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Work on counters at Asda (lol)
Real Name
Dakota (Wolfsong)
Gettin into college (go me)
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon came to the scenes
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Spirited Away, Wolf's Rain, Love Hina, Oh My Goddess, D.N.Angel, Howls Moving Castle
To become a pro horse rider (Nearly there)
Chillin wid my mates (yes you kno who you are!!) Writing storys, playing on ps2, Drawing Manga and Anime, listenin to music, Green Day, Blink 182, Sum 41, Nightwish, Simple Plan, Linkin Park, Muse, My Chemical Romance and McFly!!! Also Daniel P
Singing, Drawing and SHOPPING!!!!!!
| Dakota Kaiba
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Bruised and battered by your words, Dazed and shattered now it hurts!
Yea the title is all i have to say to my ex-best friend.
Ok on a happier note, HIYA everyone, hope your all ok!
I'm good thx, work is goin ok my m8s are tru to me! And theres this guy i got my eye on :P lol.
College is great, Kirst is a nutter, so is Ema (i have neva known one girl to make so many strange and different noises.)
2Day i had to health check 2 Chinchilla's and a baby Hamster. (I dont normaly lik Hamsters to look at or to hold but this one was so cute!!!)
The Chinchilla's were so kool there names are Travis and Silver.
The stables is goin wicked on wednesday i got to go out on a hack on Indigo (omg she so lush!!! lol) She spooked at the kids ion the playground when we went past and started cantering up the road, and shes scared of busses!
Lol it was kool tho!
O yea and last saturday i bought a new computer! It's so lush and fast but we aint put the internet on it yet so i'm still using the old pc!
O well best be off, cya all very soon.
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Heya everyone, Hope your all good and well!
I'm good, was having a ridin lesson on Willow 2day at the stables but it all went wrong.
All she would do was bolt around the arena bucking and rearing so i gave up and put her back in her stable. Shes always like thast tho so it didn't really bother me.
It was a lil bit wet at the stables but not to bad! Me and Sam (this guy who sum times comes down there to work) were jus avin a laff and chattin bout this guy who was ridin in the arena which was so funny, (you had to be there to understand).
I got some pictures (not of purple hair) but of some of the other horses hat are there, (for the horsey people who come on this site!)
-In the first picture we have Daisy-May who is the nearest horse in the pic and Carwyn.

-This next picture is of Millie, shes a tiny lil pony who has to stretch to look out.

-This blured picture is of Scenna shes is lush.

-This picture is of(very) moody Della but i love her all the same.

-Last but not least is my baby Alfie, it aint a good pic as it was taken in the (dark) Barn with the camera on flash!

Well there ya go!
O well best be goin,
Cya all very soon.
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Purple Hair
Yo people, forgot to say in last post that i have got dark purple hair now!!! No pics at the mo cuz i aint bin in the mood but there will b soon.
I'm stuck with things to say now!!!
Yes and im am bak, soz for being away for so long!!!
I plan to stay for awhile and ill say if im goin this time.
I'm buyin stuff on lik dvds, cds and games. O i love shoppin without havin to go out of the house :P
o well i betta b goin, cya lot soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Hope everyone has a good 2005, and didnt get todrunk last night :P
Well i aint bin online for quite awhile, dont really know why!
Prob cuz of work, college and goin out alot.
I went Shoppin wid Kelz, Mike and Jimmy on wednesday. It was really kool. I got .....
3 ps2 games, which were.... Thye new Lord of the rings game which is soooo kool.
.Hack part 1
and a horse racing game which is so obbsessive!!!
A new black jumper which is lush and a calender for 2005 (Johnny Depp) NICE!
O and hope everyone had a good xmas, i kno i did!
I got a portable DVD player, dvds, lots of cds, choc, clothes, and other small things.
I've had a nice 2 weeks off from college, dont want to go back now :P
Work is gonna b borin on monday cuz Kelz got the week off so i wont have no one gd to chat to.
I'm at my grans at the mo and on her Laptop which is kool. I really should use my laptop but i have no where to put it in my room at the mo cuz it's being redecorated!
O well i best be off, cya all very soon and write bak on here later.
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
Chapter 4 ~The Picture~
Hiya everyone, hope ur all ok.
I'm kool, went shoppin yesday with Luke which was real kool.
Just bout to go wrap the rest of the x~mas prezzies i got for people so this will only be a small post.
Well it's my last week at college next week till x~mas hols!!! YAY! lol. I have to do my talk on Chinchilla 2mora tho, sortta not lookin forward to that tho.
But gonna get prezzies from college mates. Dat reminds me i need to write up some more x~mas cards for others at college!!!
O well i'll leave you wid the next Chapter to my story.... Enjoy!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota

