it was great. ^_^ This was my childhood hero LOL
Well My friend Lisa stopped by and tried to get me to stay with her for a week poor thing her boyfriend is staying with his mom(She's sick or something) her sis is staying the summer with their parents and she has to leave her baby with her aunt while she goes to work. She was sad, I would have went with her but I got to run alot of errands this week. Well that's pretty much it ^_^
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Sunday, May 29, 2005

Well thats it for the games For a little while at least. ^_^
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