Dancing Wolf
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Okay somethin weird is going on cuz i don't have any PM's...either all my friends are mad at me or somethings wrong with my inbox thingy...Or everyone could just be busy...what are the chances of that though? Weird...
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Friday, October 20, 2006
I'm finally ungrounded!!! WoooooooHooooo!!! XD Yeah tomorrow i've got my guitar lessons, btw i've been taking them for bout two weeks now, i'm learning quite a bit! I can't wait til i can finally start playing and writing songs, that would be sooo cool! I kinda sound like a dork but i love my guitar! I've also changed my site again as you can see. So tell me watcha think!!!
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
It has really been a long time!
Sorry i haven't been on here lately to update my posts and sign your GB's, i got grounded again(not surprised are ya). Anywho i get to be in the homecoming parade 2morrow for the art club! We're doin a Tim Burton theme it's gonna be cool i'm gonna try to dress up like the Corpse Bride...that would be kewl.
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Monday, September 18, 2006
Hi everyone!
I just got home from school! WOOOOH!!! But i have homework in science and geography(yay.) Ya know i had to bust open the frickin door because my sister fell asleep and wouldn't open it!!! And even after making all that noise trying to get in she still didn't wake up!!! That's a scary thought cuz what if some strange dude breaks in without her knowing it and something happens to her! (I don't even wanna think about it *shudders*) I'm extremely tired. I got scared by my friend 33 times sad is that? He'll probably beat that record tomorrow...i'm so jumpy. TEE HEE! X3
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
Hi ya!
Today all i did was do chores...grrrrrr. I had to do laundry, mow the lawn, do the dishes, clean the living room and my room and that's bout it, i might have forgotten something but oh well! I go back to school tomorrow...duh! of course i go back to school tomorrow, everybody does! Leave it to me state the obvious! I'm really bored right now!!! And i'm sure you all are bored nearly to tears! So i guess i'll go!
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
Hi ya!
I didn't go to school Acid Reflux was acting up cuz i never take my medicine. I also went to the dentist all i had done was get my teeth cleaned and 2 of my back teeth sealed. I have absolutely no cavities, i've never had one before and i don't plan on getting one. I slept nearly all day cuz i didn't feel good and i took this medicine for my allergies and of course it knocked me out cold. I hope i can go back to school tomorrow.
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Hi ya!
Today has been a crazy day!!! We had a "bomb threat"!!! And what fun that was! It was so retarded!!! Me and my friends kept gettin in trouble by this stupid teacher who really was out to get us!!! She was watchin us the whole frickin time waiting for us to screw up!!! She was really ticked off! Hee Hee! It was funny.
Me and my friend are a lil bit better now, i'm not fighting with her anymore.
Which Naruto Guy Is For You? (pics in results)
 Sasuke Uchiha is your perfect match. He is from the legendary Uchiha clan and has the kekkei genki,Sharingan. He is super popular and sometimes cold, but you'll change all that no problem. Sasuke is super protective and will protect you no matter what. Take this quiz!

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Hi ya!
I changed my site ya like it? The theme is Kaoru. Cool Huh? Today's been pretty good, my friend is still on my very last nerve though...grrrrrr i wanna strangle her!
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Monday, September 11, 2006
Hi ya!!!
It's been a while hasn't it?! Today has been a really good day and this weekend was awesome!!! I stayed 3 days at my friends house, her house has become like my second home!!! My other friend was there too...she started to tick me off on the second day...she hit me in the face with a flippin volleyball!!! TWICE!!! So i pushed her down and puched the crap outta her! She's lucky that's all i did...
CYA!!! x3
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Thursday, September 7, 2006
Hi ya!
Today has been a really good day for me...well better than usual. There's a bug goin around the school and now everyone is puking and stuff. And now i'm afraid to go near anyone...Yucky germs!!! XP Also these preps sitting behind me in english class and i could tell they were saying something bout me, so i turned around and i was like "what the heck is your problem?!" After that they asked me how much i weighed...i told them i weighed 83 lbs. and then i was like "what of it?" Then one of 'em said that it was "unhealthy" that i weighed so little. I told them it was perfectly fine cuz i eat like a flippin race horse and i'm short so go figure. It also runs in my family. Other than that i'm hunky-dory!!!
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