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Member Since
Work on counters at Asda (lol)
Real Name
Dakota (Wolfsong)
Gettin into college (go me)
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon came to the scenes
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Spirited Away, Wolf's Rain, Love Hina, Oh My Goddess, D.N.Angel, Howls Moving Castle
To become a pro horse rider (Nearly there)
Chillin wid my mates (yes you kno who you are!!) Writing storys, playing on ps2, Drawing Manga and Anime, listenin to music, Green Day, Blink 182, Sum 41, Nightwish, Simple Plan, Linkin Park, Muse, My Chemical Romance and McFly!!! Also Daniel P
Singing, Drawing and SHOPPING!!!!!!
| Dakota Kaiba
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Yo people!!!
Heya peeps, so aint wrote on here in lik a week. I went to Longleat (it's like a zoo,Safari Place!!) I went wid college and it was really cool.
Sum pics of sum cute animals we saw.....

Awww how kool!!!!
And one last pic from dat day is of my mates from college. From Left to right is....
Lin, Kirst, Hayley, Emmer, Emma and Nat.

O look a new pic of me!!! lol how crap!

I betta b goin now ill chat later!!!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Heya everyone, hope every one is doin good!
Im fine, went to doggie Groomers 2day for work placement for college cuz i left the stables so i could get work experience sum place else.
There was loads of really cute westies that came in awwwwww so lush! there was this one Golden Retriver which i jus fell in love wid, and this one small puppy Poodle she ran ova to me and sat on my lap!
I got anoter memory card for my PS2 in the post 2day so i can now save more of my games, i also got the Bench trousers i ordered in the post this morning to!!! YAY they are so lush!

At the mo im listenin to Blink 182 cuz i jus found there albums dat i lost!!!
O well i best be goin chat to yaz lot soon,
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
The Gig and Team Monkey
Heya every one, long time no speak!!! Bin very busy!
Went to a gig last night the bands that were playing was Pictures Burnt and 7th Suite! Mikes the lead guitarist in 7th Suite and they was amazing!!!! Lara the singer has such a great voice! Martin the bassist is crazy on the bass and the best and Derick on drums is well mint!

7th Suite was the best out of the 2 bands!
Bin playing on Timesplitters 3 and 2 all weekend, was on a team wid Jimmy and we kicked Rich and kelz teams ass!!!! Was well funny! Im always the monkey on it and every one hunts me down but im to quick for most of thm but Mike jus kicks my ass at that game! Then we form one team and we is all monkeys (Team Monkey) but then mike always goes evil and kills me anyway!
Well it was a good weekend!! At the mo im listenin to My Chemical Romance's Album and it's really really kool!!!!
O well i betta go ill write on here soon,
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Friday, March 11, 2005
Happy Days!!!
Hello every one! It's my Best Pals 18th Birthday 2day so HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELZ!!!!!
Shes avein a family party 2mora nigt and shes aloud to invite 3 mates, Me, Jimmy and Rich. It should be v kool!
Also Mikes gonna b there (well duh hes kelz brother!) Which gets me to the point he asked me out 2 weeks ago so we is 2gether!!!
Well happy!
I'm so hyper! i cant stop chattin, was lik Kelz laz night she was to hyper!
Placement was ok 2day. Had an Exam on thursday which i past with flying colours!!!! My cold has gone so im jus to happy!
O well best b goin
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
heya people, jus a quick post to say im here and still alive really! Well jus about. I'm lik half dead cuz aint had much sleep recently! And been workin up the stables lik every day part from saturday and sundays! It really takes the life out of you!
It's been snowing! It aint bin settling tho!
Rich gave me a copied cd of International Superhits by Green Day, wha a kool album! Got to go to work soon, i really cant be assed.

Awww wha lush pic!
O well i best be goin, cya all soon.
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota

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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Team Satis factory
Yo hello people, hope ur all ok. I'm fine. I had to hand all my college work in yesday, and i got it all done! Quite happy bout that cuz that means i had a free night las night and 2night, no work YAY.
Been goin out with the Gang alot these past nights. Ok dont think you kno who the Gang are!!! Lol soz, ok Me, Kelz, Mike, Rich, jimmy, Mills.
Bin goin to the cinema and bowlin! Also jus drivin round, music full blast and sittin outside Rich's house chattin bout crap! LOL! all fun really.
They came to vist me and Kelz at Asda (Supermarket) where we work the other night, which was kool. Rich told me Mike hasn't shut up about me. Also las night Kelz told me that mike came in her room (mike and Kelz are bro and sis by the way! lol) and asked if it would be ok if he asked me out. So next time i go out wid the gang summit might happen!
lol, heres hoppin!
I got Roosters album the other day, it's lik so mint! listen to it now!!!!
O yea this is the bands logo for The Satis Factory! Millz, Mike and Rich are in it and Kelz is there singer, there next gig is soon so i should be goin to that! They are really good!

