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volunteering at the hospital.
Real Name
Chibi-San ^.^
made it to 10th grade
Anime Fan Since
6th grade
Favorite Anime
Bleach, Trinity Blood, Meru Puri, FLCL, Naruto, Princess Ai, Re:Play, Vandread,Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, and Trigun
graduate highschool and go to New York City to be an art teacher
watching anime, surfing the web, and being an idiot
drawing, sleeping, and...uhhh...that's it
| Dancing Wolf
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy Independence Day!!!!
Today's been a pretty good day. We finally got our pool set up agian! It's freezing!!! Oh, and i finally got a myspace page, i got that a couple days ago...I love it! My URL is under the AIM thingy and if you wanna be my friend just PM me and let me know first.
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
current thought: i need a job
current mood: unknown
current song: Hallowed Be Thy Name
I really need a job cuz i need money. I'm tired of being broke...*sniff* i might start babysitting...i really don't know how that's gonna work out...i don't like kids so yeah...but i need the money. I'll get paid 100 bucks a week so that isn't too bad. I'm not sure when i'll start...i hope soon.
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Thursday, June 28, 2007
I'm bored...what's frickin' new?!?!!
current thought: could summer go by any frickin slower?!?!
current mood: bored
current song: Girls Girls Girls
Ugh!!! I'm really bored and i can't sleep. It's 1:00 in the frickin morning!!! I wanna go to sleep!!! *sits in floor pouting* I changed my site again i think it looks really good. Well i think i'm done cuz i really have nothing else to talk about...
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Friday, June 22, 2007
Summer sucks...
current thought: i'm so frickin' bored
current mood: bored
current song: Bodies
I'm bored, i have nothing to do. Even volunteering at the hospital has become a bore...there's nothing to do there. But i guess it's better than staying at home alone all day.
We had to drain our pool the other day cuz it was unlevel for some odd reason...hmph! So now we've been digging to make the stupid ground's alot of work too.
well i'm gonna go now...
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Paramore!!! XD

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Last day of school!
current thought: no more school! heck yeah!!!
current mood: hyper (sugar)
current song: Red Flag
OMFG!!! School is finally over!!! Well for me at least. Today was my last day of school but i didn't go. My friend is supposed to be over later to go swimming! I was out in my pool ALL day yesterday. I have bug bites all over me cuz i stayed out there so late. Yesterday i checked out from school to go help a friend stack hay...IT SUCKED! I hadn't had anything to drink all day and it was probably about 95 degrees. I came close to passing out cuz i'm a frickin tard. They took me home after about 3 loads and her dad threw me in the pool and went to talk to my mom and after i got out he busted out laughing at me. I was drenched...but it felt good. *sigh*
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
current thought: .......
current mood: content
current song: Insurance?
Hey guess what!!!! I passed my math SOL!!! I was so surprised!!! I passed by 4 points though...but who cares!!! All i care about is, i don't have to retake Geometry next year! Wooooooo!!!! Today has been awesome...i stayed in art ALL day today! I skipped all my other classes, it was soooo much fun. Anywho, i'm done babbling.
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Monday, June 4, 2007
current thought: life sucks
current mood: ticked off at the world
current song: Vampire Heart
Today has frickin' dragged on forever! I had to retake my math SOL today! I know i failed the thing again and i'm gonna have to retake the class again next year. I also had a health exam i'm pretty sure i did good on it. I'm so sleepy...*yawns*
I cannot wait to get out for the summer. I hate school anymore...i just have to wait til next tuesday. Then i get to start volunteering at the hospital again on the 19th. That's the one thing i'm actually looking forward to. I'll shut up now.
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Saturday, June 2, 2007
Hi ya!
current thought: i'm frickin' starving.
current mood: bored
current song: Crazy B**ch
Hey what's up?!?! It's been a long time since my last post. Nothing much has happened here lately...i failed my math SOL, which is a really big and important test that determines whether or not i have to take that class again. Thank goodness i'm able to retake it, but i also have to take an exam on top of that! Which is stupid! And we still haven't gotten our world geography test scores back and if we son't get 'em back in time we'll end up having to take an exam in that class as well. See if we pass the SOL's we don't have to take exams so yeah...
I'm going to a friend's pool party tomorrow hopefully, if i don't get in trouble (most likely i will). It's gonna be fun!!! I can't wait!
I changed my site again. I hope you like it!
Cya! XD
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
Boredom should fall in a hole!
Anywho, i'm bored so if ya'd like pm me and talk to me, i need to start making some more friends. Life for me anymore just sucks!
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