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Work on counters at Asda (lol)
Real Name
Dakota (Wolfsong)
Gettin into college (go me)
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon came to the scenes
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Spirited Away, Wolf's Rain, Love Hina, Oh My Goddess, D.N.Angel, Howls Moving Castle
To become a pro horse rider (Nearly there)
Chillin wid my mates (yes you kno who you are!!) Writing storys, playing on ps2, Drawing Manga and Anime, listenin to music, Green Day, Blink 182, Sum 41, Nightwish, Simple Plan, Linkin Park, Muse, My Chemical Romance and McFly!!! Also Daniel P
Singing, Drawing and SHOPPING!!!!!!
| Dakota Kaiba
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Friday, November 26, 2004
Hiya everyone. Not bin a gd day 2day really.
My mate has run away from home and i was really upset when i heard wha she had done. I was the only person here to kno where she had gone and i had to tell her parents it was really hard to do. The only problem is they got the police involved! They rung me up to ask me all of these really anoying qestions dat i have said the answers to millions of times!
Well i'm the only one she is contacting and i kno she is ok!
I bin at the stables 2day, Maggie went to her old home cuz she wont let people ride her in lessons. Willow is back in work and i might get to ride her soon!!! YAY!
Alfie and Killy are as kool as eva!
O well i betta be off,
luv Dakota
This is a song to her parents from her and o anyone who is worried about loved ones!
Alright (By Sweetbox, Album: Jade)
(Verse 1)
I’m so hung over I can’t get out of bed
Think Jose Cuervo still is lodged in my head
My coffee maker doesn’t wanna turn on
And I keep hearing stupid Britney Spears’ songs
But I’ll be alright
Gonna have a good time
I’ll be alright
Gonna go out tonight
Doin’ just fine I’ll be alright
I’m not gonna worry
‘Cause everything will be alright
(Verse 2)
My boyfriend dumped me he said I’m not the one
Says his new girlfriend is just so much more fun (God…)
I gained ten pounds ‘cause I’ve been so depressed
Drinking and smoking ain’t relieving my stress
(Repeat Chorus)
Don’t you know I’m gonna be ---
(Repeat Chorus)
(Verse 3)
He said that I’m not the one (But I won’t cry)
‘Cause she’s much more fun (Gonna have a good time)
I’m hung over as hell (It’s gonna be…)
Aaah (It’s) gonna be alright
(Repeat Chorus Out)
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Sunday, November 21, 2004
Lazy People
Heya every one, howz you all 2day? I'm good.
I had to walk all the way o the shops this morning in the rain (may i add!) jus so i could get an anniversary for my dad to give to my mum cuz he was at work 2day and said he wouldn't have enough time to get it. (He had all week) Hes such a lazy sod!!!
I got so wet cuz i didnt take an umbrella cuz it looked nice out when i started walking! I ook Cassy (my puppy) with me and she looked like a drowned rat wen we got home. She was so wet! Lol she was dripping!
I bin playing on my new game for most of the day. It's really really good!
At the mo im writin up sum of my college diarys and i really cant b bothered but thay ave o be done!
I think i might have dried off now!
O well goin down chip shop now to get munch!
Cya all l8r
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota

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Saturday, November 20, 2004
Heya people, soz i aint posted in ages (a week) wow dats along time (even for me) lol.
Hope you guys have bin ok! I took a day off of work 2day so i could go shoppin wid my college mates...
Emma, Ema, Nat, Kirst and H (Hayley)
Had quite a good time (even tho it was raining!)Got sum kool stuff i got Dynasty warriors 4 Empires for PS2 (im so luvin those games), ummm wha else did i get???? O yea i got a pen dat has tigger on he top of it on a spring and every time you write wid it the tigger lights up! (lol).
I got sum other stuff for college and sum smelly stuff and a book called Barry Trotter its a spoff of Harry Potter and its soooo funny! I got the other 2 in the series but i dont lik the title of this one tho..... Barry Trotter and he Dead Horse! bit mean!
I was ment to go into Bath (town) to get stuff for people for xmas but i think dat flew out the door when i got out the car!
Well we all had fun and o yea i had Maccy D's for lunch (YUMMY)

Lol luvin dat pic!
O well i think i'll b goin now so i can play sum more of my game!
Have a good night and cya all 2mora...
And again im sorry for stayin away so long!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
Xmas Shoppin
Hiya every one, hope yaz is all ok!?
I'm good it's bin a lil while since i last posted, time has flown by since wednesday or was it thursday? i cant memba! I bin quite busy, friday i had workplacement up stables and then had to work when i got home, and yesday i went shoppin wid Emma one of my College mates!
YAY shoppin!!! FUN FUN FUN.
It was Xmas shoppin but quite alot of it was for me in the end, im so bad at doin that!
I got The Urbz Sims in the City for PS2, its really kool! Um wha else did i get????? O yea, i got a small spell book for good luck, sum crystals and sum yummy chocolate.
The i got lots of stuff for my mates! And no Aira i already got all of urs! :P
2Day i have to do lots of college work and i cant b assed cuz i wanna play on Sims!
I had a dream about Killy, Alfie and Willow (my fave 3 horses down stables) las night, it was kool!!! Killy is still my fave tho but as i was gettin to a good bit my alarm on my phone woke me up! NOOOO :P o well i got to see the real things on wednesday! YAY
O well i betta get goin so i can get on wid college work! Cya all soon have a good last bit to your weekend!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota

