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Work on counters at Asda (lol)
Real Name
Dakota (Wolfsong)
Gettin into college (go me)
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon came to the scenes
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Spirited Away, Wolf's Rain, Love Hina, Oh My Goddess, D.N.Angel, Howls Moving Castle
To become a pro horse rider (Nearly there)
Chillin wid my mates (yes you kno who you are!!) Writing storys, playing on ps2, Drawing Manga and Anime, listenin to music, Green Day, Blink 182, Sum 41, Nightwish, Simple Plan, Linkin Park, Muse, My Chemical Romance and McFly!!! Also Daniel P
Singing, Drawing and SHOPPING!!!!!!
| Dakota Kaiba
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
HEYA people yes went shoppin today YAY well koolio... Went wid Aria and Luke, got sum kool stuff like Yu-Gi-Oh cards (Joey starter pack :>) also got black and gray zippy up tops for college and a red strappy top, also we all got sum more of those stickers wid us on. Aria got very much the same as me but got sum shoes for work as well. Luke got sum yu-gi-oh cards and stickers and a mag. He was being our slave and carryin all our bags but he did offer to start with and wouldnt let us carry them after a while o well nvm :P .....o well dat was my day .....den i had to go to work NOOOOO, lol it wasnt to bad me Nick and Kirsty were tryin to slap flys on the walls wid cardboard pizza bases.... we squatted most of them and nick was sprayin them wid the sanatiser. lol!! Me, Danni and Kay was singgin our lil hearts out again (lik always :P)
Well now im here writin this...and listenin to We'll Be There of off the Music to Duel by Album, lol wha a gr8 song.
O well goin ova Arias 2mora to dye her hair, (AGAIN!!) cya soon
~Peace Out~
Luv D
And wha is wid these things lol....
I adopted a cute lil' pikachu fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
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Friday, September 10, 2004
Thx to every one that has signed my guestbook, your very much loved!!!
Well my day 2day .......what did i do????
O i, i went to college had to picked Stef up she made us late but neva mind. Well we got there before the bus did, met up wid me m8s Hayley, Kirstie and Emma. We had 2 portfolio lessons and i didnt have much to do so the last one was jus a chat lesson. Den lunch went up da Co-op for lunch yummy chips up there. Last lesson was pratical lesson, Me Emma and Ross had to clear out one of the empty Averys cuz they is gettin sum new birds/owls in soon!!! Cant wait for them to come in.
Then i came home and watched sum Yu-Gi-Oh, den had to get ready for work (yuk) O well there was more staff in 2day (Thank god or should dat be MOG!!!!?????) lol a lil joke between me and Aria. (In other words dont ask!!!)
Aria and me was ova on curry pot 2night was quite busy we ran out of quite a bit (again).
Now im here writin this and listenin to yu-gi-oh music and talkin to me m8s on MSN!!!!!
o well betta go
see yall soon .....
o yea SHOPPIN 2mora YAY!!!!
~Peace Out~
Luv D
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
Fly to the Dream
At the mo im listenin to Nightwish (wha a great band)!!! Ok im talkin to sum really odd people on msn, one of thems my m8 Sarah but i dunno who the others are....ok neways....
Went to college 2day was really good but i found out i dont like Hamsters!!! I had to clean out to russian hamsters and i coulnd get them out cuz my hand was shakin to much lol. Hangin out wid my m8s at lunch well kool. Ok yesday i had free ridin lesson i was on Blue hes Gray and has 2 blue eyes they scary!!! Hes really big and is lush 2 ride and we was jumppin lol. He jumps real high its fun tho.
O well betta go cya all soon
~Peace Out~
Luv D
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
hey hey
Well hello every one, Had my hair coloured again today, looks alot betta!!! Dont have to go to college 2mora but to my placement which is at the stables YAY i get free ridin lessons (on my baby :> (Killy hes so lush 16.3 hh)) College was ok 2day was quite funny, i kno wha group im in now and its wid my m8s i made so dats kool. The group is ony 12 people as well so quite good.
Goin shoppin wid Aria and Luke on saturday Cant wait. Shoppin rocks!!!
God im so sleepy 2night, think im about to fall asleep!!