~Chapter Four~
~The Picture~
“Noooooo,” is all Serinade could hear in her head when she saw her parents strung up in there secret room. The screams in Serinade’s vision had been her mother screaming out for mercy. A horrible picture was hung up in front of the 3 onlookers, a picture that was ‘a joke, just a simple misunderstanding’ Serinade was hoping. But no this was no joke, this was no mere misunderstanding, this was real. What Serinade could see through her tear driven eyes was her parents hung by thick blood ridden rope, hanging from the wooded beams holding the ceiling.
Two deep stab wounds on each body showed signs that, that was how they were killed. A horror stricken look on her mothers face terrified Serinade the most.
Marik took hold of Serinade and turned her head away from the horrific picture and rested it on his chest. Chihiro couldn’t stop shaking. As she went to turn around to go out of the room she noticed a scroll pinned to the far wall. She went over to retrieve it and saw the writing was in blood. Marik saw what she was holding and made a grab for it, it was out of Chihiro’s hands before she knew it. Marik clasped the scroll in his hands and showed it to Serinade who trembled when she saw it in his hand.
She took it from him and unraveled it to reveal the rest of the blood writing, it read…
To the one and only Vallcinian,
It’s nice to see you are still alive
after the others have all perished and gone to a worse place. I’m afraid
I didn’t have enough time to come around to your school to finish off
the job and get rid of you all. As you may realise by the way I’m writing
this you’re the only Vallcinian left! Now the power has gone I feel my
people are free again.
Sorry that this is the end.
Depp Yasha
“How could he, how… could… he?” Serinade cried flinging the scroll across the room and burying her head into Marik’s chest. Marik held Serinade who was violently sobbing, he started to hum the song his dad used to sing to him to make Serinade feel better.
“Don’t worry, we’ll help you through this, wont we Marik?” Chihiro said trying to comfort her friend.
“I want to find him,” Serinade managed to say looking up at Marik.
“Find who?” Chihiro asked confused.
“Depp Yasha,” Replied Serinade moving away from Marik.
“What?” Marik said with disbelief.
“You can’t go after him!” Chihiro cried looking at her brother to support her.
“Not alone you can’t,” Marik said approaching Serinade and taking her hand. “I’ll be coming with you, and you can’t stop me!”
“Now I know why you’re my friend,” Serinade said swinging her arms around his neck and hugging him and with no resistance he let her.
“What am I going to do? I can’t just stay here, I’m coming to!” Chihiro said going to pick up the scroll that had been cast on the floor.
She read the scroll over again to see if it gave any hidden information, but to avail it gave none. It disgusted Chihiro that it was wrote in blood and she knew that it wasn’t Depp Yasha’s.
“Where are we going to start?” Chihiro asked with a puzzled look on her face.
“Packing would be a good start little sister,” Marik said giving Chihiro a playful shove.
“Oh ha ha, your soooo funny,” Chihiro sarcastically said not laughing.
Some one did find it funny though; Serinade had a smile on her face for the first time in days. She started to make her way out of the secret room and stopped at the door, she turned around to cast her final look at her parents. Marik and Chihiro then came into view to walk out of the room and took her eyes away from the horrible picture that hung in the middle of the room.
She closed the door to the room, as she did so the pentagram started spinning in place with the runes spinning around it. It was locking it’s self so no one else could enter the final resting place of the great leaders of the Vallcinians.
“Do you want us to stay with you tonight?” Chihiro asked Serinade while walking into the kitchen.
“Only if you don’t mind.” Serinade replied opening the fridge door to get out some refreshments.
“Of course we don’t mind I couldn’t leave you right now, knowing what’s happened.” Marik said looking at Serinade.
Serinade handed them each a coke and shut the fridge door. They made there way into the living room where the walls had just turned a pale blue. They all sat down, Serinade and Marik on the sofa and Chihiro in the big chair. They chatted for quite awhile about what they would do in the morning and how they would go about getting to Narth.
All they knew was Narth was south of Aranaf where the elves lived.
As they were talking Serinade was getting more and more tired, she rested her heavy head on Marik’s shoulder. Slowly she started to fall asleep thinking of the things she would encounter on her journey. Marik placed his arm around Serinade as she slept and started humming his song again.
“This is it then,” Chihiro said to her brother.
“Yup, the quest begins.” He replied closing his eyes and drifting off in to a slumber.
A quest. A quest for what, Revenge? Who knows, only time will tell.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Alright everyone?
Heya everyone.
Bin a kool day 2day.
I went to the stable for work placement, i didn't ride or nuffin but it's a place and time where i can think and release all the cobwebs in my mind. So my head is all clear and fresh and i feel happy about it!
So i'm in quite a kool mood 2night. Sorta chilled!
I was looking up Good Charlotte pictures last night and i came across this one and thought it was well funny!

