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Member Since
Work on counters at Asda (lol)
Real Name
Dakota (Wolfsong)
Gettin into college (go me)
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon came to the scenes
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Spirited Away, Wolf's Rain, Love Hina, Oh My Goddess, D.N.Angel, Howls Moving Castle
To become a pro horse rider (Nearly there)
Chillin wid my mates (yes you kno who you are!!) Writing storys, playing on ps2, Drawing Manga and Anime, listenin to music, Green Day, Blink 182, Sum 41, Nightwish, Simple Plan, Linkin Park, Muse, My Chemical Romance and McFly!!! Also Daniel P
Singing, Drawing and SHOPPING!!!!!!
| Dakota Kaiba
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Thursday, May 4, 2006
HELLO!!!! Wha a lovely summers day!
Hey every one!!!
Its so hot outside its unreal! I feel sorry for my boyfriend who has to work in a GPs clinic all day 2day he must be boilin! Well to b a doctor u jus have to b hot! lol!
Watched Final Fantasy Advent Children the other day omg its good! Have boin waitin for it to come out for ages then wen it does i dont even relise! Wha an idiot!Also bin watchin Zoids as my boyfriend got all the dvds in the post the other day and asked me to watch sum with him, its quite good.
Watch the whole Perfect Collection of Rune Soldier to now that is sum good anime to watch! Have to remember to give it bak to Aria soon!
Even tho its hot outside im still inside on pc and now jus bout to play on Final Fantasy X-2 as i really wanna play it for sum reason!
Ah well not seein Rob now till saturday night afta work which really really sucks, cooked him a meal last night and it went down really well and keeps sayin how wonderful it was! YAY!!! Well cant wait to see him on sat night and i get to see him all of sunday to as its our 8th month 2gether!
I love him!
O well best b goin or ill keep writin crap up on here and no one will wanna read it!
Cya soon
have a great day!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Friday, April 28, 2006
Clubbing WOO!!
Heya every one!
Goin clubbin in a bit with my Boyfriend yay! It's jus gonna b the 2 of us which we have been tryin to do for months so will b really good!
Kinda sad that Aria and her boyfriend cant come but hey theres always other fridays!
Well cya all later need to get ready and find summit to wear lol yay!!
Cya soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
HAPPY EASTER everyone!!!!
Hope ya all get lots of choc but dont get to sick!!!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Friday, April 7, 2006
Ay Up Peeps!!! WOOO!!! Ok no im not hyper really!!! ha ha ha.
Well everything is Jake in the love, family and friends department. Aint bin to work for ages as had alot of holiday!! YAY! Well in watching Anime at the mo, Chrono Crusade is jus funny!!!
YAY Mayonnaise!! Hellmanns Mayonnaise!!!!!
Went to cinema on wednesday to see Ice Age 2 it was soooo funny!! We got in for free as my baby (Rob) as in (boyfriend) works there!!
Went to Games Workshop on tuesday and it was really kool, but i cant go much cuz i work tuesday nights NOOOOOO!!! well im goin again on the 25th April and Robs comin down with me to keep me from gettin worried about the next day as thats when i have my Driving TEST!!! AHHHHHHH!! could b fun!
Went for a Jog today with Rob and it killed me! But im still alive to type this (just!)
Its mine and Robs 7th month Anniversary so YAY!
Ah well Aria sez Cheese and hippo!! Cheesy Hippos!
Betta get goin cya soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EveryOne!!!!!! Its been a good day so far!!! I got a really lush card from Rob, a Tatty Teddy holding 6 roses and a big bunch of roses came to the door as well they smell so luch!!!

Awww so cute!!!
Cant wait till works over 2night so i can see him again!!!
YAY cya all soon!!!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Nearly here!
Heya everyone, Hope everyone is avin a good day!! I have so far!!! But u dont wanna kno y! lol :P (sorry)
My puppys not very well, we are takin her to the vets 2mora! Poor baby!
Well Valentines Day is nearly here! Also nearly my half a year with Rob!!! YAY I got him a game for his XBOX 360 cuz he aint got many and i kno he really wants this one and i wanna play on it 2!!! I wonder if hes got me any thing???

Aww i found this pic and it looks really kool dunno y but it does!!
The new season of 24 is on 2night on Sky1, yay its gonna b a good one!!! Cant wait!!!
Ah well best b goin summit on the tv to watch!
Cya all soon!!!!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
p.s thx for ur comments yesday it was nice to know i havent been forgotten!!!
~Peace Out~
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
Heya people,
Wow its bin a long time since i bin on here last!!! Well im still workin at Asda (nooo) its so borin there but good mates work there!!
I've been going out with Rob for nearly half a year and things cant get much betta than they are!! He's the best thing to eva happen to me!!

Go out quite a bit with Kelz, Steve, Danni, Rich and Rob and robs mates down town clubbing or jus down the pub for a pint! Which is jus to funny!!
Bin speakin to old college mates which has bin really nice will have to meet up with them soon!!!
Ah well am goin now but write up here again soon!!!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
Heya all, wow what a gr8 wedding!! The wedding was on the 1st Sept!!! It was my auntie Penny and uncle Neils wedding and they looked amazing!!!
I got to hang out wid my lil cousin chloe all day which was gr8, i also met sum really kool people that are now in the family!!! The day went off with no problems which was good, and also every one loved my new car YAY. lol.
The anoying thing was every one kept sayin how grown up i looked and it jus got repetitive in the end. I was lik yes thx NEXT!!! lol. o well i enjoyed my day and so did every one else so is all good.

Its a pic of me and my Lil cousin Chloe!
Good Luck to Kimi and Montoya in the grand Prix Race 2day!!! Go McLaren!!!!!!!!!!!
O well betta b goin cya all later!!!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Need Sleep
Heya everyone, omg im so tired its unbelievable. Didn’t get much sleep las night as a stayed up to watch a film but fell asleep on the sofa in the middle of it! I woke up at 2 and made it upstairs to crawl into my nice bed! Now im up and its Wednesday morning and im half dead!!
Im listening to Sweetbox and chattin on Msn! I may try and write some of the story im on at the mo but aint to sure, or may jus end up fallin asleep on my computer which I hope I don’t, ill prob end up downloading a virus or summit wid my head! Lol.
Wow I cant believe how hot it is outside at the moment its kool!!!
I had my hair cut yesterday and coloured purple again!! My hairs a lil shorter now wid a side parting which is buggin me already!!
O well im gonna go now…
Cya laters
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Monday, August 29, 2005
Heya everyone, its been along weekend with no sleep at all, was up all saturday night and sunday morning. I got made breakfast Sunday morn by Jimmy mike and rich which was nice!!! I got home yesday at about 11am and went on the pc but couldnt keep my eyes open so went to bed.
Wen i got up mum took me out drivin in my lil car!! Which was mint!
O well las night i had lots of sleep and now im wide awake! The only bad thing is i got to go to work in lik and hour and 30 mins not fair!! I hate Bank holidays!
Well betta b off and ill cya lot soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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