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Well, you know that house you were always afraid to pass by alone when you were a kid? Yep, right there!
Member Since
Full time obsessive-compulsive
Real Name
I have achieved superior intelligence and sarcasm in this life, who knows the next?
Anime Fan Since
I have no idea, I think it was a bit after my obsession with Harry Potter, I had to focus my life completely on something else and I found an Inuyasha manga so, new obsession, there I was!
Favorite Anime
Rorouni Kenshin is my main thing right now, it's my life ^_^ ---- Oh and also, Death Note, Bleach, Trinity blood, Blood +, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Gravitation, Air, aaand more to come as I remember later!
To graduate with an advanced diploma, get in the Air Force, and study Criminal Justice.
Reading Stephen King books, drinking Vault, Drawing in my comic (which I will put up as soon as I figure out my scanner) writing stories/novels/poems, singing badly, dancing even worse (You should see me at parties, haha)
I have the annoying habit of being optimistic about everything, I listen very well I have been told, and I am a self-proclaimed narcicisstic. Yes, that is a talent. ^_^
| DancingxxDemons
Friday, March 30, 2007
Hmm, where to start today? How about with the big things in life coming up?
First: Half-day and my mom's birthday/April fool's day - Well, half-day is all good and mom's birthday is great! (I get cake! Woot!)but Aprils fool's day is the same day and my friends wanna hang out so we can have fun playing jokes on each other. Oh crike, they're the frigging worst.....
Second: I think y'all knew I was grounded. If not, well, I am. Until April 10th. Which ties in with my drill competition (Another one, not the last one. Oh, btw, my last one went extremely well, second place baby!) but this other one is on April 7th. Anyways, we have like a three-hour ride over to the comp. and I frigging NEED MY I-POD! Seriously! I can't stand being around people who are listening to music and there's me like "grrrrrr"..........So, I am gonna ask my father to pleaaaaase let me have my i-pod for that day before my punishment is over. Hopefully, he will :(
And then there's prom. I don't have a date becaus I seriously don't want one....I mean, geez, I am so disheartened as far as love goes, I just don't wanna deal w/ it, I wanna have fun!~
Okeys then, that's basically it. I had ROTC first class and we did P.T., now I'm in physics and somebody just broke my teacher's mug. Haha, it was kinda funny but sad cuz that was my favorite mug.
Random picture of the day:

So, that's me in the GIR shirt on the right and my little sister on the left. I told her, let's take a dramatic picture so look dramatic, and......she did that. Gotta love her :p
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