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Work on counters at Asda (lol)
Real Name
Dakota (Wolfsong)
Gettin into college (go me)
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon came to the scenes
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Spirited Away, Wolf's Rain, Love Hina, Oh My Goddess, D.N.Angel, Howls Moving Castle
To become a pro horse rider (Nearly there)
Chillin wid my mates (yes you kno who you are!!) Writing storys, playing on ps2, Drawing Manga and Anime, listenin to music, Green Day, Blink 182, Sum 41, Nightwish, Simple Plan, Linkin Park, Muse, My Chemical Romance and McFly!!! Also Daniel P
Singing, Drawing and SHOPPING!!!!!!
| Dakota Kaiba
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Monday, November 1, 2004
Ok first thing that needs to be sed is.....
Mac - GO AWAY!!!
Jack dont need you.
Ok now thats out...
HIYA every one, hope ya all had a great Halloween las night. Mine was kool. Me and Aria got dressed up in all black and put lots of black eye liner on and dark lippy!!! The lil kids dat knocked on the door where scared!!! he he he.
It's a time where we take lots of pics and this year some look like a band photo shoot!(but solo pics)lol.
We had lots of chocolate for the kids but i think we ate more than we gave them!
Also i was downloading lots of music from Shrek and Shrek 2 so we was singin ...
I need a Hero, I'm holding out for a hero till the end of the night. He's gotta be strong, he's gotta be fast and hes gotta be fresh from the fight.
lol i luv dat song!!!!
Hope ya lik my new avy?!? It's kinda odd....its me....nooooo!
lol ok ill shut up now :P
O well i leave you wid some pictures.....not very Halloweeny just evil!
~Peace Out~
Luv Yaz

Me trying to look kool and evil at the same time.

Aria Sulking

Evil Aria and Dakota Pouting.

I dont know what I'm trying to look lik in this pic (it aint very good)

Aria doing her Mango Hands!! < She will know what i mean!
And the Last one is of me which Luke made lighter for me! The Luke!!!!!

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Sunday, October 31, 2004
YAY it's Halloween! Fun fun. Dunno wha i'm doin yet but Aria is comin ova so it's summit to do with witches.....well duh we are witches!!

What are you lot doing 2night?
I should b takin sum pictures so ill post them 2mora.
2day i been downloading lot of music and doin college work (BORING) Yes very!!!
I'm gonna take my puppy for a walk in a min and i'm gonna meet Aria as she sould b fini at work and walkin home soon. Yuk Asda!!! I hate working there! O well i should be changing my hours soon so i can work monday night insted of friday night!
lol i dunno y they want to do that! More maddness!
Sorry for not puttin up any more story but i been really busy and aint had time to write any more but i do kno what i want to write, so when i have time it wont take me long to write!

Might post a spell up later not sure.
O and Luke you can get the crystals from the nature shop in town! Ill take u down soon :P and i do have some for luck i might post that one later.
O well cya all very soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
Prosperity Spell and the Holiday -- Samhain
Hiya howz ya all? I'm fine.
It's Halloween 2mora!!!!
For the Witch or Wizard (holidays)
31st October--Samhain
This ancient rite falls on the same night asn Halloween, the most pagan , along with christmas, of all the traditional christian holidays. It is also the nearest thing we have to a traditional Witch day!
Ok, so images of hags on broomsticks and bubbling cauldrons are not what we understand witches to be. But don't knock it back. Samhain provides another perfect party theme. Carve stars and moons on a hollowed out pumpkin. Please dont throw the flesh away, it makes wonderful pie and soup. Recipes are not hard to track down at this time of year.
This is also the night we remember the Dead. Light a candle for someone no longer with us. Sit quietly for a moment and recall your fondest memories of them, tell tham that you still love them and that they are missed very much!