o well i betta b off,
cya guys n' gals later,
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Make a Move
Heya every one, hope ur all ok!
I'm good! Was up the stables 2day, was very cold!
Aint been on here in a while, bin doin loads!!! Where shall i start.....
ok last friday!
Me and Kelz was goin to da cinema then she txt me sayin her Bro and Rich were gonna come (which was well kool). Well she asked them if they wanted to come and said i was goin and Mike (her bro) said ooo shes hot so thats y he came. We went to see Meet the Fockers, Wha a funny film very good.
Kelz then asked me if i wanted to stay the night as rich and Jimmy were gonna b stayin. I said yea so we went up asda to get munch, rich and mike got 6 packs of Jelly (which was quite funny later on)
When we got bak to Kelz me and her went on the PS2 to play Timesplitters and the guys put all the jelly in a big pot and boiled it then put it in the fridge. (let me tell ya now by 12.30 the nest day it still hadnt set!)
We all then played on timesplitters as its a 4 player game. At about 11pm jimmy came ova and cooked us a meal!! Which was very nice (hes a chef). Rich and Mike are in a band called the
Satisfactory and they are really good. Rich brought round his guitar so they started to play loadsa stuff and me and Kelz was singin to it. (it was funny) It was about 2am now and the guys wanted to go for a walk so we went wid them, and it was very cold! Jimmy tryed to scare us so many times but it didnt work. Wen we got bak we watched sum of Kelz and Mikes home videos which were way to funny. We then got all are beds ready in the front room and jus chatted for ages. I woke up about 10am and went home bout 12.30pm.
Any way on monday my mate Kirst found the txt from kelz sayin bout mike and she txts Kelz sayin i fancy Mike, i like him a bit. But she sent loadsa other stuff as well, kelz knos it wasnt me when i foned her.
But mike found all the msgs on her fone and got excited, i went to asda (where Kelz and me work) to chat to her and she told me he found them and that he, rich and Jimmy was in the store. They came ova to us and they jus grinned at me lik yea we kno!
We was chattin for ages, i could hear Jimmy and rich tring to make Mik make the first move on me, then i said i betta go home and walked out the shop and a lil way down the road when i heard people callin to me and then i saw Rich and Mike runnin afta me, they said they wouldnt let me walk home in the dark as its to
dangerous. So they walked me home which was really sweet.
Lol Kirst ya bum!
O well i betta go cya soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota

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Sunday, January 23, 2005
Heya every one, owz u all 2day? I'm good.
Went to othe cinema on Friday night wid Kelz, we didn't see Phantom of the Opera again cuz it was on 2 late as Kelz had to take her mum shopin at 9pm.
We saw White Noise.
It's only a 15 and it was scary. Kelz screamed really loud as this one part. It was a really good film tho even tho it was a tad scary.
I found sum old pictures i've drawn in a file and they look cool so i'll put them up!
The first one is of Spirt the Horse from a movie i saw ages ago.

Second is of a Black rider from Lord of the Rings. It took me 9 hours to draw, from a thumb nail picture i one had of 3 of them 2gether.

Last is a picture of a girl i was gonna put in a story once, but never got round to writing. Her name is Raven.

O well hope ya lik the pics.
I betta be off as i have to much college work to do.
Cya around soon,
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota x
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Heya everyone, howz ya all 2day? I'm great, My dad just got Broadband set up on my pc so i can use the internet wheneva i likz! Also with it being really quick and then my new pc being really quick, i can download music in half the time i used to!
Didn't go to the stables today as i've bin off college yesday and got sent home on monday by my tutor as she said i looked ill and she saw a was shakin! But i feel alot betta now!
Kelz has been lookin afta me at work!
I'm goin to the Cinema on friday wid Kelz to see The Phantom of the Opera again cuz she wants to see it!
Also were goin to Tackle's (Dan) 18th on sunday night. Should be a laff!
At the mo i'm downloading music and drinkin Tea! lol yaz really wanted to kno that didn't ya! lol.
Hey does every one lik my new background, avi and welcome sign? Hope yaz do!
O well best be off,
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
The Phantom of the Opera
I went to the Cinema last night to see The Phantom of the Opera, it was so amazing!
Gerard Butler plays The Phantom.

I've seen all the films he's been in like Tomb Raider and Timeline (One of my fave films of all time)
But Phantom of the Opera was just great and he's got such a great singing voice!
I got the soundtrack way before the film came to the cinemas.

O well 2day i have to go to work at 5pm so i'm wasting time bout to go play on the PS2.
O well best be going cya all very soon,
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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