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myOtaku.com: Damion

Thursday, May 18, 2006

   I guess the day is fine..
Nothing much going on right now..Just sitting in class messing with flash…I might make a flash game soon..not sure though..it would be a great addition to my E-Portfolio. I just need a good idea to go with, so if you guys have any Ideas, let me know…once it’s done I’ll put it up here for you guys to see…but keep in mind that flash videos take a long while to make..it is frame-by-frame animation after all.. as for the site, I think I have enough pics to have a Naruto theme for a bit..so That should be up either tonight or tomorrow…Lately I’ve been playing GTA3 a lot…I guess being able to walk down the street with a baseball bat and bashing the skull of the first person to randomly bump into you, helps a lot with stress…along with stealing, drag racing, and blowing things up…(^_^)..ah well..I’m off for now..Gonna see if I can find a place to dl(download) some skins.. Laters.. -Damion-
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