~Prosperity Spell~
This simple spell will help you prosper and forge ahead in life.
Ingredients you will need:
-Quartz Crystal
-330 mm (13 in) of blue ribbon
Magic Formula:
-Cast this spell on a day ruled by Jupiter, on or after the full moon.
-Simply cleanse and energize the crystal to bring you prosperity and improvements in your life.
-Hang the crystal from the ribbon and wear it around your neck for as long as you wish
There we's not a very good spell but it works for me.
If you want any information on witchs or spells just ask in a comment or PM me and i'll be happy to help.
O well cya all very soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Friday, October 29, 2004
Curry ova Martins head!
Hiya every one, hope ur all well!! I'm ok. I had a fun day 2day, my Gran, Auntie and baby cousin Chlöe came ova. We went clothes shopping first, i got 2 t-shirts and some really nice high heel boots there baby pink, baby blue and a cream colour. Very nice!
Then they came to mine for lunch YUMMY! lol ok shut up D!!!
O yea we went to asda to get sum auntie Rachel got Darius's new album and i got Daniel Bedingfields new single.
I'm still listenin to Good Charlotte tho, lol!
Then they went and i had to go to work (NOOOOOOOOOOO) not work!!!! HELP!
O well all night me and Aria were tellin Martin we would chuck curry all ova his head! (It was well funny). In the end i took a bowl with curry in and wraped the top with cleanfilm and put it ova his head. He really thought i was gonna chuck it ova his head, (I wouldn't do that!!! HA yea right!!) O well im not that nasty (really). O well it was kinda busy 2night but not to bad, it went really quick which was good. Now i jus have to look forward to workin 2mora night as well (HA).
O well cya all very soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
Crappy Computer
Hiya every one, hope ur all ok?
I Kool, sorry i aint been on in a while and i aint done ne more of my story but my Computer is really slow and i just cant b bothered with it.
My dad took it to PC World 2day to have it serviced but they didnt do much to make it betta. So here i am still stuck on the slow pc which let me on it 2day.
My Cousins came ova 2day. And i had a day off so i was well happy!!! I got 2mora and monday off from workplacement as well. And i got all week off work! Owen and Harry were playing on my PS2 when they came ova and they saw my snake eat his tea, they were well amazed by it! Owen now wants to see Wolf's Rain cuz i showed him the dvds i got of it! And Harry liks Yu-Gi-Oh!!! Wicked!
Jane my Auntie wast to sure about my snake she wouldnt touch it!!!
2mora my Gran, Rachel and Chlöe will be comin ova YAY fun fun fun. Chlöe loves my dog Cassy, she really wants a dog now. Shes only 3!!!! But shes so cute!
SO yea i cant wait for 2mora but i can wait for work 2mora night....noooooo i cant b assed to go to work!!!
O well sorry i aint been able to write any more to my story cuz i been so busy latly, i might have time over the weekend but i cant say if it will be enough!!!
O well hope ur all ok and havin a good week!! Whacha lot been yupto any thing nice?
O well cya lot soon...
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
Poor Kelz
Hiya everyone, Im really tired today. Dont help that i know i have a whole 2 weeks of workplacement at the stables comin up starting from 2mora.
NOOOOO lots of hard work and writin a diary for every day!!! i really coulnt b assed!
Las night i had work lik every saturday really, but las night was different, Kelz (Kay) came in a she looked really sad and she gave me a big hug den tld me her ass of a boyfriend had dumped her right out side of the college they go to infront of every one!
She looked about right to burst out crying, so i gave her a masive big hug. I feel really sorry for her cuz it was there 6th month anaversery on sunday or was it monday lol i cant memba now but he dumped her on tuesday.
Errr i hate him so much.
But the good news is he got dumped from DMR (there band) ha ha ha ha, in the band is.... Mike (kelz bro) on elc guitar, Rich on drums, and dan on elc guitar and they is gettin a new bass player his names Ricky and Kelz sing for them sum times but shes jus become there new Manager!!!! YAY GO KELZ!
Shes gonna bring in a cd they made wen they first started so i can copy it off and listen to it.
And im gonna go to sum of there gigs soon. They sound lik they is kool cuz they play, Rock, Heavey and punk!!! My faves!!!
I got Good Charlottes new album yesday!! God its lush!! I'm listenin to it at the mo!!!
O well hope ur all ok 2day and sorry no story up 2day cuz i aint had enough time to write ne more.... maybe 2mora...not sure yet.
O well cya all soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
Serinade's Secrets......Chapter 2