Jus come bak from Asda, Aria has jus started workin on Counters so had to go up there to see if she was ok. My mum had to train her on Deli. Kay and Danni were singin again so i had to join in. And we remembered the Rasmus song YAY. Joe was jus buggin me and me and Dave had a really strange chat. But hey nvm. Yea Aria was ok by all acounts she was realy nervous but she was all right in the end!! gd gd.
O well im gonna go cuz i wanna watch the rest of Ice Age before i go to bed!!
Cya soon
~Peace Out~
Luv D
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Monday, September 6, 2004
1st Full Day
Yup my 1st full day of college 2day!!! Lol was quite kool, didnt really do much had no lessons(again)!!! They have sum lush animals there, lik aloada baby bunnies awwww and lots of funky rats!!! Hopefully ill get to see there snakes 2mora YAY lol. I doin Animal Care NVQ2 real easy but nvm.
I'm gettin my hair coloured again 2mora cuz my roots are showing NOOOOOOOOO. O well at least my hair will look even more dark (Reddy Purple).
Here are some of my other sites
At the mo i'm listenin to McFly and Nightwish and im jus bout to find sum more quizzes to do. Den i might try and write sum of my story..... o well see yall round soon
~Peace Out~
Luv D
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
Yo People
Heya people, lol work last night was great! wanna write about it (again yes i deleted last nights post (I didnt mean to) oops) lol neway las night was funny Me and Kay was singin Rasmus songs we couldnt thing of one of them so we had to go though all off them jus to remember it!! Then Mcfly came on the asda radio so we was singin to dat den Busted! Danni was jus dancin round lik a loony, Dean and Nick was playing footie out the bak of rotis! lol Then the fire alarm went off, no one took ne notice of it then they said ova the tanoy for every one to get out. Every one was like ahhhhh we gonna die.... so here we are all out side wen we see 3 fire engines come racing round the corner to our asda store, loadsa people outside waitin to get bak in and save there shoppin. We ave now been waitin out side for bout 20 mins wen they say there might be a bomb inside the building, they is tellin every one to move away from the bulidin so no one gets hurt. Now every ones sayin it ahhhh we all gonna die... heh .... well im still here so no there was no bomb there was no fire but we still dont kno wha happend. So neway we all go bak in we only got half hour to clean up every thing (Curry Pot, Deli, Pizzas and Salad bar) we did it and we still went home early :>
Well dat was my night!!!
The day...i went SHOPPING!!!! YAY.... lol ok. Got sum stuff um...sum stuff for College, a Spell Box with stuff for a spell in (Well Duh) McFlys album, sum Glow in the Dark Stars and sum stickers were u stand in booth and it takes lots of pics and puts them in a frame and prints them lol they is funny. O and Aria dared me to buy a My Little Pony t-shirt but wen we went bak to new look they had all sold out :( lol nvm
o well
see yall round
~Peace Out~
Luv D
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Friday, September 3, 2004
Yo People
Well HELLO London,
O....K there are sum things wrong wid my openin line....
1st i dont live in london lol
2nd i would not normaly say dat...o...k
Neway jus come bak from work, was well funny. Andy and Ryan not sane as normal. Simons doin our heads in, every one hates him now. Me, Kay, Andy, Ryan and Sess jus wanna kill him now!!!!
Ok um not much else to say
Cya soon
~Peace Out~
Luv D
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Quiz time
 Seto Kaiba- strong, rich, sexy, great hair, great eyes, great body, great duelist,lol. es practically perfect, sry if yer a Yami/Yugi fan, lol
What Yu-Gi-Oh Character will you marry? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 Seto wearing bling bling with the bling bling. AH THE BLING-BLINGIENESS IS BLING-BLINGING MY EYES BLING! Ooo I would watch out, seto got a gun, and if you ever watched "Elmo's Got A Gun" you know what im talkin bout....
If quizzes are quizzical what are tests?(Yu Gi Oh) brought to you by Quizilla
 You have Seto's eyes!
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Eye are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Hiya people this is my 1st post on here. Jus seeing if it works which i think it should! O well might put sum quizzes up soon
cya l8r
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