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myOtaku.com: Damion

Saturday, March 11, 2006

   New theme..

New Theme: One Piece. I got a suggestion for a One Piece theme, so here it is..only
thing is that I dont have many images for it..so if you all would be so kind as to give
or tell me where I can find One Piece images, it'd be ultimatly appreciated..
Anyway I'm still sick..(*sniffle*)my throat hurts and I lost my voice earlier durring
spanish class..then the teacher yelled at my side of the room for talking to much..and
especially pointed out where I was sitting..although I wasn't really talking seeing as I
had no voice..idk I just find it kind of ironic..well I am sorry for not posting but I have
been killing myself to finish my flash video for the school website..they make the
seniors produce the new site and run maintainence for a month or two and they
dont pay us..dumb bastards..(-_-)' ah well..lates for now..

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