~Chapter Two~
That day walking home from school, Serinade had different things swimming around in her head, and then there were her friends talking to her but it was just going in one ear and out the other.
"Serinade are you even listening to me?" Pearl said waving her hand in front of Serinade's face.
"Pearl what are you doing?" Serinade said snapping out of her deep thoughts.
"You weren’t were you? Why are you always in your own little world these days, you never seem to be down here but always up here," Pearl said pointing to her forehead.
"Is there something troubling you?" Ria asked her stopping to sit down under a tall Willow tree.
Serinade joined her friend under the willow tree thinking for a while whether to tell them what was on her mind.
"No nothings troubling me." Serinade decided not to tell them.
"Yes there is." Pearl proclaimed, flicking her silvery purple locks behind her ear. "It's Marik, isn't it?"
"What do you mean it's Marik?" Serinade questioned looking up at Pearl as she did a little twirl.
"You’re in love Serinade. It's so obvious!" Pearl blurted out doing more of her silly little twirls.
"Is it true, do you really love a 7th year?" Ria asked looking at Serinade sceptically.
"No, he's my best friend is all." Serinade replied looking at her friends in amazement that they could ever think that. "How could you think that?" She asked getting up and walking into the sun.
"We saw you today after the fight, you know?" Pearl said winking at Serinade. "We saw the 'moment' you and Marik had."
"There was no 'Moment'," Serinade half screamed at them. "Look I’ve got to go; my mum said she would show me some more magick when I got home. I'll see you lot later." She said walking away from her friends amused faces.
'I don’t love him, I can’t love him. What if I do love him?' That’s all Serinade could her in her head, one small little voice. 'I can't, he's not the same as me. We come from different worlds. Well I do any way!'
'You’re not so different' came another voice inside her head; this voice sounded strange, not the normal voice she heard.
Serinade then realised she had been walking in the wrong direction to her home. "Go AWAY" she screamed out loud to the voices in her head. She fell to her knees as the voices in her head got louder and louder. "Stop it, just go away.....just go...awa...y." Her beautiful pale blue eyes had started crying those forbidden tears again and nothing could stop them, not even the hand she saw come into vision a few moments later. She couldn't tell who’s had it was but she sensed it was some one she knew. She lifted her head to see a blurred outline of a boy; she squinted to get a better look. She saw his dark brown hair, his soft brown eyes, she saw his kindly smile then she felt herself being lifted from her crouching position up onto her feet.
"Would you like me to walk you home?" Came the familiar soothing voice. "How did you get all the way over here?"
Serinade didn't know what to say. She didn't want him to know she had been thinking about him when she had lot all sense of direction and wandered off the wrong way, but that same strange voice told her otherwise.
"Just take me home," was all she could muster.
Marik gently put his arm around her waist to support her as she still felt shaky, she didn't even realise he'd done it until they reached her house. She jolted away from him quickly as soon as she felt his arm.
"What’s wrong?" Marik asked her as she looked at him.
"I don’t feel well, that’s all." She replied "Honest," she added just to convince him. To Serinade’s relief he was convinced and started walking away, she walked up to her front door when she heard "Hope you feel better soon, cya tomorrow."
She got into the house shut the door and ran to her room to find yet again it had changed colour. "Not again?!" she said to herself flopping down on her bed. This time it was grey like her mind, all misted over with fog not knowing what to think anymore. Serinade heard her door open, she turned around and to her amazement no one was there. She saw a blinding flash of light then noticed her room was now red 'like the colour of blood' the voice in her head told her.
'Blood?' She questioned the voice.
'Yes blood' the voice said back in an eerie way to make the hairs on your neck stand and a shiver run down your spine.
Serinade was now utterly confused. She could understand why her room had been grey but now the colour red, then it hit her in a sort of misted vision.
"What’s going on?" She heard someone scream in her head.
"Hello?" Serinade shouted back. "I can’t see anything. Where are you?"
"NOOOOOOO," Screamed the voice, shrill and deathly. All Serinade could see was a door, the door had a symbol on it but she couldn't quite make it out.
Serinade felt a cold trickle of cold sweat on her forehead, she had started to panic.
Well there ya go that was chapter 2. Sorry it took so long to put up.
Howz all yo ulot 2day den?
I'm good!!
A new guy came into college 2day, god hes so Fit!!!!!
And he said hi to me!!!! YAY :P
lol o...k
O well 2day was quite fun i had to feed and water a guinea-pig at college which was kool she was so cute!! I then had to clean out sum bird things, i have no idea what they was! oops nvm!
I been downloadin lots of Good Charlotte songs 2day god they are so kool!
O well i'll leave ya now, hope ya like my story so far, and thx for all your comments and to those who have signed my gb!
Cya all very soon
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Thx Luke

Thx to Luke for making this for me!!! Well proud!!!!
I'm Rank 1210, which aint to bad!
O well thx again to Luke!!!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
Comments (6) |
Monday, October 18, 2004
Serinade's Secrets Chapter One
Hiya every one, been at college 2day, wasn't to bad!! I got an email from a old friend 2day she seems to be having a good life and we might be meating up soon!! Will be fun!
O well i have a picture for you 2day of my dog Cassy a few days after her hair cut!