I got a new coat 2day up Jenny's Tack Shop. It's really puffy! Inside to stuff it they used Feathers! It's so lush (it's blue). Lol. I got it cuz i dont like my ridin coat i got so told my mum i need a new one. It cost £59 in the end. Which aint bad cuz sum of them cost ova £100.
O well i'm gonna b off now and i'll leave you with a picture and a part of a song i lik from Green Day. The lyrics are so kool!!!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
Green Day......
Dearly Beloved Lyrics (Part 4 of the song Jesus Of Suburbia)
Dearly beloved are you listening?
I can’t remember a word that you were saying
Are we demented,
or are we disturbed?
The space that's in between insane and insecure
Oh therapy, can you please fill the void?
Am I retarded,
or am I just overjoyed?
Nobody's perfect and I stand accused
For lack of a better word, and that's my beat excuse.

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Monday, December 6, 2004
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
Heya ppl, hope yaz is all ok?
I'm alright still got a bit of a cough but neva mind i'll live!!
Had an ok day at college 2day, didn't have to do the talk on Chinchilla's in the end (thank God) lol.
I got a x-mas card from Kirst today which made me write mine when i got home!
I bin listenin to Green Days album all day so 2days post has there theme in it!
I luv there album tho it's so mint one of the best i got at the mo in my cd case.
I'm glad you lot who red Chapter 3 of my story lik it!
It's bin put on to my friends website and on his forums so i'll post that in my next post.
O well best be off now!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota

Green Day Lyrics:
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams....
I walk a lonely road
The only one I that have ever known
Don't know were it goes
But its home and I walk alone
I walk this empty street
On the Blvd. of broken dreams
Were the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone
My shadows the only one that walks beside me
My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find
Till then I'll walk alone
Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ahhh
Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ahhh
I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line of the edge
And were I walk alone
Read between the lines of what's
Fucked up and every things all right
Check my vital signs to know I'm still alive
And I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a...
My shadows the only one that walks beside me
My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find
Till then I'll walk alone
Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ahhh
Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ahhh
I walk this empty street
On the Blvd. of broken dreams
Were the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a..
My shadows the only one that walks beside me
My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find
Till then I'll walk away!
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
~Chapter Three~ ~Bewitched~
Heya everyone,
Went ova my Grans yesday, was ok. I was really bored and tired so i fell asleep on the sofa afta lunch. I kno i had a odd dream but i cant memba it! My Cousin woke me up screamin cuz there was a spider on he wall.
I was a money spider, not even i'm scared of those ones!!
Got a bit pissy cuz i got woke up but they had to go anyway! We stayed ova for a lil while longer and chatted about loads of crap!
At the mo i'm listenin to Greenday and working on Chapter 4 of my story!
Sorry its bni so long for me to get chapter 3 written up but i bin so busy! Well its up now hope you like it!
O well cya all very soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota