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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Hiya every one, thx for the comments yesday! Was real nice of you lot!
YAY i'm goin shoppin on saturday wid Emma one of my college mates! And next saturday me and 5 others are goin shoppin syum where ther than bristol :P YAY cant wait.
I ave to go to my workplacement 2mora at the stables, cant wait, i get to see Alfie!!! YAY fun fun fun. I hope hes been good in his lessons cuz he keeps bucking people off. lol wen i rode him the other day he didnt do it 2 me!!
I just got part of Arias b-day/xmas prezzie in da post 2day. I hope she likes it. I would tell yaz wha it is but she reads these so i betta not :P soz Aria your not gonna find out on heer!! he he he.
I think i'm gettin another cold but i hope not, i'll jus have to see! Evil if i do tho, i already had 2 this year in the space f 2 weeks!
O well i betta go il chat 2 ya all very soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota

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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Awww dats so kool.
Hiya every one, went to college monday and tuesday and it been kool, bin back wid my college mates and Kirstie is as MAD as ever!!! Shes totaly insane!
Me and Ema have been chattin bout witch stuff cuz shes been readin bout it, and cuz im a witch shes got summone to talk to about it. I gave her a book for her Book of Shadows and shes got lots of stuff already.
I was at the stables today for my work placement! was really kool, Alfie aint lame any more!! YAY!!!
Meg is still and he owner is really upset cuz the vet dont think its gonna get betta.
And Willow is still mad! lol but shes lush!
When my family came ova the other day (sunday i think it was) Harry my cousin is doin a prdject for skool where he has to choose sum one from his family to write about. He said to his mum and dad dat he didnt want to write about them or his brother cuz they are boring and said he would lik to write about me. Awwww dats so sweet. He was asking me all these questions about wha music i lik wha films wha i want to do after college and what course i'm doin!
I thought dat was so kool that he picked me to do it on!
O well dats wha i wanted to tell yaz 2day so i'll leave yaz now and chat 2mora.
Cya soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Sunday, November 7, 2004
Family and 400 Hits
Heya people, owz you all 2day?
I'm good i jus found out from my dad who jus came in my room and shouted in my ear to wake me up (yes it hurts now!)that my family are comin ove!! YAY!! That means i'll be playing on my PS2 all day when they get here. They luv the games i got! Mostly they like playing on Dynasty Warriors 4!!! I luv dat game! But they kno i can kick there butts at it as well!!! GO ME!
At the mo i'm on here chattin to people on MSN and listening to Remember from the Troy soundtrack! It's such a lush song!
Thx to all the people who have been commenting on my posts!!!
This is for you.....
O and i reached 400 hits!!! Its lik 406 now and my ranking is 984!
Guest Book signings 86.
GO ME!!!!
And its all down to you guys out there reading this so THANK YOU!
Hope you like my button i put up and here it is again....

If you want the code jus ask me for it! Or you can make it yourself!!
O well cya all very soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
Comments (6) |
Saturday, November 6, 2004
Whacha think about me?
Hiya 2day is saturday and i'm very tired, i still got lots of college work to do and finish for monday. (BORING!) O well i'll try and get it done!
It's raining outside (YUK) jus makes me feel even more tired! O well i think i'll have an early night.
I answered this on Lukes site and so thought about puttin it on mine, it looks lik it made it on!
You prob dont even kno who i am so whaeva you say will b kool with me!
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
6. Describe me in one word.
7. What was your first impression [of me]?
8. Do you still think that way about me now?
9. What reminds you of me?
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?
11. How well do you know me?
12. When's the last time you saw me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
Ok well last but not least i'll leave you with this....

Cya very soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
Comments (7) |
Friday, November 5, 2004
Long Week
Hiya, first things first....
We have a new Otaku member her name is Faye Valentine and if you look her up i'm sure you can all give her a warm welcome.

Well i've had a long week, i been up the stables every day! My body feels like it's gonna die! There are some very stong horses and ponys in the world. Willow nearly tore my arm off 2day, she sorta pulled me half way across the field to get out. LOL o well i still luv her to bits! Her mums lush as well but Maggie is as big as a bus in height and in weight!!! lol aww but shes so kool, shes a massive black and white Shire and we aint been able to fine a sadle that fits her back!!! He he he, it's lik your doin the splits when you ridse her bareback! It's fun tho!!
Alfie is lame!!! NOOOOO i wans't able to ride him 2day cuz of that! The vet came to see how bad it was, in the end he said Alfie has a hole in his hoof where an infection must have formed by sumthing popping inside. We had to spray this purple stuff ova his hoof and in his hoof and put a plastic bag ova it so it dont get worse!
Meg is also lame but not as bad. And Willow is a nutter and wont let no one get on her back, so 3 horses are out and so not many people can ride!
I have one more diary to write up, YAY jus one more and its ova!!!!!!! YAY! But i dont want to go back to cllege i would rather stay at the stables all week not jus for 2 days a week! It's fun and i get free ridin lessons!!!
O well i'll leave you with this ......

Cya soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
No Work For A Week!!! YAY
Hiya yall, hope yaz ok!? I'm kool, 2day at workplacement (at the Stables) i got to ride Alfie (really lush, cute, cuddly horse!) for a hour and a half!!! I was on my own so i had no teacher tellin me what to do! YAY fun!
He was really good and we had a good hour and a half, it went to quick tho!
YAY No work for a whole week!!! No ASDA!!!! YAY! O well im back next tuesday, i wnent down there to get a curry and it looks lik counters are over run 2night!! Normaly only 6 people in but there was 11 in!!! O well nvm i'm sittin here listenin to music, chillin and there workin there asses off!! Hmmm i wonder which is betta? :P
I'm about to go watch a DVD but i dunno what to watch .... i think it might be one of the Lord of the Rings! lol which brings me to this picture....
lol makes me laff every time i see it!
O well best be off now,
chat to you lot soon...
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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