O well the rest of this post is of my story so ill cya later hope ya like my story so far!!! Comment to say whacha think!
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota

~Chapter One~
~Forbiden Tears~
"Serinade Wait." Came a troubled voice from behind Serinade as she was walking out of class. Serinade turned around to see the familier face of her best friends little sister Chihiro.
"Chihiro, what's wrong? Have you been crying?" Serinade questioned Chihiro.
"It's my brother, some one challanged him to a fight. But he's got his sword with him, i dont want him to get into anymore trouble with mum," Chihiro told Serinade with tears tricling down her pale skin. "You have to talk him out of it Serinade, if any one can it's you. You know how good he is fighting with a sword, no one stands a change against him."
"Ok ok, calm down. Show me where he's gone and i'll see what i can do to stop him. I promise!" Serinade said calmly to Chihiro who was now trying to force her tears to stop.
Half running Serinade followed her friend to where Marik was going to fight, the other not having a clue that Marik didn't intend to go easy on him. Serinade's long blonde hair started flowing in the stong wind that had picked up, she could tell they were coming close to the fighting ground. Chihiro stoped suddenly, then pointing to a group of people in a large circle with a very shaky hand. Serinade took hold of the shaky hand and started walking over to the group of teenagers. As soon as they got close Serinade could see Marik in the middle with his sword held up to a unknown guys neck. At this point Chihiro bust out crying shakying her hand vilently free from Serinade's and running back in the direction they had come.
Serinade did not go after her, she intened to keep her promise to Chihiro and try and stop Marik from the evil he might do. As she joined the spectators a boy from her class asked her "That guy, whats he going to do to Zac? It was ment to be a punch up not, win or die."
"I dont know? Has anyone tried to stop it?" Serinade asked looking at the boys frightend look on his face.
"No one dares to, he has a sword. Why does he have a sword?" The boy said now with a shake in his voice.
'Oh Marik what have you done?' Serinade thought to herself as Zac tripped over a stone and fell to the ground.
"You wanted a fight didn't you? Well? Dont just sit there." Marik said driving the sword down to Zac's neck again.
"MARIK, Stop it." Serinade shouted, pushing to get to the front of the group of people.
"Serinade?" Marik said in an uncertain voice looking around for the speaker.
"What are you doing?" Serinade now had tears welling up in her eyes, now not knowing what could have happend.
Marik droped his sword as soon as he saw Serinade standing infront of the group of people. He saw the glint of tears in her eyes. "Get up." Marik said staring at Zac who was trempling on the floor.
"I was only joking, i didn't mean the things i said Man." Zac said getting to his feet, all the time with his eyes glued to Marik's.
"Dont mess with me again, you hear?" Marik said pushing Zac on the sholder making him stumble back.
The group of people started to thin out as the shaken up Zac ran for his life. Marik started to walk over to were Serinade was standing with her head looking down at the ground.
Serinade saw Marik's feet come into view, then the soft touch of his hand on her chin turning her face to look into his soft brown eyes.
"I'm so sorry, Serinade. It's happened again hasn't it?! Marik said looking down into to her pale blue glowing eyes.
"Oh Marik, dont be sorry. It's in your blood." Serinade said taking hold of Mariks hand and moving it away from her face.
"But i dont want to turn out to be a killer like my father was, i dont want to hurt people. Especally not you, Serinade you have to believe me." Marik shuddered at the thought of his father. He tightened his grip on Serinades hand, not making any atempted to let go.
"Your sister Marik, she was so scared. I was so scared , i didn't know what you were going to do. The evil inside of you gets stronger everyday, you must try and control it." Serinade said looking away from Marik's soft and frightend brown eyes. Marik with his free hand gently moved some of her blonde hair away from her face, to reveal one silver tear falling from Serinade's tightly closed eyes.
"Marik, don't." Serinade said forcing him to let go of her hand. "Your sister needs you!" And with that Serinade started walking away with more of those forbiden silver tears escaping her mystical eyes.
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Serinade’s Secrets

For over thirty years an evil scheme had been plotted against a race known as Vallice, a race of powerful Witches and Wizards. They held a great power beyond belief, no other race could hold as much at once as it would destroy them.
To some Vallice are a feared race but to others they are equals. A race of Men known as Forcers were some of the few who did not fear, nor see Vallice as equals, but a threat to the world.
Vallice and the Forcers had declared war on each other 280 years ago. Until the war came to a sudden end 235 years later, when the Forcers current leader and most feared Forcers leader to ever walk the earth had been killed in action, by Aldin Kosh. Aldin Kosh was the leader of the Vallcinians and still is to this day.
As the rise of the new forcers leader; Depp Yasha who craved revenge for his fallen father. The evil scheme would be put into action as soon as the Blue Moon rises.
Well Hiya every one, That was the Prologue of my new story. Chapter one will be up soon.
I luv writing storys but i dont get many finished so if you like it and want to kno what happends yall jus have to bug me to write more. :P
O well hope your all ok 2day. I got another cold :( It's not fair!
Just been listenin to my new album, very good!!!
Well i hope you liked the start of my story, and i promise to write more. Sorry the prologue isn't longer!!
O well cya later
~Peace Out~
Luv Dakota
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