~Chapter Three~
“That’s it, I’m going in.” Marik told his sister who was standing with her brother outside of Serinade’s house.
“You can’t just go in, she might just be unwell. What if her parents are in there? What are you going to do then?” Chihiro questioned her brother who was looking at the front door trying to work out how to break it down.
“I can’t not do anything, she hasn’t contacted any one saying she’s unwell and she’s been acting weird all week, and if her parents are there I’ll…. I’ll think of something,” Marik said while looking for something in the front garden to break the front doors window with.
Serinade had not been in school for the past two days and Marik was getting edgy about it, he could sense something was not right. Marik found a large stone and hurled it at the front doors window, with an almighty loud crash the window shattered in to a thousand tiny pieces.
Marik put his hand though the broken window to find the lock inside, with a click the door creaked opened.
“I don’t like this, I don’t like this at all.” Chihiro said aloud stepping in to the house behind her brother.
“Serinade, are you in here?” Marik called from the long hallway. No reply came, Marik called out again, but still no one called back.
“The walls… Marik… there all red!” Chihiro pointed out grabbing on to her big brothers hand. They walked along the long hallway to reach the stairwell and a door on the other side with the symbol of the witches’ pentagram on it.
“Ahhhh.” Chihiro screamed her arm stretching out and making her shaky hand point to the wall.
“T…. th… the arrow, it just appeared on…on the wal…l.” Chihiro said hiding around the back of Marik.
“Serinade,” Marik shouted. Marik started to run up the stairs, the way the arrow was pointing. His heartbeat had quickened in pace as he knew the walls changed according to the moods of the people in the house. Marik was unsure what he would find as more arrows came on to the walls leading along the long halls of upstairs. The last arrow stopped and faded away as Marik found himself in front of Serinade’s black bedroom door.
‘This is it’ he thought to himself, ‘please let her be ok’. He slowly reached out for the door handled but before he could open it the door turned red.
“Serinade!” Marik shouted out, crashing the door open and stepping into her room.
He looked around the room taking everything in, the way the curtains moved in the soft wind, the way the candles on the shelves were all colour co-ordinated, the way the bed cover was crumpled but no one in it. He walked around to the other side of the bed and saw Serinade’s limp body on the floor.
“Noo,” Marik screamed kneeling down next to her body taking hold of her hand, it was still warm. ‘She’s still alive’ he told himself with a sigh of relief. He shook her body gently hoping and praying she would wake up.
“Serinade,” He whispered to her “Wake up, please wake up.”
Nothing happened, put Marik didn’t give up talking to her, she was breathing so she was still alive. Marik stretched his legs out on the floor and turned Serinade’s body so he could cradle it.
Chihiro had stayed down stairs and now wished she hadn’t. The door by the stairs had started to do things Chihiro wished it wouldn’t do. The pentagram symbol on the door had started to glow yellow and turn around. Chihiro stepped away from the door slowly still watching the door. The symbol now started glowing a pale pink then shading into a deep red, around the pentagram came into view some small strange symbols, which Chihiro after staring at them for a while worked out they were the text of ancient runes.
‘I can’t read these’ Chihiro thought to herself watching the runes now turn into that deep colour of red again.
Chihiro watched in awe as the runes started spinning around the pentagram, spinning so fast it made her go dizzy and fall backwards. Mesmerised she got up without thinking about the pain the floor had done to her hands and back as she had fallen over. The door suddenly opened creeping open with out anyone pushing or pulling it. Still mesmerised Chihiro walked into the long corridor the door had opened up to, she walked with no fear in her heart at all, it was as if she was bewitched and not in her body. She came to another door, which was ajar. She pushed it open. She stepped inside the room and awoke from her trance with an almighty loud, piercing frantic scream.
Up in Serinade’s room Marik was still cradling Serinade in his arms. He heard Chihiro’s screams coming from downstairs but so faraway. Not only Marik had heard Chihiro’s screams, Serinade sat up stiff as a board in Marik’s arms with fear in her eyes. All the walls started changing different colours, all deathly dark. The screams from Chihiro kept on going as she stared into the eyes of two death ridden people.
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
New Stuff.
Heya every one, hope ur all ok!?
I'm ok, in a bit of a piss nd my dad gave me his cold!!! So yea i missed college again i could hardly breath this morning and i got a cough to go with it.
O well i was at the stables yesday and i got a riding lesson!!! YAY happy happy.
I rode a horse called Indigo, shes so lush! She has a really nice canter as well. her is sum pics....

Well there she is.
Yesday it was double discount day at Asda, so i went down there to get sum stuff... which included...
Green Days new album,
Jamie Cullums album,
Daniel Bedingfields new album,
Eminems new Album,
Jak3 for PS2,
Harry Potter and the prioner of Azkaban on DVD
King Arthur on DVD.
Got it all real cheep so did well!!
I'm listenin to Green Days album which is well wicked!!
O well i betta b goin now, chat to yall soon,
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Hiya every one, My mates back now!!! YAY i'm so happy! I was so upset and worried about her. Sum one asked me why she wasnt at work on friday night while i was at work on saturday night and i jus burst out in tears, luckly Danni and Kelz was there to make me laff and feel betta again so thx to them for helping me through!
If it wasn't for them i dont kno what i do!
But im just glad she came home, and so quickly! The police wanted to come over 2day as well so dats another reason i'm glad shes back cuz they have really stressed me out over the 2 days shes bin gone!
I was showing sum of me mates my Puppy on my phone yesday and they think shes really cute. I then started showing them pictures of my snake and Riha thought i was still showing them all my Puppy so she was lik where is it, (she was a bit slow!!!) I'm lik its my snake not my puppy and shes lik WHA? you hve a snake and im lik well duh!!!! lol it was so funny!
I got a picture of Blue to show u lot now! so i'll leave you wid the picture and be off!!

There yaz go
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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