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Well, you know that house you were always afraid to pass by alone when you were a kid? Yep, right there!
Member Since
Full time obsessive-compulsive
Real Name
I have achieved superior intelligence and sarcasm in this life, who knows the next?
Anime Fan Since
I have no idea, I think it was a bit after my obsession with Harry Potter, I had to focus my life completely on something else and I found an Inuyasha manga so, new obsession, there I was!
Favorite Anime
Rorouni Kenshin is my main thing right now, it's my life ^_^ ---- Oh and also, Death Note, Bleach, Trinity blood, Blood +, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Gravitation, Air, aaand more to come as I remember later!
To graduate with an advanced diploma, get in the Air Force, and study Criminal Justice.
Reading Stephen King books, drinking Vault, Drawing in my comic (which I will put up as soon as I figure out my scanner) writing stories/novels/poems, singing badly, dancing even worse (You should see me at parties, haha)
I have the annoying habit of being optimistic about everything, I listen very well I have been told, and I am a self-proclaimed narcicisstic. Yes, that is a talent. ^_^
| DancingxxDemons
Monday, April 16, 2007
Okay, so, Spring break has passed. Today it's my first day back at school.
But seriously, I'm actually kind of glad to be back. I missed my best friends, missed the people around me making me laugh, and I missed the few good teachers that make my day.
Unfortunately, things happen over spring break with others that outrage/shock/anger me..... Like, my friend who shall remain anonymous got together with a guy I thought very nice when I met him. She flirted her way into getting him and now they're going out. Problem with that is, well, she's a wh**re. She flirts with whoever she can, she likes playing with guys and she also has this thing where in every case where the guy breaks up with her, she stalks him afterward. I don't mean, little stalking, I mean big-time-get-the-administrators-and-possibly-police-involved stalking. She goes thru phases see, she pretends she's sick and starts calling the guy at all times of the day and night, she pretends she's sick some more and goes to friends telling them how much of an a-hole her old bf was and how she's glad she's not with him and then finally she goes to him and keeps trying to hug him and kiss him as if they've never broken up to begin with....
Seriously, I fear for this guy, because eventually every boyfriend of hers realizes she's got nothing to offer except for maybe a good lay, and most guys she dates are decent so they're not into that, and when they get enough sense to break up with her, she goes stalker on them....
I actually think this guy deserves better so.....I am gonna talk to him. Warn him. Tell him to tread carefully around her anyways.
In other news, I've had a pretty good morning. My friends are as crazy as ever, they make me laugh a lot. Lunch is coming up. I have money today so I shall have to endure cafeteria food (::shudder::)...
OH! Big news for all those following: We had another drill competition this last saturday! It was great and at the same time, awful!!!! It was like 30 degrees farenheit out there, there was a high and mighty wind blowing, we were wearing only our uniforms which are the equivalent of jeans and a t-shirt for the good they did against the cold, and it was an outside competition. Really. The WHOLE DA** THING WAS OUTSIDE!!! I was too far gone from the cold to even focus on being nervous on the upcoming events. We won big time though:
- First place on Armed Comp.
- Second place on Unarmed and Inspection
Our hard work finally paid off, and we got big trophies and gahhhh, I was so cold but sooooo happy! We even beat our rival school at this! It was great!
And on lesser news, there's this guy I like. He's a freshman (I know, I know....) but he sounds like a very outspoken and individualistic person. He has amazing blue eyes, the cutest birthmark on the left side of his lips and yeah, I have a thing for him now ^_^
That's all, I guess.... Oh, right, here come some aviies!:

Also, have a link:
This is a webcomic, it features some sentimental yaoi But also funny plots and twists, crazy creatures and a weird acceptance rate of a 100%!
Seriously, this is my life right here, I have been following since the beginning, okay, scratch that, since before the beginning when the author was doing the other webcomic called "Boy meets boy"
So seriously, check it out. :) I'm gonna go and uh, pay actual attention to my class now. Hehe, byes!
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