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myOtaku.com: Damion

Monday, May 8, 2006

   Long post...but hey..
I apologize for my long absence�but as most of you know�I am having some troubles in my life right now. I have all these things to take care of and no time to do it in. Plus on top of that I might end up breaking up with my GF�something I don�t really want to do. We�ve had a lot of good times, but then there are always those bad times as well�well, they were because of her actions. Anyway�prom was nice�I wish we would�ve done something besides talk about our status and comment on other peoples� dress choice. It would have been nice to dance�but because of what was going on between us I didn�t even want to be there�It felt as if I was forced to be there because I had already paid for everything, and there were no refunds� and in total, I must have spent about 200 dollars, for the both of us�she just bought her dress. Not to mention her dad kept appearing out of nowhere along with the rest of her family�just walking in as if it was nothing� to check up on her� I hope she realizes exactly why and how I paid for everything�hoping to have a good time�but in the end, it was as if we had gotten together for coffee somewhere. Every one was all fancied up and looking great�I�ll probably put the few pictures we took on myspace later on�I only have one up right now and that is of myself after prom was over�I don�t think I looked that bad, but I felt like a damn ventriloquist dummy�ah well�the clothing was pretty comfortable. Basically I just wanted to leave�I asked her if she wanted to go to a movie instead�but then that would have caused her more problems with her parents�and I didn�t want that�Well I thank you guys for understanding and commenting, but for now I have to go and finish some Spanish hw that I have to turn in, in a little less than two hours�so I�ll post again later today if not tomorrow.. Laters�. -Damion-
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